Does anyone else cosplay idols???

So far I've cosplayed Kai, and Lady Kai, and now I'm planning and awaiting my stuff for Lady Chanyeol and I'm FLIPPING OUT BECAUSE I THINK ITS GOING TO BE SO CUTE AND IM BEING REALLY IMPATIENT BECAUSE IT PROBABLY WONT HAPPEN UNTIL MID OCTOBER. 

And im really curious if any of you all have cosplayed an idol too? Its really fun actually. Empowering


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Kitsuko #1
Leo/suga/V (girl ver) xD
I used to back in high school. I tried being Jaejoong like twice and both failed and I think I tried a shinee member but it's been so long XD (casually just comments on everything)
my friends and I did cosplay idols for several years... but this march I made my last one