✖ TROUBLED TRIALS : 진수정 ❞ (trigger warnings!)


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name jin sujeong (진수정)

jinsu (진수) — he shows hatred and embarrassment towards his given name at birth because of how feminine it sounds, the taunting that follows it, and the dark reason behind it. he tells the other gladers to call him jinsu, because it sounds more masculine, and he tries
his hardest to keep his real
name a secret.

birth date july 11
age 18
gangnam district,
seoul, south korea

ethnicity full korean
nationality korean

▒ korean — he lived in korea all his life, so it is mandatory for him to be fluent and native in this language.

face claim jeon wonwoo of seventeen
back up jung taekwoon of vixx
height 183 cm
weight 62 kg

appearance sharp eyed and poker-faced, there mustn't be a reason why he has a cold aura around him. his smiles aren't too rare and he really isn't at all mean, but he was just born with a type of face that would make you think so. even if his masculine facial features can be bonus points to attract people around him, sujeong doesn't call himself good looking. you might as well say he's quite frail because of his shapeless legs and arms that can pass through a needle, but under all that clothing, he's pleasantly toned due to all the running he had to do so far.  his jet-black hair isn't too long, but his layered fringe at times pokes his eyes.  

▒  (+) generous, naturally affable, altruistic
▒  (-) passive-aggressive, pessimistic, very insecure

as a child, he used to be bright and optimistic, but the world changed around him, and he is now hurt and broken. however, in a movie, he would be characterized as a "good guy" because he is not cruel at all. in fact, he is very dependable. sujeong would listen to you talk about your difficulties, and he would easily relate with you to them. slightly shy and a tad-bit awkward, he can be quite pleasant to be around. for a teen who partially overcame depression and eating disorders, he believes that the world can go round with a hint of kindness in everyone. he still has that belief with him, but he gave up on finding the kindness that people can have, though. the darknesses that were in his world ever since he was a little boy turned his optimism into pessimism, and he worries a lot about things that maybe just don't have to do with him at all.

what the others don't know is that sujeong is keeping a front. they only know jinsu, not sujeong. no, he doesn't have split personalities, nor is his personality toward others fake. he keeps a front. he pretends that he's okay when inside, he can just be shattered into pieces. he doesn't want the gladers to see him suffer because he doesn't want to be a burden to them.

sujeong never finds himself to be perfect. of course, he doesn't have to be boosting in confidence, but he doesn't have one bit of confidence in him. when someone compliments him, he blushes. partially because he's shy but partially because he doesn't expect anything positive from himself. he would ask others for criticism due to insecurity than things he's actually seeking to work on, and his confidence would drop down to the core.

he can't take any more pain and sufferings that were thrown at him. he can't fight any longer. he's pushed around over and over again, and he can't help but just indirectly fight, since he's still scared about if something can happen. in other words, he's heavily passive-aggressive. at least he was. his self is like a vicious cycle. the more passive-aggressive he is, the more aggressiveness comes in, and soon enough, he would be ready to unleash his inner beast that has been in the dungeon for years. or would he?

on july 11, in a hospital in the prestigious peoples' gangnam district, a baby boy was born to a disappointed mother and father. they expected a female. they wanted a female. they wanted to have one son and one daughter, and this baby needed to ruin it. nonetheless, they named their child the name they wanted for their daughter: jin sujeong.
sujeong (수정) is the korean word for "crystal" which is definitely such a lovely meaning for a name. however, the reason why his parents gave him the name, which was because they wanted a daugher, is anything but lovely.

sujeong was the middle child of the jin family. he had an older brother named jin sumyeong and a younger sister named jin sukyeong. sumyeong was the son that his parents were always talking about because he was tall, well-built, and got all the ladies at school. sukyeong was cute and pretty and a "prima ballerina" and she got so much affection from their parents. sumyeong and sukyeong were different. sumyeong was class president while sukyeong was a primadonna. sumyeong hated grapes while sukyeong drank grape juice every day. nonetheless, they had one thing in common: they liked to pick on sujeong.

poor sujeong was picked on at home and at school too. at home, his parents wouldn't give a damn about him. sujeong was dubbed "the useless child", the child that didn't meet their expectations just because he wasn't a daughter. that's why sukyeong was born. because they still wanted a daughter. even if he was in a high-class environment, he never got recognition from his parents. they didn't care about how sumyeong and sukyeong tortured him emotionally and physically. sumyeong would punch sujeong for the fun of it. sukyeong, who was one year younger, would pinch sujeong's sides and say how fat he was. sujeong tried to ignore it, but the words still got to him. he started to starve himself, and thoughts about death poured into his mind every day. he had anorexia and depression; he was broken.

he hoped for a difference. he hoped for a change. but no matter how much he wished, nothing happened to poor sujeong.


 — his bmi is 18.5, which is dangerously close to being underweight.
 — he is very fond of the color orange.
 — he blushes quite easily because he tends to be quite nervous most of the time.
 — sujeong believes that the reason why he can throw punches is because of sumyeong, who punched him and was violent toward him when sujeong was younger *inserts dry laughter*
 — sujeong loathes tomatoes. end of story. the taste really gets to him and he really doesn't like it at all.
 — so pretty much all of the gladers call him jinsu-
 — there was a time in his life where he liked to play the clarinet. after he hit depression, he didn't play anymore. that never meant that he doesn't know how to play, though.
 — he's actually quite ticklish.
 — he didn't get treatment for his mental instabilities, but he feels that other gladers helped him a lot, and so he gets over it naturally.

in the eyes of the other gladers
competition goes around among the gladers, and even if sujeong doesn't like it, he still deals with it. to some gladers, he seems nicer than the others, but to others, he's a little weakling. he gets scolded by others to stop worrying about everything, which definitely makes him feel worse. but others adore him for his kindness that he still has no matter how much hell he's been through, and they're thankful for it.

username -baymax
alias natalie
activity rate 10/10

comments i absolutely am a big fan of the maze runner series, and i was so glad to see this in the apply tag! oh, my applyfic skills are going rusty >< so i hope that this doesn't disappoint you ;;;

 — jinsu and the clarinet meet again somehow idek how
 — cranks. i mean, those things need to be obstacles cos they scared life out of me.
i just thought of this scenario in which wicked calls sujeong by his real name somehow and not jinsu like how the gladers call him and then everyone's like "who's sujeong?" and then jinsu walks up front and everyone's really confused and stuff and bombarding sujeong with questions why he didn't tell them about his name and stuff idek-




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