
Guys pls help how do long distance relationships work I donot understand. I met this guy online and after like two weeks of talking to each other he asked me out so I said yeah cuz why not but now I'm like so confused. It feels weird to have a boyfriend you've never met. #wayoutofmycomfortzonehere

I asked him how long distance relationships work and he was like 'like a normal relationship but one of you is on a super long vacation.' Alright well the one relationship I had I like, never even got asked out, just everybody knew we liked each other, and we only ever went on one date in our 4-5 months 'together' so that didn't help me. And then everybody else says Skype, like okay....but how does it work? I don get it. You can definitely like somebody you've never met and I think you can love them, but like its so weird. I'm sorry it's 2 in the morning and Two days ago and yesterday was a marching band trip and it was super exhausting and I am so drained rn tbh (jessiehaveyouseencooopersstorysageisinsane)



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