ㅤㅤㅤ☇ 최지나 ♥ — 최승철 ( UNDER CO. )

SOVA ♥ 9-10
200 110
     FULL NAME      Choi Jina ( 최지나 ) 
  BOSS  ) a nickname given by the delinquents at her previous school, simply because she was declared the strongest out of them all. though now she only hears this name when taehyung and jimin talk to her via phone.
"boss, we heard you're transfering?."
"yeah, I have to become an ultra normal school girl or im disowned!!"

 NANA  ) a nickname given to her by some of the more friendly class members, simply because it sounds "cute" they said.
"nana, did you do your homework?"
", we had homework? I MEAN, oh my, we had homework?"
   BIRTHDATE    october 19th, 1998.
   BIRTHPLACE   busan, south korea
   HOMETOWN     busan, south korea
   ETHNICITY    100% hot korean beef
   BLOOD TYPE   ab+
well, shes never stepped foot out of korea so. (and yes, she does speak with that attractive busan accent)

the result of english lessons at her previous school, though she slacked off and only learnt swear words and simple greetings.

  FACE CLAIM    kim yeri, red velvet
  BACKUP      park sooyoung, red velvet
Jina previously had blonde hair while attending a high school in busan during her first year, however her mother promptly dyed her hair brown as soon as she changed school. Despite her old reputation as the strongest troublemaker in her school, she was indeed quite the looker. With pale skin (although not as pale as other girls, because she was always running around in the sun) and doe like eyes, everything about this girl screamed cute- her aura and behaviour, however, wrote nothing else but "delinquent" on her forehead. With that said, she would surely be attractive if she kept shut and her fists to herself. 

Jina at first glance has quite a petite figure, standing at a petty 160cm tall and weighing in at 49kg, simply because this girl is all muscle and muscle weighs more than fat. However, at closer a closer look, she would be fit for becoming a fitness model. Seems like after school fights for her entire middle school experience and first year of highschool came in handy. 


Jina has a tiny scar on her waist, not because she was abused or treated badly- rather it was because she was an idiot as an child, and tried to use the swings without actually holding on.  
"Mommy look, i'm going to fly!"
"wait what, oh my god!"
Jina, unlike previously, wears her skirt to mid-thigh length and looked neat with her shirt tucked in and her top button done on her first day. However, a mere hour later, she was already revealing her real self. Now, deeming the classrooms as stuffy, she walks around freely with trainers on, her shirt untucked and her top button undone with her blazer sleeves rolled up to her elbows. Though she does try extremely hard to make herself look cute and neat at the start of everyday, she ends up looking like a hot mess hours later. 

She works at a corner shop thats halfway between her apartment and the school, and her work uniforms are simply black jeans  ( that ripped while she was carrying boxes into the storeroom ) with a plain polo shirt. Other than this, she simply wears sweatpants and loose t-shirts as she lacks fashionable clothing, simply due to the fact she's never needed to worry about her looks since she rarely goes anywhere special.

♥  POSITIVE  ) caring, friendly, honest, loyal
oblivious, reckless, worrisome, nosy )  NEGATIVE  

   INTRO   )
ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce you to south korea's finest- choi jina, an ex-delinquent that recently transferred into class 2B, after being threatened by her mother that she'd be disowned if she didn't turn into a cute, normal teenage girl. 

perhaps it's because she grew up with the words "you don't betray your gang" being drilled into her head by her older neighbour, that jina is completly loyal to anyone and everyone. even if it has been 0.2seconds since you met, she's sure to become some sort of loyal guard dog towards you if you're being threatened. that being said, talking behind people's backs and tricking them is an absolute no no for jina. "aren't you going to leave me like the others, i might steal your future boyfriend." "no, it's okay, that won't be a problem- not like i'll have a boyfriend!"  shes the person that would stay waiting for you for months and months if you promised her you'd come back, blindly becoming loyal to everyone- isn't this one of her most attractive traits? normally, you'd have to work for someones loyalty, but with her habit of trying to befriend everyone, it seems that yerin is loyal to anyone who has a decent conversation with her- regardless of social rank, personality and actions.

the day jina actually thinks about something before doing it, will be the day pigs fly and world peace is made. one thing this girl is famous for, is her habit of doing things without actually thinking about the consequences right. she'd try to jump a fence without checking if its electric, and end up going home with burnt hands and clear shock on her face. lets just say her recklessness gets her in stupid situations that she could have avoided, along with the fact that she often manages to drag others into her little adventures. her recklessness is also one of the many reasons she always barged head-first into every situation, often leading into embarrassment. "jina, you know that you'll get in trouble for going in that room?" "oh well! come on, it'll be fun" she'll say as she climbs through a window with a childhood friend, observing the abandoned house for a few seconds before being chased out by construction workers. lets just say her mother made fish that evening for dinner, she was expected to eat everything, the fish soup, fish curry and fish sides (she hated fish)

jina could jump out of the second floor of a building, have an arm wrestle with the football club and run faster than any girl- but there is one thing she can't do, jina can't lie to save her life. even if she was the only human left and a voice from nowhere said "i'll save the human race if you tell a convincing lie" she's sure to doom the human race. jina stutters horribly when she lies, she also manages to rub her hands together and laugh at every given moment- because of this, as a child she couldn't be trusted with any secrets. even today, she can't manage to tell a single lie. although she won't answer "of course she likes him" to someone who asks "does she like jihoon?" she'd most likely answer with a shaky "no" and laugh extra loudly for a few minutes (until someone tapes shut) this however, isn't a bad trait to have, it simply means secrets with jina are a no no. but then again, no one likes liars, so jina has never exactly had a problem with her inability to lie. rather, as a child she was praised by her parents for spilling what she did at school which was clearly meant to be kept a secret because "i beat up a third-year" isn't what they wanted to hear.

jina is the type of person you'd naturally worry about, even if she was simply not in the classroom on time you'd assume someone offered her a sweet on the streets and she ate it, out because of the poisoning and got kidnapped to some faraway land. the girl who talks to anyone and everyone, never really understood what the adults were trying to say when they told her "don't talk to strangers." no matter what she does, she causes worry. when its her turn to clean the classroom, they'd be worrying that she'd try to mop the floor and slip and crack her head on the floor. theres just something about the way she says "i'll fix it don't worry" that makes people worry and think about the worst-case scenario. if jina was ever in a horror movie, she'd be the one to die first after saying "don't worry, nothings here." people really do wish she'd stop saying "dont worry." when all it does is make them worry even more.

jina is honestly the epitome of a sweet child, despite her habits of swinging her fist before talking, she is indeed truly caring to everyone. even if she didn't know you, and she just happened to pass by as she heard you say "im not eating, im too fat" she'd probably sit down at your table and spoon-feed you. her concern for others goes as far as beating someone up, then apologising and then also phoning her mom to apologize to her. "im so sorry, but you wanted to fight.." she'd be the one to hold out her hand and say hi, inviting you to go look for weird things in town if she saw you alone, really- jina can't help trying to be nice to others, for whatever reason that is.

the most unattractive trait about jina, has to be that shes awfully nosy. she knows nothing about personal space, even if you told her to stay away she'd probably follow you around. this trait of hers is honestly ugly and uneeded at times. she's intrested in everything and anything, wether its that the shower is broken at your house, that your friend started her period today or that jihoon is chasing around mingyu because he took an embarrasing picture of him.
♥ 1998 - 2005 : THE NEW ERA )
October 19th, 1998; a small town in busan, secluded from everything and everyone, was the birthplace of Choi Jina. Jina was the only person in that town that was born after 1990, hence as soon as she turned 5, her parents moved to a more populated town nearby- that still resided in busan of course. Joining her pre-school late into the year, Jina had no friends, hence attempted to get her neighbour (who was a second year in high school) to become her play friend. However, this neighbour of hers was a delinquent and wasn't at all intrested in little girls and tea partys. "big brother, come play with me!" "what no, i have a fight to go to today." Despite his constant rejection and habit of being way too rough with her (she never cried when he threw her toy doll down the street thinking she'd chase it like a dog and come back later, or when he accidently kicked her while walking) Jina has no one else to play with as she opted for this mean neighbour over her classmates. She was always rejected until the neighbours mother forced him to take care of her, hence he carried her around like a sack over his shoulder and took her to watch his fights and classes. "excuse me, why do you have a little girl on your desk." "shut up, i'm being forced to do this, goddamn."

♥ 2006 - 2009 : FIGHT FOR YOURSELF )
By the time she was eight, she had become completely used to being around boys, as she was always with her neighbour and he was always around his friends. It came to that one faithful day, when she came back from school crying and running to Kairo ( her neighbour ) about how the boys in her class stole the stuffed bunny she carried around with her. After seeing Kairo fight so many times, she expected him to go fight them and get her toy back, however his coldhearted reply was simply. "fight them and get it back." After a shocked expression and a guilty conscience, he said he'd go and watch her fight instead of forcing her to go alone. And so he stood by the side, timing how long she took to beat up the five classmates and get back her toy, looking back- he was a horrible influence. After that, he seemed to find it fun seeing her improve, and hence got her to fight with anyone who threatened her and timed her constantly- until she herself has already become used to it. Though she'd  fight while crying she was still surpringly good "for a kid" he boasted infront of his friends.

♥ 2010 - 2013 : GOODBYE BAD INFLUENCE )
After she entered middle school, the neighbour moved away, and jina was so used to hanging around with delinquets that they were the only friends she had. Her whole middle school experience was having a bunch of bruised teens follow her around calling her "boss" and afterschool session. Though they were a bad influence and because of the constant men hanging behind her calling her the "strongest" she never managed to make any female friends, partly because they were too scared to approach her. Hence when it comes to talking to females, Jina is a hopeless case. 

♥ 2014 - present : STEPS ON HOW TO BE CUTE )
During her first year of highschool, Jina continued with her routine of fights and apologising after then eating fish for dinner. However during the ending days of her first year, she was celebrating her victory with her friends in town. When the police seemed to have spotted them and chased after them, Jina was too slow to realise and everyone had already run off, although she fought a lot that night was the only time she got caught and arrested. Her mother seemed fed up, and instead of the normal punishment, Jina was threatened with a 'you better become a cute NORMAL highschool girl and not some gangster, or else i'll disown you.' hence she was shipped to hongdae and now lives in an apartment alone, and is determined not to get disowned. 

Jina is now living alone in an apartment thats only a fifteen minute walk from the school she was moved to, although she misses her friends, she is excited about starting a new life. She for a fact, never had any female friends, due to the fact that having bulky guys following her around calling her "boss" scared them off. "this is my highschool debut!" she would say proudly, completely forgetting that she is hopeless at interacting with females due to her lack of female friends. Because her mother pays solely for her rent, she works as part-timer at a corner shop near her apartment, her role being simply to move boxes from the trucks into the storeroom. this is her only chance to become normal and do all the cute things she sees highschoolers in animes do, hence she seems to want to keep her past a secret (along with the fact that she doesn't want to get disowned)


 jihoon aka woozi (classmate + unwilling first friend) 

jihoon seemed to have the worst luck, running into jina on her first day of school, being forced to talk to her mom on the phone pretending to be a girl classmate who was super close with her. it all started on the day of her transfer, jihoon was running late and by chance ran into jina who was shouting "mom, i swear i've made some girl friends." ect until he was chased down the hallway by jina who begged him to talk to her mom despite not knowing him. ever since then, she's stuck to him no matter what. "our names both begin with ji, we're the ji siblings! should i dye my hair pink?"


  joo jungyeon ( classmate + jina's last hope )  
oc by trash-bins / jungyeon and jina initally didn't interact much, since jina didn't know how to interact with females at all (moreover females she wanted to be-friend) hence the only time jungyeon spoke to her was during self study period. "can you be quiet already?" were her words everyday, it was well known that she was a straight a student so when jina was told she had to retake her tests or she could be held back a year "im going to die omg tutor me pls" was the text she sent her, though it only led to jungyeon being creeped out as she never told jina her number. ever since their last-minute studying session, after jina had annoyed her enough to make her give in, she began calling jungyeon a "book demon" referring to her harsh teaching tactics. despite this, jina thinks they're close friends and will follow her around like a lost puppy.



meet happy and milk, two stay kittens jina picked up and took home a few days after she moved to hongdae. they are (in her own words) her "babies" and she often carries them to school with her because she's scared they'll be lonely, often leading to her being chased around by several teachers. do not be fooled by their cute appearance, milk is a devil, legit a devil that makes happy groom him and assist him in every manner possible. happy, himself, has also picked up a bad habit of secretly trying to attack milk when he's not paying attention- none-the-less they both act like angels around jina so she never notices the clear rivelry.
♥   fish gave me trauma  
if theres one things jina can't stand, its fish. she gags the minute she smells fish, its always been taboo to cook fish when she visits. though her mom often forced her to eat it as a punishment.

♥   dumb dumb dumb   )
no surprise that jina excels in gym class, but for everything else she seems to be at the bottom of the grading ladder. well, one would expect that as she spent her whole middle school fooling around and drawing on textbooks.

♥   my highschool debut   )
jina is often seen talking to herself saying stuff like "i swear to god don't get in a fight jina" and "im a cutie cutie girl i dont have time for this, right?" hence most people often label her as the strange girl. others believe she can see ghosts hence talks to them.

♥   contact number   )
jina only has four contacts on her phone, despite being all excited with her new phone and bragging to her mother about having loads of contacts. the only four she has are jungyeon, jihoon, her mother and seungcheol.

♥   this is real life, not an anime   )
the day before her first day at school, she spent the whole night watching highschool shoujo animes- hence has impossible expectations on how highschoolers act together.

♥   food food and food   )
jina loves eating, wether she's going to school, is attending class or going home- she's always eating, heck her bag is 90% filled with snacks rather than school supplies.

♥   lets bet money today   )
jina has a tendency to go around sports clubs (football club, basketball club ect) and challenge the members, to race them/play a game against her and the winner is payed 2000won, the reason being she probably used up her part-time job earnings on snacks again. luckily, from prideful men who open their wallets easily, she earns a lot of money.

maybe tba

  COLUMN AND SEAT    2nd column, last seat (bc why not be seatmates with good ol' s.coups)
♥   art   )
jina is strangely good at drawing and watercolours, often creating soft pastel themed painting of people in the classroom with flowers blooming everywhere. her most note-able painting being a watercoloured replica of a photograph with all the class members, again with her trademark flowers.
♥   athletics   )
wether it's hurdles, throwing a javelin, 800m runs, sprints jina seems to ace them all. sure as a whole she is good at all sports, but athletics are what she enjoys the most, since she's most likely faster then 90% of the male population in the class and her throw is really strong. hence, its no surprise she'll be taking athletics. 
♥   for snacks, i'll lift boxes   )
jina is working part-time at a shop half-way between the school and her apartment, her role is to simply move the suppleis from the truck to the storeroom and then stack them up on the shelves. shift: saturday ( 9am - 4pm ) , sunday ( 6am - 1pm )
♥ korean (2)
♥ english (4)
 math (5)
 science (5)

최승철, seungcheol
  BACKUP(S)    jihoon
 start here!
 start here!
COMMENTS  so much pink, LMFAO re-reading this makes me question my sanity.
 start here!
PASSWORD  tba when im not lazy


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