
Let's just get straight to the point.

Tbh their debut was weak af.

I expected more...waaayy more (don't lie you did too) i mean they took SOOOO LONG TO FINALLY DEBUT and when they released My Type i was disappointed because it was a slow song but i did like it because it was catchy, and besides it was just a 'warm up' song so obviously i had high expectations for their other songs.

I thought they would punch us in the face with swag and hip hop but they didn't.

Only rhythm ta is upbeat, but it sounds like a cheap version of good boy...

I like rhythm ta and my type the most but none of their songs really blew me away...


and as EXPECTED (unfortunately) it was B.I & Bobby feat. junhoe again...let's not even talk about chanwoo lol


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wryhun #1
I agree with this entire comment so much. I was all hyped up for something amazing - and now...
I like the songs but like u said, it was pretty weak. How long have we waited? 3 years? Or is it just 2? Anyways, we've waited for quite a bit now and yes, I was also expecting a hard-core swag stuff that shows their awesome talent and dance skills. And the end bit, so goddamn true that it's sad :/
I see no lies...*sigh*
You took the words out of my mouth. I feel like I've waited this long for nothing and to me, everybody just called it a "warm up" to find an excuse for how bad it actually was.