✖ TROUBLED TRIALS : jeo jiwoo ❞


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name jeo jiwoo
nickname/s none
birth date 14 july
age seventeen [17] :~)
birthplace seochu, seoul, south korea
hometown auckland, new zealand

ethnicity full korean
nationality new zealanders
`korean / fluent / native language
`english / fluent / raised in new zealand

face claim kim mingyu of seventeen
back up im jaebum of got7

height 185 cm
weight 68 kg

appearance his intimidating facial features will give that bad boy aura around him, especially when he is not smiling. but in real life, he is just another boy who craves for love. his body is well-toned but not too-toned due to the sports that he does. he has a tanned skin, which he thinks it's attractive and dull at the same time. his hair is dark brown and one thing he likes about it that it rarely styles itself up when he wake up from sleep which is easier for jiwoo to manage his hair

(+) //
supportive, reliable, patient, imaginative, observant, enthusiastic, loyal, diligent
(-) // too humble, introvert, secretive, sensitive, too altruistic
" helping you is my duty " : jiwoo is a universal helper, sharing his knowledge, experience, time and energy with anyone who needs it, and all the more so with friends and family. jisoo is the type to strive for a win-win situation, choosing empathy over judgement whenever possible
" if i can protect you, i will " : jiwoo takes no when trouble comes. he will stand at the front, protecting the others. honestly, he will do anything for the boys, even when he has to harm himself. to him, his priority is the boys, not himself.
" things can't be rushed, just trust me " : rather than offering sporadic, excited rushes that leave things half finished, jiwoo is meticulous and careful, taking a steady approach and bending with the needs of the situation just enough to accomplish his end goals. jiwoo not only that things are done to the highest standard, but often go well beyond what is required.
" hey, are you alright? " : jiwoo is very imaginative, and use this quality as an accessory to empathy, observing others' emotional states and seeing things from their perspective. with his feet firmly planted on the ground, it is a very practical imagination, though they do find things quite fascinating and inspiring.
" don't do things half-assed " : when the goal is right, jiwoo takes all his supportive, reliable, imaginative sides and apply it to something he believes will make a difference in people's lives - whether fighting poverty with a global initiative or simply making a customer's day.
" don't expect me to sit down, wasting time " : given a little time, this enthusiasm grows into loyalty - this often forms an emotional attachment to the ideas and organizations he has dedicated himseld to, 
" a-ah, thank you... " : the meek shall inherit the Earth, but it's a long road if they receive no recognition at all. this is possibly jiwoo's biggest challenge, as he is concerned with others' feelings that he refuses to make his thoughts known, or to take any duly earned credit for his contributions. his standard for himself is also so high, knowing he could have done some minor aspect of a task better, he often downplays their successes entirely.
" ah no, it's nothing " : jiwoo has trouble seperating personal and impersonal situations - any situation is till an interaction between two people, after all - any negativity from conflict or criticism can carry over from their professional to their personal lives and back again.
" i'm okay, really " : jiwoo is private and very sensitive, internalizing his feelings a great deal, much in the way that jiwoo protects others' feelings, he must protect his own, and this lack of healthy emotional expression can lead to a lot of stress and frustation.
" i'm not satisfied enough " : his strong senses of duty and perfectionism combine with this aversion to emotional conflict to create a situation where it is far too easy for jiwoo to overload himself - or to be overloaded by others - as he struggles silently to meet everyone's expectations, especially his own. 
" it's okay, really " : this is all compounded and reinforced by jiwoo's otherwise wonderful quality of altruism. being such warm, good-natured people, he is willing to let things slide, to believe that things will get better soon, to not burden others by accepting their offers of help while their troubles mount unassisted.

jiwoo is born in a filthy rich family. not surprised because his parents owned a chain of glamourous 5 stars hotels all over the world. everyone must expect a rich kid to clubbing, having fun, dating and dumping girls, right? well, not for jiwoo. being an only child and having parents that was always flying overseas or locking themselves up in their office rooms, he is very lonely. jiwoo never go to club, hitting on girls, drinking, socialize and all that s. he isn't fond of talking in front of strangers and never good with words. sometimes he felt like nobody cares about him, nobody loves him, nobody worries about him, except for the maid, mrs. soo for served for the jeo family for almost 20 years, even before jiwoo is born. but to jiwoo, mrs. soo did it just because of money. to him, no one but no one cares about him.

when he was 6, they moved to new zealand, due to his parents' new project. he honestly didn't care because it would stay the same, no friends and such but slightly scared if he can't adapt into the new environment well, which he did. and at school, he's a teacher's pet, a straight a's student, an athlete, you name it. but he never made any friends. technically he made one, shin jungho but jiwoo dumped(lmao) him after jungho molested jiwoo. yes, jungho was gay. jiwoo knows it but he didn't expect his own friend had the gut to do that to him. after that incident, rumours spreaded around like a fire at school 'omg do you know that a student caught jungho kissed jiwoo? i bet jiwoo must enjoy it'. but his parents didn't let jiwoo explain himself, his father caned him for being a and bring a shame towards the jeos. since that moment, jiwoo became depressed, has a trust issue and started to cut himself. he didn't came to school anymore. his parents hired a tutor to homeschool him instead. he never talked to anyone inside the house and tried to commit suicide, which failed because the doctor managed to take out the insect repellent seconds before it spreaded all over his body.

trivia any random facts about your character. likes, dislikes, hobbies, ` he is an expert when it comes to medication. the doctor of the team.
` he is allergic to wasps' stung
` he plays almost all of sports ever existed and excels in archery and sprints
` he really hates lightning
` he has a talent in sculpturing
` he is quite good in cooking
` he always wear rosary bracelet
` he is a catholic
` he loves to eat, that explains his height
` he could pass as the mom of the gladers

username seventeentrasheu
alias nad
activity rate 8 out of 10

comments i am a big fan of the maze runner (dylan <3) i literally screamed when i saw this yesterday lmao. i love you for making this lovely fic < 3 and i strongly suggest you to watch the scorch trial!
suggestions (i don't have any idea LOL will add more in the future)
` jiwoo leashes his motherly side to the gladers





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-baymax #1
omg i have wonwoo for a faceclaim-
meanie? :D *bricked*