Found it on Tumblr and liked it so....  here we go~~~

A - Age
: 19

B- Biggest Fear: not being able to achieve my dream, losing my loved ones

C - Current Time: 7pm

D - Drink You Last Had: red bull xD or does Milk from cereals count?

E - Easiest Person To Talk To: my mother and my best friend :)

F - Favourite Song: I have so many favourite songs, I really can´t choose... but here are a few:
Thunder from EXO (honestly almost every EXO song) , Seventeen - Later Later cover, Red Velvet - Huff n Puff ...

G - Grossest Memory: I´m a nursing student, everything that has to do with throwing up is gross to me, I just can´t handle the smell :(

I - In Love With: too many korean guys,... one can´t just choose one bias xD  

J - Jealous Of: Fans who can see their biases, people who are not lazy xD

K - Killed Someone?: not yet xD .. jk, no I haven´t​

M - Middle Name: I don´t have one :(

N - Number of Siblings: none

O - One Wish: a long life to my loved ones

P - Person Who You Last Called: my mother

Q - Question You’re Always Asked: “Are you German? Causé you sound like one" "What´s K-POP?" ...

R - Reason To Smile: I made my driving licence today :))))

S - Song You Last Sang: Seventeen - later later cover (Joshuas voice is heaven, as well as Hoshis)

T - Time You Woke Up: 8 am

U - Underwear Colour: black

V - Vacation Destination: anywhere with my friends

W - Worst Habit: biting my nails, not being able to stop watching youtube videos ("just one more") , being lazy

X - X-Rays You’ve Had: chest

Y - Your Favourite Food: chinese food, self made by mom

Z - Zodiac Sign: Aries


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