✖ TROUBLED TRIALS : Im Jaehyuk ❞


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name Im Jaehyuk
nickname/s Jae
birth date 27 November
age 15
hometown + 
Hongdae, Seoul, Korea

ethnicity + nationality
Korean - Fluent

face claim L.Joe/Lee Byunghun
back up C.A.P/ Bang Minsoo

height 171 cm
weight 56 kg

appearance Jae has prominent cheekbones and a sharp nose. He has two piercings on his right ear, though he doesn't know how he had gotten it. 

personality Jae's quite dependent on the rest of the Gladers because at first, they thought he was just a child since he was quite short. He's obediant too. If someone was injured and told him not to stay but to message the others, he'll be hesitant but will do his instructions. Most of the time, Jae is quiet and calm but does flinch at loud startling sounds. If he had a choice to sacrifice himself to save the rest of the Gladers, he'll do it gladly.

background Jae can't remember much of his past, including his family. He could only remember the sounds of yelling ans smashing bottles. Jae concludes that his family must've been either alcoholic or abusive. And if had a choice to remember his past, if it included what he remembers, then he'd rather have no past at all.

Jae is fast in agility and reflexes, so he uses it to his adventage. 
(ex. A strange zombie-man sneaks up behind him, Jae hears it and either runs away or quickly fights it off.)
He carrys a small knife around him at all times.
Jae's allergic to nuts.

username minchami
alias minn
activity rate 8 - 10

comments omfg I love the maze runner, did you know UP10tion did a parody trailer to the Scorch Trials? + I'll add more if I'm missing anything or I need to fix my app.
suggestions tba, i'll tell you what ideas i'll have in store but currently, my mind is blank. -__-





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