Starting anew

Yeaaaah.... you can already tell from the title.

I'm starting anew! Or from scratch, or from zero, or.... well yeah. I'm going to be a baby again, yeaaa!

Na'ah, yeaa.... I don't know what i'm writing right now .-.

I'm probably drunk or high ahahaha no just kidding don't report me to the police or ban me from this site .-.

In all seriousness, yeah, i'm starting from zero again '-' Already deleted my story, i'm going to delete my blog posts, etc.

I'm thinking of changing account, but i'm probably too lazy to find good stories i've subscribed .-. they're the only thing i wouldn't delete.

So yeaaah, i'm starting anew~ Except for my trailers portofolio though .-. i'm clueless in layout and i've worked hard to put up the layout there .-. so yeah, you know what i mean. Well, okay '-' I think that is all, or yeaa...

how many yeaa/yeaaahh i've said in this post? Na'ah, too lazy to count ahahaha

I'm probably drunk or high right now, i don't know .-. I'm weird.

Peace out '-')v


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