Taking A Huge Step

I never thought my first blog post would be about something like this, but I can't change that now. 

So... a  lot of things happened today, some good and some bad, but I want to focus on one specific thing because it took me a lot to do it and I'm really proud of myself for taking this step because today...

... I told some of my friends in class about my panic attacks. 

It wasn't easy and I tried to sound nonchalant while doing it, hoping they don't think differently of me now. I don't want attention or pity or anything like that, really, I just... didn't want to keep this secret anymore. I didn't tell them about my depression or that I might be suicidal (although I might have accidentally hinted towards that) and I also didn't tell them the reason for those but I... shared something about myself which is unusual for me because those in my class basically don't know anything about me. 

I just hope they don't spread rumors about me (although I'm not that interesting or popular, really) but instead keep it to themselves. 

Yeah, that was it. My first blog post and the (in a way) best thing that happened today (apart from me being the 1st like on one of Bummie's IG posts). Woah, that sounded like I'm a total loser. I should stop talking before it gets any worse. 


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Beep_beep_you #1
Hello there~ fighting :)