Tattoos I Want! (Updated 25/09/2015)

25/09/2015 - I just remembered a few ideas I'd had a while ago and want to add ^-^

I'll update this frequently when I think of ideas for tattoos I want. Not all of them will be ideas I will get, I'm just putting them here so I can keep coming back to them the reconsider (because believe it or not, tattoos are permanent and I want to really think about it before getting one).

They don't all have any personal sort of meaning to me, in fact I don't think any of them do but that's irrelevant. So yeah, if you're interested, take a look. If I ever add anymore I'll add a date to the title. The pictures used won't be exactly how they look if I get them because I really want the artists original style to show through it.

Speaking of style, my favourite style of tattoo is neo-traditional, so I've been looking up neo-traditional artists on instagram who would hopefully be able to do all of these!

This is the one I've wanted for the longest time! It's a deathbat,
which is the logo of the band Avenged Sevenfold, but my sister also got the same tattoo before she got married.
Placement: Just below my neck.

A bird and a cage. There's a lot of symbolism behind this one, most obviously about being free.
It's actually directly linked to the game BioShock: Infitinte, where you can choose whether your
companion chooses a pendant with the bird or a pendant with the cage to put on her choker. In relation to the game,
the roles are reversed (spoilers for the game, skip if you don't want them!): at first, the cage sybolises captivity
and the bird in flight symbolises freedom. But throughout the game you learn that a bird (Songbird)
has been keeping you companion captive, so the bird in flight also linked to being captive.
The cage becomes a symbol of freedom when you have to play the notes C-A-G-E that allows your companion to control Songbird,
and she is no longer help captive by it.
Placement: The bird on my left forearm, with the quote "Lives, lived, will live" under neath it. The birdcage on my right
forearm with the quote "Dies, died, will die" underneath it. I may combine them to make one larger tattoo but I'm not certain yet.

Twenty One Pilots and Paramore are my favourite bands. 
This is a new addition so this idea may change but I definitely want a tattoo relating to them in some way.
I don't know how I would incorporate these into a neotraditional styled tattoo, so I may get some sort
of geometric tattoo.
Placement: (Possibly) along my left collarbone.

I like bees.........
Placement: Above my elbow.


That's it for now, but there'll definitely more added since I definitely want a lot of tattoos!


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Oh cool, i see you've added a bee tatoo the list :)
Avenged sevenfold, Paramore and 21p? Niiiiiice, I really like the sound of the cage and bird one, and a geometric tattoo sounds hella cool as well. Are you planning on having them all being quite small or would you one day like to have like a big tatto piece? like a half sleeve or something?
Cool :D I want tattoos too D: