ㅤㅤㅤ☇ ㅤ한시영 ♥ — 부승관 (FINISHED *HYPERVENTILATES*)

NATALIE ♥ 10/10
FULL NAME han siyoung (한시영)
1:00 (한시) – if soonyoung's 10:10, then siyoung's 1:00. hansi (한시), the first 2 syllables in her name can mean 1:00 in korean, so... she's clock buddies with soonyoung? "1:00!" "10:10!" "wut" confused seokmin is confused
 the final jeju kid (학교에 최종으로 온 제주 애) 
– seungkwan always felt that he was really, really special because he was from jeju island, but then siyoung originates from there as well. there is no way seungkwan would let her get attention, so he calls her the "final" jeju kid since she's probably one of the only 2 students from jeju island, and he calls himself the "original" so he can look better... somehow. siyoung could care less about seungkwan making all sorts of nicknames for her while she's just chilling in the corner. 
 han, si, young, si to the young, you, that girl, hey! miscellaneous things people call her, can be used by friends, can be used by strangers alike. nat was too lazy to try writing all of these in hangul.
BIRTHDATE  july 11th, 1998
BIRTHPLACE  jeju, south korea
HOMETOWN jeju, south korea
ETHNICITY 1,000,000% korean oops
korean (native and fluent) –  korean was her first language and she pretty much lived in an island in south korea for 17 years now how the heck can she not be fluent lol
english (basic to conversational-ish) –  she doesn't particularly at english since she luckily catches up with everyone in english class, but she isn't super dedicated to the subject like some people. therefore, she just knows the english she learns, and doesn't speak it until it's english class. yet, she doesn't like speaking it either cos it makes her seem less intelligent than she seems, according to herself.

FACE CLAIM  jine of oh my girl girl crush
BACKUP  mijoo or yein of lovelyz
siyoung is quite tall, standing at a good 170 cm, which makes jihoon depressed "i seriously need to grow" "jihoon it's fine". she has long  brown hair. the brown color is from hair dye, obviously, cos it's too brown to be true. her eyes are fairly big without double eyelids, and she particularly can't be considered stick-skinny, for she's a little chubby on the cheeks. she just literally has a round structured face, unlike the v-line koreans want, but who cares? school isn't an ulzzang universe unless you're mingyu and his hoard of fangirls tbh
 siyoung's makeup always consists of eyeliner, mascara, and pink eyeshadow. hot diggity dang, her school uniform proves that she's worthy of wearing makeup to school, but isn't really because she wants to wear it to look pretty in front of erts guys, but to keep the image of fairy queen in front of the others.
she hates her skirt omg. like she literally doesn't want people to see her like what the actual heck is wrong with school smh. being girly is one thing, but being ty is not. siyoung somehow manages to sew her school skirts over various tutus that come in colors from light yellow to neon orange to idk every color of the dang rainbow. the tutus are a little longer than knee-length and thankfully, her can't be seen. it's kawaii to the finest. she literally looks like this giant fairy when walking around inside and outside of school and earns lots of stares equally. does she care? no.

school uniforms, according to the shoujo mangas that some people talk about in the hallway, are supposed to be cute and are in backgrounds of pink and bubbles and romantic music and stuff. the end. so she makes her uniforms fun and cute, but when she steps outside of school, it is nowhere near barbie inspired princess costumes. whimsical, colorful, and unique, her style reminds those of the korean night markets in hongdae, for it's flashy and totally makes her stand out from others. don't even ask when sparkles flake out of her clothes, bruh. her clothes are more about the aesthetic than the actual comfortability.

(+) creative, witty, generous, convincing, courageous
(-) two-faced, rebellious, overbearing, aggressive, manipulative

(inspired by two of my most favorite characters of all time, yet they can clash a lot lol)


"formula formula moremula moremula" ~vernon in "lotto"

yes, like this... quote, that can pretty much summarize the outer demeanor of siyoung, she likes ideas. she likes strategy, and she likes to think of things all day in her head, in her own little world where everything can go how she wants it to be. she always tries to find ways out, even if it can be risky. 


in the public eye, siyoung is an artsy little geek that everyone wants to be partners with cos she does 99.9999% of the work. no, honestly, she's creative, dreamy, and bubbly in general. she can turn a boring speech into a musical, and turn a $15 dress from h&m to something worth $15,000, got it? she's always peering into the distance looking for a victim in loss of creativity to save, and she gets her magic wand and bibbidi-bobbidi-boos the problem out. the first word you would describe siyoung with is creative. she's the first one to get out of her box and start innovating with new ideas, which is why she's the ultimate cheatsheet to projects lol

she likes to look out for others, apparently. sometimes in her second seat in the fourth column, she would look for people in need of help, and then she would pop up and save the day, or at least how she sees it. she's quite generous, apparently, and likes to see others facing good because of her.

somehow she's witty and charismatic enough to convince people to follow what she wants. maybe it's because most of the works she presents to people are absolutely magnificent, but she is quite convincing and has a way of sliding through everything, respectively. did siyoung break a glass? yeah, she did, but she would just straight up find the perfect excuses to slip out of it without hesitation. siyoung is the first person to take the first step at everything. in other words, she's quite courageous and extroverted, ready to try anything outside of her own limits. most people would think that she's quite a dreamer, but that's not always the case, of course.

because most of this can be an illusion.


okay so maybe her outer demeanor is different from that of her actual self. yes, she still has that inner soul within her wearing that frilly tutu. but don't be surprised when she actually rips that tutu wide open and reveals a pair of leather shorts or something. 


the attention she got over the years because of how splendid her brain is turned her to think that she's some sort of princess of creativity. a prodigy, really. quite overbearing, isn't it? her thoughts are in fantasy worlds, and so is her language. she can speak in sarcasm and wit of all sorts, and she isn't afraid to go at you if you're doing something incredibly stupid in her eyes. once you go against her rules, she will come at you cos she's one aggressive student getting ready to fight. 

oh and how she keeps that demeanor if she would grab someone's collar the next moment? remember, she's really, really convincing, so she would make up something along the lines of "i had a bad mood today," and then everyone would just dumbly nod their heads and a bell would go off in siyoung's head, cos she literally controls 30 students like a boss. she practically bullies everyone, but everyone just shakes it off like it wasn't a big deal.

honestly, she's quite a threat if you think about it.

oh yeah, she is quite creative, but her creativity comes from her rebelliousness and her hate of rules. she is the total rulebreaker, i tell you, yet she still gets away with it with her innocent demeanor and craftiness with her words. when you least  expect it, she would be out somewhere decorating a classroom in ribbons with soonyoung, yet she would pretend that nothng happened. and god gives siyoung a free pass through while everyone else is looking for who made spider webs of rainbow colored bows all over the place. she can be quite calculating with her generosity as well, just to use people to get the juiciest information out of them, but at times, her generosity can be for good cos she likes making herself happy and seeing others happy because of what she did. hey, everyone has a nice side as well.

people who know her well know that she can kill someone without hesitation tbh and how manipulative the girl is inside, most of time trying to catch the next one to convince and control.

tl;dr: happy, artsy kid helping the whole world, but the closest ones know that she's a manipulative girl. (did that rhyme kill me)

 han siyoung was born on july 11, 1998 in jeju island, south korea. eh, it was summertime, and it was absolutely sweltering outside since it's like summer, yet siyoung doesn't really remember it. siyoung didn't have much of an interesting past despite her personality. well, her mom and dad were both police officers? but that was it, really. maybe it was because of their strictness and all, but siyoung was born to try something a little more different wink wonk

leaving siyoung at home with a babysitter was the worst idea ever cos her parents never got to witness siyoung becoming much more mischievous without the guidance of her two busy parents catching guilty robbers and all sorts of terrible people when one's pretty much born to them. the babysitter gave up on her job and a lot more babysitters needed to come in, but she always got them somehow. let's just say one had her finger stuck in a mouse trap.

siyoung was a big star at elementary school because of how much recognition she got for her creativity and artistic talent. sooner or later, the talents covered her weaknesses and imperfections. did siyoung like that? heck yeah. she was able to slip out of situations when it was pretty much her fault since then, since everyone expected her to be in this perfect position. oh, and boy did she learn tons about dishonesty and the power of being able to control since here. she always looked sweet and nice in front of the teachers, but inside, she was bittersweet and had a smirk on her chubby-cheeked face.

siyoung transferred to hongdae, seoul, south korea this year because of parents' promotions in the police industry. she enrolled in yonghwa high this year and introduced herself in her pretty little tutu about how she came from jeju island and all that. not did this only start a nemesis, but there were more adventures for this angel-devil hybrid in high school.

her parents are still busy with police stuff, but she can manage on her own, now. she sits besides boo seungkwan in class, or the person that has the most tension with her atm. however, she just likes to run to the back of the classroom and talk to soonyoung, who's equally just as annoying as her, just except she gets the better end of the rod. seokmin would just be staring at them and laughing with them cos his twin is there too and they're pretty much all having fun along with yedam, who sits nearby. other times, siyoung would be talking to other classmates who are struggling while taking mental notes about them while helping them with some advice ofc. class would start, and she would return to her desk while ms hwang takes attendance, and then everyone would start studying a mountain load of information to stuff in her brain.

siyoung is talkative, but she doesn't yell and scream loudly during class cos that's incredibly stupid and a bad way to start. i swear, she facepalms whenever a teacher says yedam needs to get detention. but she stares off in the distance and would be caught off guard when the teacher asks her a question. seungkwan would just smirk at her, and instead of answering, she would start this giant fight with seungkwan in class, and he would be like sassing her and she would be sassing him, and that's how she falls in detention, really. she would also get in slight trouble for talking back to teachers, but they all assume she's some sort of angel thing, so she's honestly fine.

(gurl hover over the icons)
   tumblr_no4djukb9z1sixm5so3_250.jpg tumblr_nv3mn2iFAj1tc7y6co2_250.png tumblr_nu0zu0UZuD1uc0gf9o2_250.jpg tumblr_inline_nqx95dvJ9e1txtb9l_540.png tumblr_noo3pjD2Me1tc7y6co2_250.png tumblr_inline_nlzqg92Pxq1sjx0gr_500.png 

 hwang mijeong, 31
korean is siyoung's favorite subject cos she's good at it. she enjoys the class, she brings perfect grades, and makes mijeong somewhat proud and happy. got that? siyoung may not be ms. hwang's favorite student, but that doesn't exactly mean that she doesn't smile at her whenever she gets a test back.

"good job!"
"thank you very much!"
"it was a wonderful essay, siyoung. you did well!"
"thank you <3"

yet, english is definitely not siyoung's favorite subject, and she definitely expresses her lack of interest in it during class. eh, that doesn't make ms. hwang too happy.

"er... here's your test."
"okay, thank you."
"yes, i know. i didn't do too well, didn't i?"

it's like as if their relationship goes on and off between 2 languages, and there is a very big difference.

kwon soonyoung, 17
"oh hi-"
*glances at soonyoung*

this kid thinks he's some sort of genius... just like siyoung herself. in the 2nd column, there aren't too many noisy students yet this one right here cos he is literally siyoung's other noisy half waiting to cause some trouble like a boss. he always gets in trouble when she doesn't, that's pretty much the only difference between the two. they're both class rebels going on top of people's desks annoying life out of both of them while soonyoung, or hoshi is the one getting screamed at just because he's adorable but lots of people hate him for some reason.

they'd be somewhat whispering in class to each other, with the names 1:00 and 10:10, although siyoung wouldn't reply at times. they're honestly pretty close, even if siyoung doesn't really consider most people as friends, but acquaintances, really.

 lee seokmin, 17
"oh so you're dokyum?"
"seokmin and dokyum!"
"okay then..."

the only reason how siyoung knows who seokmin is is because he is soonyoung's inseparable best buddy. therefore, she gets to know more of him, and he gets to know more of her. he makes girls cry in class and plays with their hair. siyoung can't help but run up to him and say how "vulgar" it is, when she just whispers how awesome he was to that stuck-up jerk. they can't be considered close friends, but just good friends, since unlike close friends, they have no conflict with one another.

 lee chan, 17
"why are you so tall? ugh can you duck your head a bit?"
"you can always try drinking milk! drinking milk is essential for health ><"

one of the acquaintances out of many, chan sits behind siyoung, who is around the same height as her. he would tell her to duck her head or smth so he can take notes. unlike seokmin, they don't really talk, but there would be some times where chan would just throw a note to her or smth to ask what the teacher wrote on the board. when they converse in the morning or such, all they really talk about is the assignments given during class, tests, or other basic stuff about them tbh. siyoung definitely plays "pretty princess" image in front of this guy, just like any other acquaintance she has. unless you're a soonyoung, a seokmin, or a yedam, you're never going to be knowing what's under that facade.

 choi yedam, 17
"seokmin can be nice sometimes-"
"sometimes?!?! uh siyoung that is not the right adjective-"
"yeah but he's overall a jerk at times, from an objective point of view tbh... maybe"
"wdum mAYBE?!"
"hey the real idiotic jerkface is in front of me"

oh these two would be in the corner gossiping and ranting their hearts out to one another, talking about how so many people at school are absolutely ridiculous. every day they walk to school together, talking about how ridiculous tablemates are, how erted weirdos the boys are, and etcetera, etcetera. these two are your ultimate sassquad and will be the loudest ones in the secret room.

siyoung is in love with yedam's sense of humor. it's dark and vulgar and downright awesome tbh. she's always up and ready, and never the type you need to drag around, and siyoung likes that. yedam's one of those people who knows about siyoung's manipulative, rebellious side underneath her cotton candy shell.

 yoon mido, 17
coming soon!
► "profanity" no matter how obnoxious siyoung can be, she never swears unless it's really necessary. she thinks it shows how dumb you can be, since there are so many other words out there that you can use tbh
"baymax baymax baymax" baymax is literally siyoung's favorite disney character of all time. she fell in love with him after big hero 6, and her school supplies have at least one thing that has to do with baymax on it. she may or may not have joined robotics because of him as well!
 "gender-neutral?" when she sits at the lunch tables, there's some times where she sits with soonyoung and seokmin and other days where she sits with yedam and the rest of the girls, since she doesn't really separate herself from other genders. 
 "not the disease wth" she's a cancer, like her horoscope, yet she doesn't act like cancer's stereotypes
 "how tall are you?" her height is because of genetics, tbh. luckily, she doesn't wear heels at all, so some boys in seventeen can get some confidence now.
 "dating? what?" no matter what people say, she never dated anyone.
 "i wear my pants one leg first" yeah, siyoung puts her left leg first (okay this is so random tbh it's just that so many people put their right leg first but i put my left leg first so this needed to be included i made it purple cos it's stupid i'm sorry)
 "run for your lives!!!" yeah, siyoung's a hands-down, fast runner no matter what you say.
(i'm going to add more in the trivia later cos i love adding these when i feel like i have no purpose in life what am i saying)
COLUMN AND SEAT  fourth column and second seat
robotics (ironic since she loathes science, but she likes to program these robots and put motors together to create new things and control their minds mwahahah  no but seriously, she's a robot geek at heart. note: may or may not because of the creation of the movie "big hero 6".)
art (it's the perfect class to express her creativity and pretty much show that she's the best and should be bowed down to, really.)
 korean (1)
 english (3)
 math (2)
 science (4)
(hover or don't hover)
  chuck e. cheese the mouse called seungkwan
BACKUP(S) mingyu, seokmin, wonwoo, soonyoung, jisoo, or rEALLY THE REST COS-
(+) obedient, sensible, of integrity
(-) overly dramatic, very cowardly, always by the book
he's the only one in class who has all the buttons on his shirt buttoned, has a clean, fresh tie, and doesn't own a crinkled blazer because guess what? he's that ideal student in class sitting tall with a big grin plastered on his face, getting ready to turn in his five page essay with pride. 

he's the one who would shut up when the teacher's talking when she doesn't care  and everyone talks anyway cos that's what he is. always by the rules, always by the book. many teachers refer to him to be this model student, and he just smiles with victory.

yeah, he's an excellent student and all, but he's also
one of the most dramatic people in the classroom. heck, something just might not have to do with him, yet he would go running around screaming his lungs out. he gets scared by every little thing there is, okay?




even if someone drops an eraser, during a lecture he would go "OH MY GAWD" and cause this scene or something and make it look like something just exploded. 

unlike siyoung, he's always by the book and he always needs everyone to follow the rules or else he will go absolutely crazy.
he doesn't bother to think of ideas or go into his fantasy world inside his brain, cos he feels like he's "mature" and needs to stick with reality.
► "one boy and one girl from jeju"
when you introduce yourself in front of a class, you usually explain yourself a bit. siyoung had no problem doing that of course, but as soon as she mentioned the fact that she was from jeju island, a boy's jaw dropped. that boy was boo seungkwan, and he was also from jeju island, respectively.

"you cannot be from jeju island!"
"who says?"

there was this glaring contest between the two, and chanting filled class. 


and it didn't help either that the girl in front of him was wearing this bright blue tutu underneath her skirt like who does that? doesn't help either that she was found chatting along with seokmin, soonyoung, and yedam like there was no tomorrow.

ms. hwang told her to sit next to seungkwan was sitting, unfortunately, and that was absolutely positively definitely a great idea. 

no, no it wasn't.

i mean, there's this theory going around class saying that there's this black ring around the two desks what's good ms. hwang?!

"i hate you, you hate me."
seungkwan and siyoung always fight. period. that was pretty much how they were in class, because seungkwan literally hated siyoung's existence, and siyoung hated how he was always such a know-it-all. and it isn't even those cliche love stories where they hated each other because they actually liked each other. no. the tension between the two was undeniable, and seokmin and hosh got to work by trashmouthing seungkwan to siyoung cos they're unloyal af

► "maybe we were destined?"
mijeong, or ms. hwang witnessed the two bickering a lot, actually. at first, it was a surprise to see siyoung gluing seungkwan's down onto his chair, but then the pranks and the attacks getting bigger were no problem at all. she originally had the idea of getting them to get along together, but later on, she started to indirectly play matchmaker as she liked the looks on their faces when they were partnered up.

"so, siyoung? want to come over?"
"uh... kay."

► "beauty is in the eye of the beholder"
when siyoung came over to seungkwan's wearing her school uniform, his mother automatically thought that they were dating.

"so... what do you think of seungkwan?"
"he's... an okay kid."
"just okay?"

seungkwan had to shut his bedroom door and not come out of it until she stopped asking questions. 


siyoung wasn't ever interested in conversing with the dude screaming, so she just started to work by herself for a bit until he just plopped right next to her and started working with her.
there were some moments when seungkwan would just look to his left and see siyoung's side profile, and he would just identify her facial features while she was working on the project. every time he looked though, it was kind of hard to stop. i mean, he was surprised when he saw her being extremely studious, and he was especially surprised when she saw her write 2 pages in 2 minutes, but there was just something that was about her in general that made his face go red for some reason.

there, he concluded that she was quite... pretty.

► "difficulties"
it was kind of hard for seungkwan to win any fights, cos he was too distracted by the girl's face. maybe it was the rush of hormones, or maybe it was just because he was sick of screaming at siyoung as if it was no tomorrow, but he really didn't feel like fighting her. the sudden change of behavior was noticed by a few others, especially seokmin and soonyoung. 

"siyoung! what if seungkwan likes you?" 
"hosh, that would never happen."

► "why are you treating me like this?"
it was science class, which was siyoung's least favorite class. she was looking into blank space like an idiot because she couldn't understand the lecture at all. the teacher called out on her, yet she didn't say siyoung's name out loud. the teacher looked at siyoung directly in the eye, and seungkwan jumped in and answered correctly for her. the lecture continued on, and she felt... rescued.

and somehow, things got better, even if siyoung found it unbelievably fishy.  
seungkwan talked to siyoung during lunch, and he actually began helping her with english and science. they strangely became friends. they got to meet up with each other more. it felt foreign, but siyoung liked it that way. getting close to someone was never actually bad.

and it was settled that seungkwan liked siyoung, very, very much.

"oh no."
english was really quite difficult for siyoung, and things just couldn't quite fit into her brain as well as the others, she thinks. she wasn't as good as the other non-fluent speakers that got high grades in class, so she secretly felt that it can ruin her reputation for looking kind of stupid there.

it was the same english project that the two were working on together at seungkwan's house, and
seungkwan witnessed a stressed out siyoung not knowing what to do.

"okay so... UGH! idk seungkwan halp"

or so he thought.

siyoung was acting to be stressed out, for she wanted to know what seungkwan would do if she felt uncomfortable about smth cos the weird behavior that he was doing which made seokmin and soonyoung talk loads about it.

seungkwan was actually annoyed at siyoung and didn't bother to help, but just said words that he regretted seconds later.

"why are you so stupid?"
"...what do you mean?"
"you're so ty in this class and you literally have no hope."

everyone in class was staring at the conversation, but seungkwan strangely started it with an insult. siyoung was expected to burst into tears or get extremely aggressive, but on her side, it was a sign that maybe seokmin and hoshi were right! maybe he did like her.
she still kept a straight face on and broke eye contact with the other.

"alright then."

seungkwan thought differently. he legit hurt his crush.

 "well, that hurt."
she didn't really bother to look at seungkwan at all after all that happened. he wanted to make things better, he wanted to. desperately. he confessed to siyoung in the cafeteria, in front of everyone.

everyone was cheering for them and people were chanting, but siyoung said a straight-up no. seungkwan excused himself, and siyoung smirked. she would have accepted his confession, but she needs some confirmation first. heck, she was just slightly mad over what happened the day before, but she just wanted to see him try to learn his lesson.

meanwhile, seungkwan was hysterically sobbing in the bathroom, and some of the boys of seventeen were quite upset and let's admit it some were amused.
siyoung told the rest of seventeen about her true intentions, and they promised to shut up and not tell about it.

 "oh, really? prove it!"
siyoung literally walked out of rooms seungkwan was in, cos she wanted him to see what it would be like if she wasn't there. she would spy by peeking through windows to see seungkwan agitated, and she kind of liked it tbh

there were so many times when seungkwan just ran up to siyoung to talk to her, then she would be off with yedam + a random hairflip, maybe.

ah, putting this guy in an experiment is fun.
► "the impossibilities become possible"
siyoung still played the silent treatment game with seungkwan until he absolutely positively definitely proved to her that hey, he might not be as bad of a guy, tbh. despite all the ups and downs, they started dating when seungkwan mustered up courage to actually apologize, not that siyoung was looking for an apology.

seungkwan was glad that siyoung accepted his apology, but thinking that he was still in the friend zone, he still looked a bit down.

"is this what you wanted?"

siyoung kissed his right cheek and smirked while seungkwan was bright red cos his crush just kissed him HELLO?!?! from that moment on, they were a couple that treated each other like friends nonetheless, cos they were young at heart <3

so yeah, siyoung will always be this evil, manipulative devil and seungkwan will always be an emotional little baby lol

love-hate atm, will turn friendly
here's a quick guide to all the colors going on in this app-
this color #95c1c6 means that anything here means that it's a hyperlink!
this color, or hex code #94c79d means that it's an extra ooc note that may or may not be important! it will also appear in brackets ()
this color, or hex code #bea581 means that it's something to look out for in the personality sections
this color, or hex code #bc7a99 means that it's something to look out in other sections cos i find the personality the most important lolol
this color #a477b5 means that it's something random and just made for fun cos i'm bored and you have every right to skip these purple words
i'm sorry if i used abbreviations too much and made this a rainbow.
i'm also sorry if this was disappointing and i tried to make siyoung as awesome as possible but idrk bruh you decide.
um i'm going to add more to this app later because of collabs and stuff, so i'm going to tell you

 so when it's all boiled down, siyoung is a manipulative sassy princess but keeps the princess title strong in front of others from how generous, disney princess / unrealistically kind, and how much she cares about her tutus tbh in front of the eyes of the other students. ofc, only her friends and herself know her true intentions mwAHAHAH
QUESTIONS  none atm tbh
    ► no actually do you like siyoung
i have like nothing rn because i filled out all this and i feel nothing dude
 no actually if you add some minghao x ms. hwang moments that will be heaven thank you
PASSWORD  iridescent


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jine my underrated bias from omg
her love story with seungkwan is so cute tbh
at first i when i saw the header i was like "omg is that yooa"
but then when i saw the gif it turns out to be jine
cute character btw!! and the rainbow thing in the comment section looks really adorable ( are those color codes? )
hoduken #3
shes so cute omG
calmjong #4
add oR NAH
elegantly #5
-baymax #6
i swear i need more photos and more extra goodies