Full Name: Jaehee Jung

Faceclaim: No one

Languages you can speak: Korean, English, little bit of Spanish

How many times are you active on AFF a week?: Everyday

What is your time zone?: PST

When were you born?: July 26, 1994

Why do you want to join? Also, what groups do you want to join in the entertainment?(Quality over Quantity): I want to join because I love to sing and rap.  I am in other entertainments as well but I can manage my time well and balance this with school work. I want to be in the group that doesn't have a name yet (the one with I Need U and Empty as their songs)

What position do you prefer?: Lead vocalists, main rapper
Can you harmonize?: Sort of 
Do you personally think that you can rap and sing?: yes
Are you confident?: yes
What songs do you want to sing to at this entertainment?: Piano man - Mamamoo, BTS Cyphers

Stage Name?: Jenni
Info about yourself?: I'm a junior in college and making covers and collabs are the things I do for fun to get me out of the study zone
What are you favorite kpop groups?: N.Flying, BTS, Teen Top
Line Account: muzikmagiks
Kakaotalk Account: kittenonaroll
Your audition link(s): Heart Attack | Shouldn't Have | Boyz with Fun

Final words?: Thank you for reading the audition form and I hope to get in~


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