Another AFF


Whoah O.o I just discovered a site called AFF, which stands for Asian Fan Fiction. It looks pretty organized to me and you can even change the skin. I chose Royal Blue ^0^ And look, a Bishounen Cafe! Remember my last blog post about my claimed anime character? Well, they also have the kpop equivalent of that. I was actually drawn in by...the challenge ad, lols xD They have beta-readers there guys, just in case you need one. 


Just to explore the site more, my curiosity getting the better of me, I decided to create an account. But I stopped short when I read the last point in the  user guidelines. They have rules in posting a story! Ohhhkaaayyyy. I didn't quite expect that they have tons of rules just to submit a fic, but it ensures the quality of the stories in that site, even the story banners have a specified size. And the mods check the submitted stories ^^ Go ahead and read rule 11: story standards. 


See how much freedom Boss Nichi gives us here in our own AFF? If those rules were applied here, hehe ^^, no one would complain about crappy fics... but would there be enough fics here to read?


I see now why they only have a few users in Asian Fan Fiction and according to melody0606, "Feedback is practically non-existent."


In the end, I didn't register xD But I might go there to read ^0^




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I am not apologizing for anything I have written because I merely stated my first impression and I am pretty sure I didn't disrespect anyone ^0^

So for those who would visit this post, I suggest you read this as well for I have dealt with this a long time ago:
this is sad...reading this post.
i do like both AFF, but honestly I prefer the other AFF. Why? because I had a bad experienced on this AFF eventhough I already put that behind me. Someone actually posted my fanfiction here without my knowledge and not even crediting me. That really hurt me as a writer and pissed me off.
Oh and the other AFF made a better writer out of me. Comparing my old chapters to the recent ones...and my recent's way better. So, rules are good.
Every site have their own rules and regulations even here. It's just the other AFF is more stricter because the admin there pushes the authors to be a better writer.
This is just my opinion.
I was there first before I came here.
it's fun there.
but the community here is larger, o3o
I'm a frequent member of Asian Fan Fiction too and I don't like the critisms.
I can't write a long comment like Lillith, but I want to say I like this site as well as the other but to read this here I'm sad.
Just like how you guys have respect for boss nichi, I like and respect the admin in Asian Fan Fiction.

LillithEvans #5
I'm done my rampage. Thank you for listening to my long freaking explanation of how my preferred site works.

Both sites are amazing. I love the freedom that this AFF encourages.

I love the structure and the creativity that the other site offers...the reason I wrote such long posts is because I'm really dedicated to it and I don't want it to be misunderstood.

Once again if my posts offended anyone I really do apologize. I didn't mean for them to. If they did, you can internet punch me I promise. <3
LillithEvans #6

HI! I'm sad. because you sound like a great author and the fact you're put off by the rules has upset me. The Admin only has to approve the first two chapters and then it's free to come on as you like because she knows you're obeying her rules :) so yeah there is freedom she just checks the first two chapters to ensure the rules are followed.

We're not elitist...we're kind of lame and stupid and we make horrible jokes. Okay well I just make horrible jokes. I'm kind of sad that you said elitist. Our admin is damn down-to-earth...and the fact she made that how-to section to help us out just shows how much she's not bothered about making it an elite site but more about a site to help authors. (I'm glad you like disclaimers, your explanation is much shorter I was pwned.)

Your stories cannot be invalidated without reason! LOL. Sorry but we're not that mean! You can piss our admin off as much as you want...she will not delete your story or your account unless you expressly ask her to. This isn't her 'favourite' stories collection. It's a site where she allows people to post stories. If you don't follow one of her rules on purpose she'll message you and ask you to edit your story. (We have betas to take care of the whole typos and grammar mistakes) SO MANY LEVELS before your story even gets to the deletion point.

"The admin reserves the right to modify these rules as needed." I guess that sounds creepy...but that just means that she wants to be able to change the rules in the future. Your past stories won't be deleted if you break the rules to comfort you. She doesn't have time to go through 1000+ stories to make sure they follow the new rules. :)
LillithEvans #7
@imsosofia For your own benefit, you don't like disclaimers?? WHAT? Okay I'm taking law right now and just to let you know, disclaimers are VITAL. All Harry Potter fanfictions have disclaimers, that's because you're using someone else's characters, someone else's material to create your own. YOU HAVE TO DISCLAIM IT. The same goes with celebrities, you're using their personas their faces. You may write some crazy involving iunno Seohyun from Girls Gen and Yong Hwa from CN Blue from we got married.Yes obviously it's fanfiction and yes it never happened but you have to disclaim! It can be offensive to them, you don't know! Disclaimers help cover your basically.

FYI, some authors are TOTALLY against fanfiction, they feel it infringes on their work and I've heard of some where they've asked writers to take down their stories or they'll take legal action.

So yeah. disclaim over here please with your stories just for your own safety.

FYI on our site, our Admin has a general one which goes on with every story so you don't even need to write it!!!! She automatically populates it for you :D I write mine because I like to get creative with them.
LillithEvans #8
and starting again. man hell this is a long reply. but it's because I'm explaining everything. lemme just quickly say I don't mean to piss anyone off again. Feedback should not be the reason behind you writing, obviously as a writer I understand we all want feedback and everytime I get a review I freaking jump for joy and scream as loud as possible.

But that doesn't mean that the story with the most reviews every chapters is the story I'm concentrating on. I don't write for fact I encourage all authors not to write for you know why? A long time ago I wrote this really popular story called Third Time's The Charm in like 2006's on my profile here cause I needed it imported from Winglin. Let me just say that back in it's hey day it used to get 10 reviews a chapter on winglin and aww sad look when it switched over here it hasn't even got one review. Does that mean I stopped writing it? Cause it didn't get reviews anymore? NO! Why the hell would that stop me? I have like up to chapter 55 written out (not quite posted yet). Feedback should not be your reason for writing or posting anywhere. It should come from your heart, an excitement to write to be with your characters to fall in love with your world that you've created. That applies to every writer out there.

I find it sad that feedback would be a reason against this site...because honestly by posting on there you're just reaching more readers and who knows? Maybe you'll get the best review you've ever gotten on that site. It's all about accessing more readers through more channels...its basic marketing(i'm also a business student).

I may have completely turned you off registering...if so I'm sorry. I hope that clearing up all that helps you see that it's not that we're trying to restrict you guys...but that we want to help you grow in actuality, if you dream/breathe/live writing don't you want to get better? That's the type of writer that the other AFF makes you with the rules.
LillithEvans #9
- starting again. ahh. Yes mods check stories, well really only just one mod our admin. Our admin is extremely nice and she would never delete a story out of her own personal vendetta or something. She just wants to make sure her rules are followed. If you followed all the rules, then you're in no danger of having your story deleted. It's good that this AFF doesn't have as many rules...but its true that without your rules your writers stay kind of- stagnant. AFFs rules have helped challenge me as a writer to improve myself...and if you look at a lot of authors there the difference between their first story posted and their most current is massive.

So yeah AFFs rules...sure they're intense but they have a purpose. They're making you better writers...just saying. Our Admin also has resources that help us learn writing like we would in a class, how to develop characters, create denouments and plot antagonists and everything else- pretty freaking intense writing. A lot of the stories you read there will be written by authors who want to become novelists and publish their works.

So yeah. that's the reasoning behind all our rules. to help motivate us to become better writers. to not let our stories every be sub-standard or have horrible grammar, or typos. We try exceedingly hard to strive perfection (though obv. we never will cause perfection is unachievable. Maybe this has now provided a little more perspective than the user guidelines cause this is too long to put in there.

We currently house 10905 reviews written about our 1079 stories consisting of 5156 chapters and 9960387 words. huh. Our most popular story is reaching it's 500th review...and we're a growing site. I joined the site almost two years ago...I was the 777th member. Two years later, we have 7975. So yeah we don't have as many users as this AFF, but that doesn't mean we're small because every day we're increasing in size.

Feedback is non-existent...I guess this part may sound mean. (cont)
LillithEvans #10

I'm going to address all your comments here because honestly...I don't think you guys got the point of AFF. So just to clear it up and what the admin wants to accomplish I'm going tell you guys. Cause I'm a very dedicated author there, and I prefer that site to this one. That's not saying that this site is bad...I think it's quite well laid out and there's been some really good stories I've read here.

But sorry. I just feel the need to defend my preferred site. So DISCLAIMER: I do not mean to offend anyone, or piss anyone off. If the admins of this site feel my comment is inappropriate please feel free to delete my comment. <3 I will not take any offense but again I'm not trying to piss anyone off so please understand I'm just going to explain how that site works here briefly.

@dream_keeper88 thank you for visiting the other AFF. first of all it's necessary I say that. The fact you enjoyed the site is even more amazing. Thank you my friend Blossy came up with the BC Challenge and I'm not going to lie I wrote it and it's a lot of fun :) it's one of my favourite stories that I've written. I was previously a beta-there and I have a friend who betas for me there and she's amazing so yes. if you guys need beta readers you can go there...but only for stories you're posting on the other AFF. We will not be beta-ing for stories unless they are posted on the other site. They're allowed to be posted on this site as well of course but they MUST be posted on the other AFF as well. And as you mentioned, yes we're all quality writers so when we beta we're very strict... as long as you're okay with that sure come over. (and obviously you need to create an account)

Yes we have rules. The banners are restricted so that people with laptops of resolution of 800 x 600 do not need to scroll over to see your banners. So they're restricted to 700 x 110 and posters are 700x700. It's not that we don't want larger posters. It's for those users with that sort of screen.(cont)
Bless that last comment, she said everything I wanted to say, including the last bit about unvalidate LMFAO
I have an account there, but what put me off was their ludicrous rules for posting a story. I was going to post A Good Man there, but the mere fact that the admin has to approve of the story before it's even put on the site takes away the freedom to post anything you like whether you're a beginning writer or an advanced one. I'm not going to lie, I love that they have a "How-To Write" section, but the whole site seems pretty elitist on the part of the admin, if you ask me. It's a very rigid site structure, that doesn't allow for much room for growth. I like the disclaimer, but it should be a given by now that none of us authors own the likenesses of the people we write about, and the other work is our own property.

Also - your stories can be invalidated at any time? So, if you piss off an admin just enough, or you (gasp - the horror!) have 6 grammar or spelling errors in every 500 words, your story can be unpublished? And they delete it from their system??? Wow. I'll take freedom for 500, Alex. I think that sort of power should only apply to plagiarism. The last line kind of irks me a little - "The admin reserves the right to modify these rules as needed." Meaning, at any time, the admin can change the rules, and if your story falls in violation, they invalidate it, then presumably give you no warning before your story is taken off the site.

(Unvalidate is also not a proper word - invalidate, however, is the correct word)
that is why I'm sticking around here lolol
home sweet home *smile*

Love Nichi
This is why I love nichi & our aff here 8D