I'm having titling issues

Right ... I'm having huge issues titling my story.  Only two titles are sticking with me, and neither of them are really strong.  So I thought I would open it up to you guys.  Here's what I can reveal about it:

The story revolves around a waitress at an American diner.  She falls in love with one of the customers and naturally (because predictable storyline is predictable) enters into a relationship with him.  The diner is called "Tiffany's" and owned by Miss Tiffany Hwang (because valley girl and also deludedly obsessed with SNSD).  Also, you can imagine that this story is kind of being told to a five year old girl as a bedtime story, so it's supposed to be a little kooky and funny and quite sweet.

I know it's a little vague, but that's all I can reveal for one reason and one reason only - as with every story I write, I've got some ideas of what to put in, but they're plot points more than a fully fleshed out storyline.  I know who will be in it, what they will do, where things will generally lead.  This time, though, it's more because I can't seem to focus as much as I have previously.  I think I'm burning myself out.  But I'm hoping that a good title will give me one of two things:

1) It will help me really put the storyline into place and make sure everything stays on track.  I know broadly what will happen and have these specific events and things that will happen, but I haven't really got more than that.  Hopefully a title will help things fall into place more than they are at the moment.  I'm also making plans for rom-coms to watch and other stories to read, so I have a lot of things to get me interested.

2) It will help me to keep writing this.  I have a habit lately of not being able to write a lot, mostly through lethargy, a little through apathy, but I'm writing bits and pieces here and there.  If a title won't help me to get a better storyline in place, I hope it will give me a reason to write a little more than I do, because others might be interested to see where the story goes, or see some of the interactions.

Here are three titles that I've come up with, none of which I'm really happy with, and the first two are the ones that have stood out for me:

"The English Teacher" because my male lead is an English teacher.

"Lunchtime at Tiffany's" because I like the sound of "Breakfast at Tiffany's" and the diner is named "Tiffany's".

"Where Fairy Tales Come From" because it's kind of a fairy tale bedtime story.

If you guys can come up with a better title based on what I've told you, then please do.  And I am working on a good storyline that may well end up being quite predictable, but I hope it will be warm and fuzzy enough that I could be forgiven a little for making it so.


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to be honest I'm not the best at coming up with titles either so I can't really offer much advice sorry O.o but I like "Where Fairy Tales Come From" because it grabs my attention more than the other titles do and the lightheartedness seems to suit the fluffiness of the fic so far ^^