Dont you miss me?

Because i miss you. A lot ;_;


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TaiShanNiangNiang #1
Heck yeah I miss you sweet! What'cha been up to since coming back from Korea?!?
Happy New Year to you coming up! (Everybody's off of school this week --- and yet I still have work ><)
galatea69 #2
I misssssss youuu pretty head.. u
I miss you Liattttttttttttttttt!
You don't respond to me anymore :(
I miss you too unnie :(
nAJOnHyun #5
i miss you too :( school is srsly hell rn </3 ughh
miss you too author-nim T___T
Of course I do :*
I even thought of mentioning you on twitt but.. I hardly open it myself nowdays >~<
Obv I miss you and your amazing fics QwQ