Health Update: I Lose Weight!! ^^

This is my update blog to:

I don't want to be Fat

This will explain my backstory to my current diet or "lifestyle" >.<

Yesterday I weighed myself and... I lost a little bit of weight!! 5 pounds (2 kg) to be exact. I'm gonna be honest and say I was a bit scared to do it. I didn't want to put all this effort in and my body didn't change at all. I waited about 10 days before stepping on the scale to give my body time to sort itself out and it worked ^_^ 

My plan was/is to walk/jogging 3 miles a day. I was following that diligently. I even did more depending on how I felt. If I didn't walk that day I made sure to do some sort of exercise. A couple of the days I went bike riding~ School is back in session so I am planning to walk after school and on the weekends. It's been very hot the past couples days so I haven't done any exercise which worries me a bit. I don't want to lose my conviction this early on, however the weather is supposed to be cooler tomorrow so I'll start back up then. When winter comes I'll have to figure something out to burn calories.

As for my diet... I cheated a bit. I was supposed to cut out ALL fried and fast food. I didn't. But I definitely cut back ALOT. In the span of 2 weeks I ate less fastfood and unhealthy food than I ever have in my life. I am so proud of myself  T_T  My mom is even being more considerate by buying less snacks and cooking at home more. I've been counting calories which stops me from eating junk food. I mean, why eat 1 cupcake for 300+ calories when I can have an apple for 50 calories?? I make sure not to exceed 2,000 calories a day. I am eating more fruit and veggies and drinking more water. I make sure to have some kind of salad with dinner. I'm still working on portion control. Sometimes I get too full and I end up feeling bloated and get heartburn. 

If I lose 10 pounds (4kg) then I'll be officially and securely out of the obese category. If I keep this up I'll reach it in about a month or so. I can do this!!

I'm currently looking for vegetarian/vegan recipes online to make. I'm not thinking of converting, but having healthy, low cal meals a couples times will only help me in the long run.

Will make another update soon! 


And thanks for all the support I got on my last post. It was really motivating :)


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I'm very proud of you! I don't know about vegetarian recipes, but I've been a vegan for a while so I have a bunch of healthy recipes that are vegan (and healthy too, since I'm on a diet as well). I'd try black bean burgers, quinoa with a variety of vegetables, and sweet potato fries (believe it or not,those things are great for you!). Keep doing your walking and don't worry about the scale. As you walk more, you'll gain muscle which weighs more than fat. You'll notice the changes physically more and there is nothing more rewarding than feeling your clothes get looser and becoming more confident. And in moderation, its all right to have a cupcake every now and then. Good luck and I hope you lose all your remaining weight. Fighting!
I'm so happy for you! I wish to eat more vegetarian meals but a lot of them could consist of pastas or carbs which don't always help. But if you want to eat meat I would suggest ground turkey, or Bison instead of beef. And don't you just hate how hey categorize our health? Technically I'd be overweight for my height but not age
you're certainly doing a lot better than me O.o I have a ton of exams and other school-related stuff to stress about and I've been splurging again ._.
don't worry about cheating, it's still perfectly fine to treat yourself once in a while, and you can't expected to cut out everything unhealthy immediately...
I'm so proud of you~!! I knew you could do it!!!
If proportions is hard for you then you should try snacking healthily instead of eating full course meals. This is only an option. But to prevent from over eating: eat till you're only 80% full. I know, how can you tell if you're 80% full or not. It honestly depends on you and your body really. For me the feeling is like I'm full but I still feel the need to eat until I'm stuffed--there's always a small empty feeling for me.
And something that helps make you full quicker without over eating is drinking a cup of tea before every meal. A cup of tea after a meal can help with that other 20% that isn't full. But then again, that's how it feels for me.
But I'm so, so, so proud of you!! Keep all this up and you'll be able to get where you want to be. Maybe I should really seriously start taking of my body more... I've been slacking a bit...
Congrats! Every step toward your goal! Hwaighting!