The Dark Side of Street Racing - Apply

Application Form


AFF Name: --icecream--

AFF Profile:

How often are you online?I’ll be online about everyday or maybe once in a few days. It really depends on school.


 Character Info:


Birth Name: Park Jin Yong (Korean) / Ryuji Tsukiyomi (Japanese)

Nicknames: (please explain why you have them, and who gave them to you max 3)

(1) Yong~ - that’s what his girlfriend calls him.

(2) Ryu – Short for Ryuji. Its what his friends call him.

Birth date: (dd/mm/yy) 25/12/94

Age: (no younger than 16 NO EXCEPTIONS!) 18

Nationality: (please don't go crazy, at least be part Korean)Half Korean Half Japanese

Birthplace: Biei, Hokkaido, Japan

: (male/female) Male

ual Orientation: (straight/biual/gay/) Male

Height: (cm) 177cm

Weight: (kg) 58kg

Personality: (max. 1-2 paragraphs, please make it descriptive, interesting and original) Humorous is an adjective to describe Jin Yong. He is great at making jokes and lifting up moods. He can cheer others up almost instantly. Yet, although he is the joker, he can be quite an evil prankster sometimes. He pranks those who are close to him. So if you get pranked by him, you know that he trusts you. A lot of people get pranked by him since he is very sociable. He is able to make friends easily but he only calls people whom are worthy of being trusted his real friends. He is usually calm and thinks before acting but with his girlfriend, he becomes rash. He loves skinship and often does it with his girlfriend.

\Jin Yong gives off the impression of a cold but hot loner during first meetings. On second meetings, he becomes he usual self though. He is an excellent and skilled fighter who is capable of bringing down people twice his size. He is also quite clever and is able to hack into some known-to-be-hack-less computers. This is two reasons why girls are in love with him, other than his hot-ness. Girls call him ‘cool’ for his loner personality in school. He knows how to please ladies and make them do whatever he wants them to do. A flaw of his is obstinacy. He doesn’t change his mind easily. When he is angry, he is really scary. He uses violence and doesn’t really think about the problem(s). When he is sad, he either talks to his twin alone or just ignores others.

Likes: (min 5 - max. 8)

(1) Skinship

(2) Pranking others/Joking

(3) Playing games (especially Starcraft)

(4) Fried rice, ice cream, milkshakes and pizza

(5) Sleep

(6) Music

(7) Surfing the net/Updating his twitter or Facebook

(8) The colour sapphire

Dislikes: (min 5 - max. 8)

(1) Hospitals/Clinics

(2) Aegyo dolls

(3) People who hurt his loved ones

(4) Sour food

(5) Vain/Irritating/Two-faced people

(6) Messy places (he isn’t a clean freak though)

(7) Mushy-ness

(8) Homework

Hobbies: (max. 9)

(1) Surfing the net/Updating twitter of Facebook

(2) Training his fighting/racing skills

(3) Pranking others

(4) Texting/Calling his girlfriend

(5) Playing outdoor games/video games

(6) Collecting weapons

(7) Going to the gym

(8) Racing

Habits: (min. 4 - max. 9)

(1) Smirking rather than smiling

(2) Teasing others

(3) Drinking green tea instead of water

(4) Greeting others with ‘Hey-o!’

(5) Saying ‘Peace!’

(6) Doing skinship with his girlfriend – such as hugging or kissing on cheeks

(7) Carrying some small weapons around



Ulzzang/Model Name:Oh Jung Kyu

Pictures: (4-6 Links) one | two | three | four | five | six

Back-Up Ulzzang/Model Name: Park Hyung Seok

Any Tattoos/Piercing?(max 6 links!)

(1) one on each ear Helix Piercing

(2) one on each ear Rook Piercing


My Style:

(Please use links from Polyvore for your clothes styles)


Casual: (4-5 Links) one| two| three| four| five

Formal: (4-5 Links) one|two| three| four| five

Night Out (Clubbing/Races): (4-5 Links)one//two| three| four

Home: (4-5 Links) one | two| threefour| five


More About Me:


What Gang/Family are you in (please put an x in the box of the family you chose):

La Familia ((Male & Female Applicants)): {XXX}

The Son’s of Chaos ((Male Only)): {}

The Untouchables ((Female Only)): {}

Your Car:(Links and name max 2)

(1) Motorcycle – Aprilia Dorsoduro 1200

(2) Car - Hennessy Venom GT

High Schooler/ College Student/ Graduate/ Drop Out/Working Man or Woman: (Please give info on where you work if you work or what your lkike in school if you go or both) High Schooler – He studies in Shinhwa High School. He’s one of the kingka there because of his hot-ness and good looks. He doesn’t pick on nerds. In school, he acts cold to everyone. He thought this would get his fans away from him but no, the result was the opposite. It gained him more fans.

Trivia: (min 9 max 12, please make it exciting and interesting)

(1) He’s mind works faster than normal human beings. Meaning that what seems like 1 second to others, seems like 30 seconds to him.

(2) He recovers quicker than others

(3) He has a photogenic memory

(4) He doesn’t have an alchohol limit – he can keep on drinking til morning and not get drunk

(5) Blasts music through his headphones which his has on everyday

(6) He sleeps with his girlfriend sometimes

(7) He likes to mimic sounds (any sounds, even voices)

(8) Animal just come to him naturally

(9) He likes to tease or torture his enemies before killing them

(10) He is good at multi-tasking (He can watch anime, eat lunch and do his homework all at the same time)

(11) He likes to speak in different languages just to annoy others


Personal Background:


Family Members:(Name/Age/Living or dead/Occupation/What your relationship with each other is like)

@ Park Chang Hee / 56 / Dead / Teacher / Father = He was a really caring and nice man. He was funny and sociable.

@ Ayumi Tsukiyomi / 54 / Dead / Chef / Mother = Sometimes, she would act like a obssessed-with-actors-and-handsome-men-teenager.  She was a caring and understanding woman who gave wise advice.

Tell Me About Your Childhood:(long and descriptive please, and not everyone needs to have a tragic life) The family lived in Biei, Hokkaido, Japan since the birth of the twins. The family had held onto a ‘rich status’. ‘A teacher and a chef is rich? No way!’ you might think. Well, the mother was a world-famous chef and the father was an excellent teacher who could get your child to pass his exams with full marks. Many people sought after them, paid them so they could taste the food she made or get their child tutored by him. He had a fun childhood in Biei, witnessing the different colours across the field during spring and running around in the pure white snow in winter. He enjoyed their childhood. Although the mother had been working in the kitchen since she was 19, accidents are bound to happen. When Jin Yong was 8, his mother got involved in a fire accident in the restaurant. His mother died. The family sank into depression. Without their wife/mother, it was really weird. Nobody nagged at them, nobody gave advices, nobody stared at posters of hot guys til their husband found out and scolded her. He was still able to cope with the depression but not their father, Slowly, their father got more and more depressed as seconds went by. I mean, he had loved his wife dearly. A month passed and his depression finally got better. But something else just had to happen. The father got lung cancer in its third stage. He took the advice of going for treatment even though there was only a 20% chance of killing the cancer. Jin Yong took this bravely, he wanted to be brave for their father. The fourth cancer treatment session went by and the doctor said there was no more hope. Instead of killing the cancer cells, the treatment had made his condition worse. Eventually, the father died. All that was heard was Jin Yong crying silently and the beeeeeep sound of the moniter that indicated a death. He returned to Korea when he was 10 and was found sleeping at an alley by the Head of La Familia, Jung Ji Hoon. He ‘adopted’ Jin Yong. even though he was just 23 then.

What’s life with your Gang/Family like? Life in the gang/family is awesome. He gets to be with his newly-found family and enjoy time with them.

What’s your Role In The Family? He’s the ‘main fighter’ in the gang and the awesome brother of the family.


Love Life:


Partner:(can be OC or an Idol, please pick your top 3) OC

You MUST choose from the idols already listed. If you choose an idol in a group we have not included we may ask you to change your application or ignore it completely. This also goes for those you choose as friends. Thank you.

Her/His Personality:(1-2 paragraphs, don’t make it too long!) She is a understanding person and is very patient. She is positive and caring towards her loved ones. She seems nice and yes, she is. This nice image of hers might make you think that she is gullible. She isn’t. She likes solving puzzles such as Rubik’s Cube and is also quite a sly girl. She has another Drama Queen personality where she exaggerates almost everything. This makes some people dislike her. However, being positive, she doesn’t mind those sarcastic comments. She’s loud and hyper, the reasons why she and Jin Ae are good friends.

How long have you been together?(If you haven’t met yet please say so) They’ve been together for about two months already.

How did you meet? (1-4 sentences!) She was running away from some drunkards who wanted to her and bumped into Jin Yong. He had just finished giving some people a lesson. He helped get the drunkards away by a few punches and kicks.


Social Life:


Best Friends:(min1 - Max. 3 and state, which group they are in)

(1) Cho Kyuhyun – La Familia (Super Junior)

Their Personality:(make it short for each of them!)

(1) Cho Kyuhyun - He’s an evil prankster who loves Starcraft. Being a prankster, he’s quite smart in having to think of all those pranks. He’s a caring guy to his loved ones.

How did you meet them?(Keep it short!) Being in the same gang/family, they knew each other of course. They became best friends through pranking others.

Friends:(min.2 - Max. 4 and state which group they are in)

(1) Nicole Jung – The Untouchables (KARA)

(2) Yong Junhyung – The Mob (BEAST)

(3) Son Gain – The Untouchables (Brown Eyed Girls)

(4) Choi Seunghyun – The Race Master

Their Personality:(make it short for each of them!)

(1) Nicole Jung - She may look charismatic and nice but she’s actually very scary. She doesn’t like it when her loved ones get hurt.

(2) Yong Junhyung - He is another cool friend of Jin Yong. He is fierce and very charismatic. He cares for others silently.

(3) Son Gain – She is fiesty and gets angry easily although she likes to tease others. She can be sweet and nice.

(4) Choi Seunghyun – He gives off the impression of serious and maybe even charismatic but in actual fact, he is nothing like a serious person. He is flirty and has an unclean mind. He is very well organized and wants respect from people around him. He is really just a hilarious and dorky guy. They sometimes flirt with other girls together.

How did you meet them:(Keep it short!)

(1) Nicole Jung - They met in club. She was totally drunk and just vomited on Jin Yong. He brought her back to his house since she had passed out.

(2) Yong Junhyung – They met during a race. Junhyung had tried to ram into Jin Yong but failed. It was the first time his ‘ramming trick’ failed so he wanted to know more about Jin Yong.

(3) Son Gain – She was introduced by Nicole to Jin Yong.

(4) Choi Seunghyun – They met at the races. He had seen how Jin Yong had avoided Junhung’s ‘ramming trick’. He had though nobody could dodge that sly trick of his until Jin Yong appeared. He wanted to get to know more about Jin Yong so they chatted for awhile and became friends.



Anything extra you want us to know about you or your character? Nope.

Any ideas for your role in the story? None.

Would you like between you and your Partner? Not really. But I’m fine if there is.

Password: COOKIES!!~ (His stare is so hottt~ LOL.)



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