SNSD's Male Counterpart (Japanese Boys)

Hello! I know I should continue my stories but I don't have the time so I will use the blogs instead. For this one, I am using SNSD in my blog as I mean the whole group for the first time. So, let's go do this thing.

SNSD Male's Counterpart

Taeyeon's Male Counterpart - Suzuki Hiroki (1983 person) (both are consider to be a dorky person)

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Jessica's Male Counterpart - Ikuta Toma

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Sunny's Male Counterpart - Yamamoto Yusuke

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Tiffany's Male Counterpart - Shirota Yu (both are half asian, half white) (since Shirota is half Spanish and Tiffany is half American)

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Hyoyeon's Male Counterpart - Araki Hirofumi

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Yuri's Male Counterpart - Aiba Hiroki (both are sometimes to be consider to be underrated and both are flexible dancer) (Hips moving for Aiba and Yuri)

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Sooyoung's Male Counterpart - Seto Koji 

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Yoona's Male Counterpart - Sato Takeru (both are more into acting than everyone else)

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Seohyun's Male Counterpart - Chiba Yudai

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The End. So, which member has the best male counterpart? Please say in the comment box!


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vinthisworld #1
I'll choose Yuri then. And I know just now that Tiffany is half Asian half American