summer break, summer war : Kang Gayun.


Kang Gayun

MInchami - minn - 8-10


NAME. Kang Gayun

• Gnome, her family + Duri. living with giants isn't great if your 165 centimetres tall

• Chihuahua, her friends. The only animal that could relate to Gayun could possibly be the chihuahua for being so energetic and always teasing others.


BIRTHDATE. December / 13 / 1998 (17)
BIRTHPLACE. Hongdae, Korea
HOMETOWN. Hongdae, Korea

• Korean, Fluent, Though Gayun did have trouble learning her own mothertongue when she was young, she is fluent at it.

• English, Basic, When her family went on holidays english seemed like the most understood language and so Gayun picked some English up from her travels.


Kang Gayun, how do you explain her? Appearance-wise, she's feminine with a touch of tomboy in her fashion. But actually, she's a teasing, lovable bastard who can't be hated. Gayun is the one who is excited for everything and encourages everyone to do everything. She's also well known through out the school for her success in the volleyball team and by all means, getting on the PE teacher, Mr Jongkook's blacklist. No one ever wants to be on there, so trust Gayun to be the first to be on there. 

FACECLAIM. Lovelyz's Yein
BACKUP. Gfriend's Yerin

APPEARANCE. Gayun's appearance is very feminine, but once she opens all hell breaks loose. She has no tattoos or piercings. She is quiet small for her family of giants, at 166 cm. She is 56kg. Besides tattoos and piercings, Gayun has a fist-sized burn just above her heel at the back of her right leg.
Gayun simply wears anything comfortable. She often wears boy's shirts, that are obviously larger than her, and tucks it into her ripped denim shorts. Her favourite shoes are wakais and wears the canvas shoes often.

PERSONALITY TRAITS. Energetic, bold, social. Sensitive, conflict-averse, unfocused.

"We've been here for an hour and we haven't done anything!"
With being such a sporty person, Gayun can't really sit down for a long time without doing something. She loves to move around and often encourages others to do the same.

"I shouldn't be afraid of who I am!"
Gayun is definately proud of who she is. She isn't that bold to tell you that she is better than you but bold as in to be proud of who you are for what you are.

"Sorry my friends called you a ert, what's your name?"
Gayun is very adaptable and social. If you stick her in a room with a bunch of strangers, she'd befriend them by the time you blink an eye, ecspecially with boys.

"Talking behind my back huh? I guess we weren't ever friends."
This girl is very sensitive when people talk about her behind her back and gossip. Because she hasn't been around girls a lot, being put into a girls' school was a poor choice but she has handled it. One time, a rumour got so big that Duri was the one who had to stop the rumour.

"There's a reason I'm never in fights."
When fights occur, little or big, Gayun is always seen trying to escape it. She is the one who would try to avoid it or try to resolve it before it becomes bigger. 

"Wait, the assignment was due today?"
Being such an active girl, Gayun would often forget things that aren't very important or appealing to her. She generally wouldn't forget trainings or meet-ups but assignments are usually forgotten and finished last-minute.


• Her family, besides from herself, is extremely tall. Joongki (188cm), Joohyuk (183cm) and Gongchan (179.5cm)
• Gayun once badly injured her elbow by diving for the volleyball, hitting the barrier accidently. 
• Once Joohyuk forced her to read a book for her own well-being, Gayun ended up reading The Hunger Games and Katniss became one of her role models next to her mom.

• She knows how to ride a skateboard, surf and iceskate.
• Gayun once dyed her hair blonde in the first term of High School, it turned out brassy and she had to wait to grow it out before cutting it.
• Likes all junkfoods 
• Has a fast metabolism
• Gayun is left handed but could write neatly using her right hand when she's focused

• She loves to sing songs loudly, ecspecially rap music
• She loves to tease people and have fun
•  Has a collection of wakai's at home but only brought five on the holiday
•  Loves bubble tea, her favourite combo is lemon green tea + lychee jelly
• ​ Gayun loves anything lemon and lychee.

• ​ Gayun's nickname for Jimin is MLP; My little ert
• ​ Duri feels more worried for Gayun since she's always Gayun.
• ​When she was seven, Gongchan and Gayun were going to ride a motorcycle for the first time but Gayun went on the wrong side, burning herself from the exhaust pipe


On the thirteenth of December, 1998, Gayun was born. Her mother, Seorin gave birth to her at home since the ambulance was not sure enough to have time to reach the hospital. When she was born, Gayun already had an older brother, Joohyuk. The next year, Gongchan was born and luckily, this time in an hospital. This family was always an athletic and sporty family. Her father, Joongki was an active basketball player in Hongdae and Seorin was a surfer. 

The family of five used to always go to some tropical countries for holidays like Australia, Fiji, Indonesia and sometimes coastal France. But in 2011, when Gayun was 13, her mother drowned while surfing in the Gold Coast in Australia. Seorin was sitting on her surfboard, waving at the rest of her family when a large tide swooped in underneath her unexpectedly. None of the other surfers expected it too and were caught offguard. Seorin was brought back to shore by a lifeguard but was announced dead after they tried CPR.

The next day, the family went back to Korea without Seorin. Gayun locked herself in her room, only living on foreign snacks. Gongchan, who was most closest to her managed to convince Gayun to get out of her room by stating that their mother wouldn't want her to be like this.

Ever since that day, Gayun strived to be like her mother and enrolled in Eunpyeong Girls' High School, just because her mother went there. At that school, she met her group the Eunpyeong Girls.



"Why are you so proud of getting an A, C's stand for Cool."

Gayun is a good student most of the time. Usually, once a fortnight she would be in detention because of bad behaviour or rude remarks to the teacher, usually the PE teacher since he always makes her pack the equipment up.

"Sports is my specialty!"
Gayun is an active part of the basketball and volleyball team in Eunpyeong. She is a small forward in the basketball team and a libero in the volleyball team. With being very fast, these positions will never be swapped from Gayun to someone else, as she is the best in that position. Unless she's injured, that's different.


Kang Joongki / 54 / Cafe Barista, School Basketball Coach / Joongki and Gayun don't act like they're father and daughter, but instead act like they are siblings. The only time you see him act more mature is at his job and when he's annoyed or angered. Joongki is also the basketball coach of Gayun's brother's school / Face claim is Daniel Dae Kim
Kang Joohyuk / 18 / student / Joohyuk is a studious boy and doesn't really enjoy sports like the rest of the family, but enjoys swimming. He encourages Gayun to keep up her studies if she wants to finish highschool. / Face claim is Hongbin (VIXX)
Kang Gongchan / 16 / student / To be honest, you can totally see that Gongchan is infires inspired by Gayun. He follows Gayun unconciously and is her shoulder to lean on. / face claim is Sungyeol (Infinite)
Kang Seorin / 48 / deceased / Seorin was Gayun's inspiration for her everday life. When Seorin died, Gayun couldn't believe it. Soon after she realized that sulking wasn't what Seorin would want Gayun to do, she continued in her mother's footsteps. / face claim is Gong Jihyo




Ahn Duri / 18 / student / Gayun absolutely loves Duri, as she is easy to target her for fun since she's always calm. Gayun can't stand a day without messing with Duri. Gayun once said that Duri is like her new mother figure.

Kim Namjoon / 18 / student / Like Duri, Namjoon is a target for Gayun's teasing. Ever since Jimin had yelled that Namjoon watched , she would make subtle reminders of that and teased Namjoon for embarressing things that happened.

Kim Seokjin / 19 / student / Unlike Namjoon, Gayun actually doesn't tease Seokjin for the main reason is that he's extremely awkward. Seokjin sometimes doesn't react to Gayun's teasing because he's used to being teased by the maknae line.

Min Yoongi / 19 / student / Gayun used to like Yoongi. She thought he was cool, not saying he isn't cool but Gayun thinks he is just showing off. At first, Gayun would enjoy listening to his mixtapes but when he started to show her more from his neverending pile of mixtapes, Gayun became bored of it.

Jung Hoseok / 18 / student / Gayun is one of the girls that laugh alongside Hoseok but never actually does anything else with him. They have usual yet funny conversations on topics you'll never usually hear in public. For example, they might be at the beach and Gayun will ask him, "Do you think there'll be whales?"

Kim Taehyung / 17 / student / When Taehyung was hit with by someone's shoe, Gayun couldn't exactly see the person, it was extremely hilarious to see his reaction. Over all, he's a fun guy to be around with. Like Hoseok, Gayun would be laughing with him and sometimes at him.

Jeon Jungkook / 16 / student / Gayun finds it suspicious that Jungkook could practically do anything. She can't find a fault in any of his bones, so Gayun can't . Except for that time when she found out he's horrible in archery. And the time when he almost blew up at Gayun because she said if he was in the Hunger Games against Katniss Everdeen, he'll be the first to die from her arrows.


"Hello, my name's Gayun. Kang Gayun. Is that all unnie?"
"They're nice. What? Honestly? Okay...They're weird and diverse, not to mention weird. I like it."
"Unnie, you're asking me this? I live with three boys and my neighbour thinks I am one."
"Totally, what makes you think we can't? Plus, it will be an experience we won't forget! /laughs/ You know what I mean. No! Not ually!"
"I would say...Yoongi. I'm sorry, but he never tries. Plus, he always makes me listen to his mixtapes. At first it was cool, but now it's annoying. He's still a good guy and I hang around him sometimes but he needs to be more active sometimes."
"Definately my little ert! /Laughs/ Jimin, I hang around him a lot. He's nice and really energetic. But one question, how is he so bipolar? Nevermind that, Jimin's just a really easy going guy who could literally do anything."

"I will always love you, grandma Duri. I am being honest! Stop questioning me or I'll change my answer!"
"Yeah, I know. You know I will, Duri-unnie."

"I heard that!"

/swims off into the deep end and sings catch me if you can/


BACKUP. Taehyung.
PERSONALITY. Jimin's a strange guy for sure. One minute, he's all cute the next he could replace Channing Tatum in Magic Mike. Though he's greasy and loves to on girls, he's an alround fun guy.

When Gayun first saw him, the first word that came up her mind was 'Short'.
In her mind she was comparing him to her family but no one needs to know.

INTERACTIONS. Jimin and Gayun are literally like bestfriends. From the time Gayun apologized Jimin for her friends calling him a ert, he knew she was a special one. Jimin constantly pulls out greasy pick-up lines on Gayun and interacts with her more than the other girls. Though Jimin never says anything, he gets jealous when she is giving another bangtan member more attention.
ENDING. Literally on the last day hour of being together, Duri told Gayun to man up and confess to Jimin. So Gayun confessed to Jimin that she likes him more than a friend but left him hanging as the Eunpyeong girls had to leave.

Jimin was dumbstruck as the boys cheered for him, but wasn't she supposed to hear his response? Gayun had a volleyball match on the third day back to school, afterschool. The rest of the girls were there, cheering her on too. Gayun was shocked when she saw Jimin running through the stands yelling 'Me too!' repeatedly during the half-time break. At first, Gayun was confused at his words but then realized what he meant to say. 

After the match, Jimin escorted her home after days of endless stalking but was soon intimidated by the giants known as the Kang family.

Is it okay if I made up Eunpyeong Boys' High, since there is a girls one? If it's not okay then you can change the school.
Hope we can be friends! + Excited for the story, you've put a lot of effort into this author-nim!
Her role in the group is the Mockingbird, as she is loud and loves to tease others+admires Katniss Everdeen.
Regarding the password; I wanted to use a picture from the BTS prologue but I couldn't without crying! (Plus, SinB what a waste of water!)


Gayun starts spraying Duri with the water hose, it then became a full-on water fight. 
While coming back from the beach, the group finds a stray dog.
Movie nights, with Taehyung making the group watch K-Dramas.

PASSWORD. summer break, summer war!


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