Heechul's Hair!!

Heechul just posted on Instagram that he wants to grow his hair out again. I am appalled by all the negative and hate comments his post has. People are flipping out and telling him he shouldn’t do it and that he looks bad with long hair. 
What is wrong with you people?!😡😡
If long hair makes him happy, you should support that. Sending him negative comments hurts him and his views on his fans. I don’t care if he wants to shave his head or grow it past his knees! It’s his head!
Stop hurting Heechul OPPA!! You do know that he cried when they cut his hair off?!? He loves his long hair. Shouldn’t you want to see him smile, not cry!!!
I’m ashamed of all of you..,


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sishasy #1
Whatever he looks,I still appreciate.. As long as it's make him happy. And no matter what he is still look handsome and awesome ;-)
sishasy #2
Whatever he looks,I still appreciate.. As long as it's make him happy. And no matter what he is still look handsome and awesome ;-)
He looks so good in both and real fans would support both desicions,i am also ashamed by how people are acting :/
He's most gorgeous with his pretty black hair. Such hurtful wenches. I saw those comments. I was sure to leave good pro long hair compliments for him .
i thought everyone loved his long hair wtf

heechuls long hair gives me life ugh stupid haters
I actually like him with long hair more but if he decides to get it cut (whenever) that's fine too!
I miiiiight have an issue with him shaving himself bald but even IF he would do that, I would never ever start hating on him. That is so stupid. It's okay to disagree but not to hate or say mean things.
what the . i honestly liked his long hair, i thought he looked cool. but a lot of people just expect idols to bow down to whatever the fans want them to do instead of making their own decisions. it . :(

...i'm so tempted to make an instagram account just to go write him some nice comments now :P
People are so rude! It's his hair. End of story.