introduce a little anarchy.
JOKER.XX ALIAS Shep // Referring to his current level and weapon, Sheperd's Crook, people would've thought of him as a person who watches from the back, but holding out his staff (help) when one sheep falls.
CURRENT RANK psychotic
Hoho // as unlikeable as his namepun sounded, Shep doesn't complain about how he needs everyone to just stop the punny mayhem already. Like right now. Anyone who calls him that usually does this. "Hoho...hoahAHAHA [insert hysterical laughter].
Oh Jungshin // the other name he immediately came up with at one point when he supposedly tried to take a kill at one club. 
Mute // pep talks are useless, hates to do so, doesn't know what to say, he just fills up the definition of a mystery; only that the most important is already out, he barely talks unless needed to give instructions or warning. Like said, three-words a day.
FULL NAME Hong Sunho
BIRTHDAY & AGE 15/02 & 24
BIRTHPLACE Pohang, North Gyeongsang, South Korea.
HOMETOWN Pohang, North Gyeongsang, South Korea.
ETHNICITY & NATIONALITY korean & south korean
LANGUAGES korean / native / it's been really long he didn't visit Pohang anymore, and thus for almost seven years of his disappearance and living in Seoul, Sunho slowly took out his accent.
FACE CLAIM Kim Jooyoung
APPEARANCE Sharp eyes holding out a certain air of mystery and longing, Sunho had lost all the fears and taunts of the society, at least on the surface. He's calm, but not without moments when he could laugh a little and exude confidence amidst quietness and strength held inside. Tall and slender, with red and black scars at the back withstand the hatred of one night, he's not letting the younger kids of Joker.XX be harmed by anyone. Besides that, a lengthy tattoo at his left arm and several shown reds at both limbs (never known as anything; not that Sunho was keen to talk whether they were new or old) . Hair cut (with colors changing three times, from black to purple to blond to light brown, as of now) and spiked up does give him a fresher look, but his eyes didn't really help giving out the vibes of a younger guy than he currently is.
MEASUREMENTS 183 cm & 65 kg
(+) observant, patient, calm, protective
(0) modest, blunt
(-) passive, jaded, dull, impractical
most people who remembered Sunho as not much of a talker, and Sunho wasn't always the one to have a penchant to stir up a conversation as much of a controversy; he's usually looking wary and is wary of many things; overthinking has done its results to him and he is not impressed with himself. he face-off people the same way he has done years ago, get kicked around doing things that he want for the sake of others. that part is the section where it is hard to change him out or his ways; he's impractical and doesn't really seeks out many adventures more than the life he had been given the option to. Sunho also has been carrying missions and tasks like it is nothing, and so much for indifference as so much for being unreactive to those whom he considered uninteresting; he's remarkably honest about others not being so much better, but it's usually out of informed points and not so much of 'i fxxig hate your guts yyou -'. Sunho's general avoidance of conflict unless inflicted is what usually doesn't put him on energy when faced with well... interacting. He's pretty incapable of taking humors in (though he is capable of lame-as-fxxk jokes). For times when forced interaction takes its way, Sunho is capable of donning shreds of his mask, but he gets worn out easily it hurts him more of faking. He is modest about his things, and prefers to keep his own problem to the back. He would compliment when needed to and keeps his time managing and people under the best way not to provoke wars in and out of Ares nor other colleagues or juniors.
But like a sheperd himself, Sunho usually has a sharp eyes for situations and missions; even for members themselves (that also counts his unfortunate moments of having to bear the immeasurable wild sounds of humanity around two a.m. in the morning). He notes their ways and reads the faces - always trying to figure out the characters of an individual, whom he would always thought is interesting, as mich as he hated conflict being thrown right in front of his face. And even so he endures the provoking and judgeful eyes, the merciless beatings and loss, things that turned his world monochromatic. But all he knows, nothing last longer unless his mind keeps on replaying the losses. He's 24 years old, six years after the hell known as middle and highschool, and has grown out of the temperament he used to have. The mindgame of memories are over. He's not enthuastic about seeking out troubles, and is used to it that he doesn't hesitate to take action once he felt he himself is going to be in danger. But little things that makes it worth it, the hilarious hijinks and heart-warming antics of the younger boys and colleagues, his sister... breathes out a life to him, despite the pressure they have to hang on to, some worse than the others. And he, who had studied the bearings of life, is not hesitant to let a hand out to save them from the deep trenches of the cliff.
1998, veteran Yang Hyunsang shot his wife, children survived.There isn't much, but he knew about shots of guns and his sister screaming at him to open the door to his room. By that time the sky was violet, almost morning, and all they could hear was the churning silence of the room; and his sister huddling to him in tears and the harsh cold. Three times the sky turned violet again, he finally heard of a sound; and a powerful light that blinded both of them, and only to hear that the adults talking and shouting words; and remember the very next day that he attended a soldier's funeral, along with his wife. It wasn't until to this day that he realized the soldiers were the last of his family. With no relatives known, they were taken to the goverment foster home, not without a note left in the dining room by the mother, Jang chaeri; that the seven-year old is Sunho, and the two year old is Sunhee.
because the most loyal would break under society.Sunho and Sunhee lived off in a government foster home before being taken in by a middle class couple in Pohang, and has been living off rather well. Sunhee had not known of whatever happened to her real parents, and enjoyed the love and care that her foster parents had given to her. But Sunho had his mind replaying the memories of fears and the unwritten promise of himself; that no one is to be trusted, exception for his sister (who had no clue of what happened). All the times used for his foster parents to connect with Sunho had failed off. He remained stubborn and had chosen to only talk very small bits, never more than three words a day. But Sunho still genuinely cared for Sunhee, even more so when both of them entered school. That's when Sunho realized, one belief he held even tighter to this day; even the most loyal would break under society.
i had a mask.Sunho had followed his studies well, albeit the academics are only so small compared to what he looked upon at the school itself. What lies behind the polished marmer, remained the most brusque minority construction of a society. Those who were richer than outstanding would remain at the highest hierarchy, and the lowest are better off eating dirt than breathing the supposed prestigious school. Sunho could only gape and stare helplessly in disbelief over the social pariahs being beaten up for not being the equal of the kings - and even the kings as they ate upon each other's words and manipulation. Sunho didn't blame his foster parents - he himself had an easy pass over the social pyramid thanks to the face and complying. Oh, and that section is now his own turning point. For all childs that he had seen, the kings wanted to test the normals on whether Sunho would be the other pariah or a second-in-hand. Sunho, left with no choice, beat the kids with the guilts he had on his face — and the realization kicked in. His biological parents had been kicked in the way they were. And he was going to. But the battle of minds worn off when Sunho thought he would not even break - just surviving the whole ordeal would be fine by him. He wore the mask of the society.
and even then, society would always .Sunho dons the mask out of fear, but even the mask itself starts eating him out. The days passed off when he would beat the childrens like the headsmen of the medieval nobles. All went unnoticed by Sunhee and their foster parents, who thought of him as just fine in school. All was well, until Sunhee was 13, Sunho was 18. One of the kings had hassled over her for being protective against another girl he had been targeting, and forced Sunho to finish her off. Pressured and terrified when he saw his own sister had to be taken down by him, her eyes wide and lost all of its color and trust, Sunho backed down and yelled out that he would never own up to that, and threatened out to reveal the bullies' ever-looming threats on the students. Taking his sister's hand away, Sunho left the scene and dropped the mask of society. But Sunhee was  terrified of him, her distrust had fallen on the man she relied on the most. She didn't speak to him for a few days.
unless you run.Few days later, Sunho hadn't realized anything weird happening to him; he still resumed school,  but onto the fifth day, six p.m., one bully had left him out a message that they got out Sunhee, and that if he wouldn't get out to get her, she would be in grave danger. Turns out, by the time he arrived, there he saw the 'king', the minions, and several even more unfamiliar - albeit dangerous - people. Guts sick to the bone, he realized he fell into their traps. When he tried calling the police, he was kicked down to the ground, beaten, until he managed to held on by beating them with a rusty pipe nearby. But with moments to spare before his conciousness swept away, he heard shots, yelps, and thuds of people to the ground. Sunho had not been able to hear anything by the time his sight had blurred into hazy lines, but he had seen a girl, terrified, screaming his name.
and live it new.Sunho would've thought of himself dead, but had woken up in a health care unit and Ares looming over the eighteen-year old, seemingly judging of the sins that Sunho had been doing, and greatly unnerved him. Ares spoken, in Sunho's memory, "Count your sins, and finish what you choose." Sunho realized that it would be his last calling; the cowardly Hong Sunho is gone, and for the next seven years, lived on as Shep. His 'death' was ruled out as homicide, until a certain maniacal had met the loved one of his past... .
[Three-word Quota] talks with a deep voice, slow even. It's really unknown why he did such. if it's not necessary, Sunho does not talk at all. He barely let out three words per day, much more a grunt than an audible voice. Three-word quota is one of the things other psychotics or several maniacals had seen of him.
[Fears] Fun fact, he's not claustrophobic, yet fears being inside the toilet alone. There was that unpleasant incident when he was changing his clothes, and his bathroom door was unlocked and held by his feet. By the time he lets it off, the door was locked from the outside. He got stuck for two hours thinking about how he always flushes, never been a hassle, and doesn't use excessive tissues. The next half an hour, he's asleep. One mad boy freaked out. He later on figured out it was Knives pranking the wrong person (supposedly Sage).
[Past Lovers] None, if random crushes on the streets didn't count. He had hundreds of those, including those he had mistaken as girls. He didn't want to talk about it, albeit the results have been rather comical (offensive, at times, even). And of course, the cute nurse downtown... .
[Injury List] By the time he was brought to Joker.XX, his body injuries included five broken ribs, one fractured scapula, fractured skull, and a fractured ankle. There's a reason why he's pretty iffy when having to change his own clothes with other males around. The scars at the back are still intact. He's not proud of it.
[Siblings] Ironically, while they are biological siblings, Sunhee and Sunho do not look or act like each other. Other than yes, they both made rather... intimidating/stiff/awkward facial expressions when not in imminent danger (or first impressions).
[Sociability] He's labelled boring for one thing; he's what people been saying as, living under a rock. He spends most of his free time walking around Seoul and eating snacks. He would fetch a little time just writing, but nobody has an idea what he wrote/having a hard time to.
[Journals (?)] Sunho stalks observe the members of Joker.XX and keeps tabs of them in his journals, but it went unnoticed by those who opened it, thanks to the fact that he replaced all of their names with food and drinks (e.g. 'Wonton' for Fang, 'Bolo de rolo' for Knives, 'Skate' for Ares, etc.) and that his handwriting is so horrible it's inducing headaches. One honestly asked whether he was craving food and alcohols.
[Flower Boy] Loves daisies for obscure reasons, but it might be linked to the fact that it reminds him of his old home in Pohang. Yes, it kinda smells bad if he's not lucky. Anyways, the tradition started when he was young - every December 10th, he would talk a little more  than the other days, a rare occasion. He would ask his mother to buy ten daisy stalks and two chocolate muffins. Now, after never seeing her again in so many years, the years after his stay in Joker.XX would involve him buying ten and putting them in a vase by the window before drying them out so they could still be decorative.
[Sea] Honestly loves the beaches, wishing to return to Pohang and enjoy a day eating by the seaside alone.
[Real Family] the siblings' real surnames are Yang, but later on changed. Their father is a veteran remarried with someone a decade older than him; it ended up badly with the mother revealing a note about the children.
[Delusional Comfort] while not a particularly religious man (the fact that seeing abominations from child trafficking to accidental deaths of the henchmens that had no idea what they were doing already jaded him badly), there is a feeling of a reassuring delusion and a strange calmness whenever he sat down at the empty cathedral, left with one pastor (whom he never talked to, yet seemingly understanding), thinking of the past deeds and how the future would go, and how there's a possibility on how there could be an escape to rejoin his foster parents and sister. The points when he completely ignored the pain of his enemies kicking him (and at certain times, Ares when he failed) was at the certain tick where he started feeling sleepy, ignoring the thumps that cracked his bones and thought of his parents smiling, at the seashore, where Sunhee would start laughing and threw seawater at him, and another guy, with him holding hands with a woman as they went in their happy memories... somewhat of a future to behold.
[School] While not a particularly notable thing back in his days, he had a starry record in gymnastics at middle school and highschool, one that he would use later on in his life. One of the bully had called him 'gay' and he's honestly not amused for it.

hong sunhee 'daisy', sister, Sunho usually sneaked out of his habitat and watched over his own sister, who he genuinely cared for and wouldn't hesitate to throw himself under had her life been in danger again. Unfortunately, of all the days he would secretly protect her, his heart breaks when he knew Sunhee had her own guilts over watching his 'death'. Someone would say that he had a slight sister complex, but what gives when Sunho was able to see Sunhee caring for him the most? If there is one trigger that would remind him of her and her of him, Sunho would buy ten daisy stalks at her birthday. It was a habit he had done when he was even younger, maybe when he was seven. She's the only one that he could connect with, genuinely and selflessly. the same couldn't be said of the girl; she felt the loss to be overwhelming, but once she got over it, her loss is at a smaller magnitude (albeit still large). His protective stance almost never affect her as good until his, "death". One could imagine of him being alive.
"Fang, what are you doing, and... who are you?"
Looks between the choked Fang and her, stares. "Sunhee..."

fang 'wonton', somewhat future brother-in-law, Sunho had heard of feng saving a certain beloved someone (/coughs/sister) and while he's quite relieved with the existence of feng, he's not amused by the fact that this guy might had something going on in his heart. But nonetheless, he's relieved of the sanity of fang (tbh he really can't pick out anyone better for his sister so). Fang is somewhat the maniacal he feels is a trustable/reliable (because holy, he's not getting Sunhee over Sunho). Fang, one of the Joker.XX maniacals that he could get along with, continually respects him as a senior, but sometimes just can't help cracking several name puns or several awkward pauses when Sunho did not react at all (THEY'RE GONNA GET MARRIED AMIRITE? PLEASE LET SUNHO BE UBER-PROTECTIVE FOR SUNHEE AGHH). And then a certain panic at the younger guy just got him when he realized that the older guy could possibly butcher him when he saw what him and his girlfriend did... . the only one Shep felt closest to, only after several while of him coincidentally knowing of Fang being madly in love with a girl, after one of the witnessing of his sister.
" you know Sunhee?"
"Uh, no, she's my friend, just that."
(prolonged silence, sunho stared at him while fang anxiously waited for the only-one-time-seeing guy to talk)
"we both have the same parents, you see."
and at that moment, he knew, he was screwed.
"you don't look like her." "genetics gone wrong, i guess (chuckles)."

knives 'bolo del rolo' (chadols), anything-but-friendly-friends, honest to goodness Sunho is not amused, at all, of the boy. All underlines are emphasized. Truth be honest Sunho himself cut some slacks over not really knowing whether or how-the-hell did Knives changed into something... inhuman. Sunho was nineteen when he met Knives, and had been passing over the seemingly normal boy, only to be proven wrong in their first moment mission together, 22 years old. The younger boy had literally hogged down the last of his supposed targets, backing off thanks to his planning stratergy, which does not bode well with Knives' 'just hog it' logic. Sunho was exasperated, annoyed, but choose not to break his three word quota when facing off Knives. Nowadays, Sunho's attention towards him is as equal as it gets with other members of Joker.XX; minus the obvious staredown between each other (and occasional outburst from Knives, thanks to him not responding to the younger boy's vulgartastic insults) observing it from afar though, he had known Ares did something, a thing he wasn't supposed to know, that turned the boy into something else, considering Ares himself was a psycho in his own right.
"So I heard about this little b*tch called Sunhee that the little Fang liked —"
"ha.ha.ha. go drown."
ares 'skate', the intimidation, Sunho would honestly admit; he had no single idea why he had been loyal or stayed with the man. To Ares, Shep is a boy of strong actions yet weak words; one who would consider his allies with loyalty. Which wasn't wrong in its own accord, but Shep always considered the safety of those involved and feared for their lives more than his own trust, which could translate as of being a bossy person, one that Ares couldn't bring up to like that part, though Sunho rarely showed it. To Sunho, Ares is the epitome of danger; one who can force him to speak out more than just three words, and doesn't hesitate to kill. Their relationship is barely neutral if not constantly having Sunho fidget for fifteen minutes in his seat; Ares had him in straws and he does not like it. Between sympathizing over the things he had suffered or having a silent growl when seeing him beating the merciless, Sunho can't decide.
"In a way, you're a mute."
"Supposedly not until  you came."
taichou 'curry', the magnetic repulse, one year older than Shep and in the same rank, he found a slight ease, although it's never the strongest kind, possibly slightly better than Fang (and that's thanks to Sunhee, not by genuineness) in nakajima. possibly due to the same fear of Ares or that they're loners. Whatever it is, he fondly remembered the days of him being a maniacal, when after Shep felt uselessly being held at a gunpoint with nothing but a baffling situation, only to be spared seconds by the remaining team thanks to taichou's plan. to this day, the misfits yet great squad pretty much respects the captain, and a relief hidden by sunho himself, knowing about the fact that Taichou is pretty much hiding the whole secret from anyone, but sometimes too loyal can be too much. even if Sunho attempt his run, taichou kepts him at bay, in fear of betrayal... something that Sunho remembered way too clear. while often insulted with remarks of his oversimplified weaponry, taichou would sometimes admit, that shep cleans his own things better than anyone. shep respects taichou, and while often the belittle could be way too much (not that Sunho is comfortable with basically anyone)with his girly weapon, that he likes this warm feeling a little that he's scared to declare himself dead, like seven years ago.
will add more for collabs :3
Episonage; While is actually quite tall, Shep's ability to blend in behind the shadows are pure live-saving points at certain missions, especially the solo ones. It's not that Shep is horrible at fighting; but he's not exactly those who likes to get his hands covered in blood. So when attacking others, it's usually one quick pull off the crook and the enemy is dead.
Strategy; One of his notable skills of looking at people and deciding how they would end up with his handiwork. He takes up several minutes to make up his mind, before winding up and kill the target in one whoop of a swing. Enemy plans out five steps ahead, Shep goes on in two minutes how to get his head five steps in front of Ares. He's not exactly the best in teamwork, but he does what needs to be done.
Flexible; This probably has something to do with him having records in the gymnastics, but even after his long-healing ankle has been able to work again, his results are more or less not as best as he was before. Not to mention his age has been old enough right now, 24... but still, he's been practicing day and night and the results are more or less satisfying his hit-list.
Force; Shep's body is honest-to-goodness cannot endure so many punches and is physically one of the weaker psychotics. One can say that two broken ribs had certainly screwed his brains in and out. When his plans go wrong, he's easily one of the first to fall off.
Orthodox; With a planned attack and being used to his main weapon, he's not very remarkable with knives or guns (poor aiming skills has its horrors), when his plan literally fails off, he wouldn't have time to think about another reason to make it better, and instead wonders why he failed on that one.
Counterattack; His weapon is not the kind to resort to violence, and requires him to at least move out a little, which episonage may not be able to do its job. So without so much of correct jabbings and quick neck breaks, Shep is forced to either run or fxxing beat the person to death (which he's not good at).
Slow, but flow; Shep doesn't waste energy on his missions, if he can get it done in fifteen minutes, that better be that damn time. He takes shots of breath before finishing off, his body moving with steady energy around him. He stays that way for most of the time, except if he feels very angry, but no, that doesn't happen a lot.
Shepherd's Crook While seemingly notable of a non-violent use, Shep had improvised and left a sharp blade instead. The staff itself is only a few centimetres below him, and is made of steel. In case his enemies did manage to get away, he would pull out the arc bent and held their necks against the sharp knife. And he could actually pin on/ slam them to walls with the staff itself, due to its length. And of course, hitting people's head with metals are enough to kill them.
When he's not using his signature weapon, Shep would use a Bo staff with a knife at the tip of it.
His fighting style is mostly passive and generally avoidant; only striking to paralyze enemies when the time says so, in contrary to his prior pressure of beating innocent kids. His fighting style has been mixed; but it's more on the self-defense than offense.
LOVE INTEREST Ogawa Hisako [fc: Hirai Momo]
BACKUPS hyooorin
BIRTHDAY & AGE 14/09 & 23
OCCUPATION clinic nurse
PERSONALITY Hisako is one hell of a cheerfulness abound; she keeps a smile on her face and tends to avoid conflict as much as possible; she prefers peace, but deep down she actually does the smart act and is maturing out, ever so slowly. The naivety is intact in her, but she likes to think that the world isn't as bad as one would've thought. What she said is amazing could be a minor annoyance to others or even a hindrance to some. But as much as she had seen the world in front of her eyes dropping ever the worse, she takes the best out of things and gives out all of her wants and all of her needs. Fxxx social status, hello fluffy ponies and rainbows. She's bold and doesn't hesitate to say the best and genuinely shows care, even if the care is not what the others want to see. When they want to see her suffer, they're just going to see her forgiving.
FIRST MEETING Hisako had been a young Japanese transfer student back at Sunho's school, at the age of fifteen and Sunho being sixteen. She hadn't seen Sunho actually interacting with other students, often at the back of his seat, looking over the - ah forget it. Sunho's a loner, Hisako is the genki who had quickly gained friends and reputation as the school sweetheart. Sunho wasn't interested in her, more or less because she had been such a fuss... that's actually sincere and naive in her actions and he couldn't help but feel of her as an interesting person, especially being one of the few foreigners he had seen (most who didn't end well in the bully's baits).
However, one time, one of the bullies had harassed a younger student, and Hisako wasn't having any of it. She got pushed out instead and suddenly became the shunned social pariah thanks  to the unreliable rumours spread of her. From the popular to the hated. The only one, again, who didn't seem to mind her was Sunho. She tried closing in to him, but when Sunho felt too close for comfort, he turned his back away. He knew, from afar, that the bully is watching both of them out and he needed to save his off. But days to come, Sunho gave in to Hisako, and started out interacting... if his occasional grunts and nods as he sleepily heard Hisako rambling off counted. But out of anyone, Sunho had been the only one to understand/ at least listen to what pressure she had on the minor society, just as much as he had gave in against the society itself.
But even the time itself wasn't lucky. The bully started out showing his interest against Hisako, whom in turn was uneasy, but things took turn for the worst when she had said no. Pissed off, the bully forced Sunho to 'tell the sxxx off'. Sunho knew that she wouldn't last long, so privately, gave her a quick slap in the wrist, before slamming her against the locker and hissed, 'Run. Don't come.' Hisako barely had a second before Sunho pushed her out, and she never came back to school for the remaining semester, moving out back to Japan.
However, one day before he encountered Sunhee, they both met again, by coincidence, in the Han River. Hisako slapped his cheeks, angrily screaming, "Sun fxxxing Ho. If I was your fxxxing sister, what would you fxxxing do, huh?"
Three years later, Hisako returned to try out a job as a nurse in one small in Seoul. Sunho met her two years ago.
INTERACTIONS Since both of them had never met anymore, Sunho was surprised of her guts, and rather displeased. Hisako still remembered the nasty incident Sunho had made, but is now indifferent, if not warming up him, who is full of regrets on how he had beaten her up, and how he was powerless about stopping it, but he knew he himself had the full brunt of responsibility. Sako, what he would call her in his mind, had her own doubts on not forgiving him, because honest to goodness as much as his betrayal had been a hurt for her, she was displeased of his own state right now, seemingly full of worry and pressure from a bigger force she couldn't handle. She didn't pity him... just... wanted him to stop.
And of course, of all things, you got the little sister among the way. Sunhee had known Hisako after  encountering the gangs, and had her wounds treated there. Like other students before, Hisako hadn't known of Sunhee and Sunho (due to Sunho never revealing his family name to her and she didn't really remember), just thinking of Sunhee as a nice, albeit shy, girl barely making it out as an adult. But on one occasion when she visited Hisako at the clinic, Sunhee had gave a longing look of the daisies she placed at the flower vase. Hisako asked her about her glum when looking at the flowers, but Sunhee only replied that it's pretty and nice, nostalgic. Later on, the next occasions when she would veer off and saw Sunho with the flowers, she'd bug him out on why he gave her the flowers. Honest to goodness he absently replied it was cheap and it was the only thing he thought as good. He got two good beatings from her.
Sunho had been injured in and out pretty badly in one mission, and knowing his identity would be damned if he had been in the hospital, he dragged himself out to Sako's clinic, and Sako, seeing him out that way, had her heart shaken and started patching out his wounds. Later on, Sunho had begrudgingly thanked her, promised to pay the money later, and dissipated out of her sight. The next hour, Sako had the money being sent in a letter, saying, 'sorry', along with ten stalks of daisies. Sunho encountered her the second time again, this time, they had an appropriate moment to talk, but not when being interrupted by a Joker.XX member, whom had been watching the scene unfold. After the unpleasant warning, Sunho would try to sneak up upon Hisako in secrecy, out of anyone's grip. First thing he wanted from her; an accepted apology.
RELATIONSHIP betrayed friends patching things up.
ENDING "Anyway you want or like it, we can't escape."
Really. Sunho knew the bigger responsibility that would affect Sako had Ares not stop his own bouts of insanity - but he knew even more the disappointment that Sako would feel. When one day, Sunho and Hisako were alone by Han River, Sunho broke his silence and told Sako to leave South Korea. Frustrated when Sunho wouldn't answer why, Sako pressed in before he said,
"You'd believe me if you're going to die?"
"...If you tell me why."
"Some people just can't forgive."
Silence engulfed the whole scene, as Sako held a deep breath, and answered.
"I believe you. I'll go."
Sunho looked at her, surprise and relief washing over his eyes. He answered, wavering, "I'm sorry."
"What's done is done, Sunho. Now it's over." Hisako turned around and held her arms around him, while she felt his warm body shook in choked silence.
COMMENTS >>:DDDDD stupid idea came to me because i'm a er for siblings.
When Ares nearly beat one mad kid to death in the same manner it was six years ago for Shep, the latter pulled the kid aside and got beaten in the place of the kid. Results may vary.
Someone of maniacal rank badmouthing Sunhee out from Fang and Sunho choking him out.


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hoduken #1
*i think??? im not sure lmao sorry if we havent even talked help
BUT do you think i can add you in my app