Simply Happy

This morning, I managed to have late breakfast together with some friends. We were chatting idly while waiting for the foods, discussing things--some related to children and parenting, and smiling. The way the words exchanged between us or the tickling sounds of spoon against the bowl or plate are things I've missed these days since I have less and less time with friends due to my own business. So, when time like this morning happens, I was simply happy. Not that I said it loud, though :P

Well, both having people who care about us or being capable to care about others is important. There's not every one could do both. Anis Matta, one of important figure in Indonesia, said that only people that have strong heart and strong character capable of caring or loving others. It because loving others means you have to bear the burden not only yours, but also theirs. Loving others also means that you may need to sacrifice your own pleasures for the sake of theirs. That's why it is hard. But the reward is worth it, even God Promises us heaven. Isn't that cool?!

That's why I was sad for being too busy with my self. It has been sometimes I did not have any gathering with friends, excluding the weekly religious meeting, until this morning. I wonder whether the fact that I have moved to my town is one of the cause. 

So, the point is though an existence is not necessarily proven by a presence, meeting your friends once in a while is important, at least for me :D


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though I'm a loner person, I feel meeting friends is important, especially the closest one...
but for me, talking to online friends like rei nee also counted as meeting my closest friend.. :D
It's a source of my power too :D
ah, and that's why, I wish sometime we can meet, eyes by eyes, too XD