New vampire fic in the works...

so I know I bang on about how much I hate AUs but someone sent me a vampire AU (my fave kind) and I kinda... ran with it. I've got 800 words already, I've got it all planned out, and let me tell you, it's a doozy.

With "I'll Have You" (I'm still baffled as to how popular that fic got, tbh, I don't think it's my best work) I showed Jihoon as a vampire warring with himself – he still clung so desperately to being human, even when the monster inside of him was fighting him every step of the way.

In this new fic I'm writing, Jihoon isn't human anymore. He's fully embraced the vampire lifestyle – he's not afraid to ruthlessly slaughter anyone who gets in his way, and he's really good at what he does. It's interesting, to say the least, to depict a bitter, jaded Jihoon. And it's not taepyo! huzzah!

anyway. I'll keep you updated :)

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