♔ LADIES' TOUCH (숙녀터치) ✧ The Underrated ✕ Song Nari



Username: 10Minchami
Activity Rate [1-10]:  7

Character Name: 
Song Nari
Plotline: The Underrated
Stage Name: Nari
Date of Birth + Age: 27. 3. 83 | 33 [Korean Age]
Ethnicity: Korean
Birthplace + Hometown: Chuncheon, South Korea
Languages: Korean (Native)


Face Claim: Song Jihyo
Backup Face Claim:
Kim Taehee
Height + Weight: 167cm & 58kg
Appearance: So far, Nari has no scars or tattoos but has a small birthmark on her left shoulder blade.
Style: Nari has a simple monochrome style that is subtle and casual. She prefers pants over dresses and cardigans over singlets.


Personality Traits (6+)
Sociable, Observant, Practical, Energetic
- Sensitive, Easily Stressed, Competitive
Personality (at least two paragraphs)
Nari was always a social butterly and likes to hop around, having fun but just one snide comment about her could bring her whole mood down. As a child, she was always like this. One day she'd go to school happily, but then come home sulking. Nari wasn't always so easily stressed though, or competitive either. Those two traits came in during her time in SM, when it was all about compitition. She became stressed and really competitive during training and wanted to shine in Ladies' Touch.

When Nari got married and had Bora, she became overly practical and observant. She got worried at everything Bora did, just incase he got himself injured. She was still energetic around Hyukshin and their son, but was very careful before he got to the age of three. 

Background: (At least 2 paragraphs)

Nari was born and raised in Chuncheon. She was always a musically talented child and prefered to be indoors than outside. During her birth, Nari's mother died of bloodloss and Nari was always told that she was gifted with her mother's young good-looks. By the year 1996, Nari was street-casted into SM Auditions and passed easily with rapping, something her father taughted her to do. During her trainee days, it was very hard for Nari especially because of Jaekyung. When she was announced to be in the line-up for Ladies' Touch, Jaekyung never bothered her again.

When Nari was in Ladies' Touch it was like their group was in control but she always felt like she was overshadowed by the other members. Despite showcasing her talents, everyone always wanted to see the other members. During that time, she started to see Hyukshin desperately feeling the need to be loved after being neglected. When Ladies' Touch decided to break the contract with SM, she felt slightly happy that the unnappreciation would stop but felt empty after the next few years.

Likes (5+):
► Lavenders
► Dark Chocolate
► Acoustic arrangements

► Tap Dancing
► Children
► Laughing


Dislikes (5+):
► Mint
Incorrect use of musical instruments
► Messiness
► Rumours 
► Rudeness

► Reading
► Composing instrumentals with her husband

► Hugging when asleep
► Tapping a surface using the end of a pencil

► Constantly checking the time

► Complete darkness
► Thunderstorms
► Clowns

► She usually lets Julie take care of Bora and vice versa with Julie's kids.
► Hyukshin taught Bora how to play the ukele but he does it terribly.
► Nari's surname used to be Kwon.

► Hyukshin and Nari got married in 2011.
► Nari watches their fan's covers of Ladies' Touch's songs and applauds them silently.
► Nari struggled wearing heels for performances in 2000 because she never used to wear them, now she's used to it.
► She is now a housewife.
► When she was young, she took tap dancing lessons.
► Bora can speak very intelligently for his age, his grandmother says he speaks like a six year old.

Singing Twin:
► Yura | Girl's Day
Rapping Twin:
► Lime | Hello Venus
Dancing Twin:
► Bora | SISTAR
Talking Twin:
► Seungyeon | KARA

Husband | Song Hyukshin | 34 | Music Teacher | Mature, Caring, Artistic | They know everything about each other and are very intimate together. 
Son | Song Bora | 4 | N/A | Messy, Jovial, Cheeky | Bora is Nari's only child and she cares for him deeply. 
Mother-in-Law | Song Jungri | 69 | Piano Instructor | Humble, Conceited, | Nari and Jungri aren't really that close but have a high respect for each other. Jungri doesn't trust Nari as a daughter.
Father | Kwon Jonghyuk | 72 | N/A | Sickly, Quick-witted, Supportive | Nari and her father are really close.


Julie Kwon | 22 | Idol | Traits | The two are like sisters, both understanding each other despite the age difference.

Kim Jiwoo | 26 | Idol/CEO | 4D, Sassy, Foolish | They have a strong friendly bond.
Choi Sooyoung | 26 | Idol | Sensitive, Funny, Witty | Nari was like a mentor to Sooyoung and was one of the reasons she remained an idol when training.
Jake Baron | 29 | Nurse | Kind, Quirky, Humerious | Since her father is kept in the hospital ward since his condition, Nari made a connection with his nurse, Jake. 


Ahn Jaekyung | 36 | Dance Trainer | Bossy, Flamboyant, Sarcastic | In her trainee days, Nari found it hard to not be distracted when she was constantly bullied by Jaekyung. Their training groups were graded on how well they performed for each talent; dancing, singing, rapping, acting, etc. It happens that Jaekyung was with Nari in every single group except for rapping. Jaekyung thought she was below-standard and pushed Nari's self-esteem. When Nari was chosen on the line-up of Ladies' Touch, she was beyond furious but couldn't do anything. 


Love Interest Name: Song Hyukshin
Age: 34 | 1981, February 9th
Occupation: Music Teacher
► Gentle
► Artistic
► Mature
Meeting: During SNSD's School of Rock, they met in the corridors of the school. Nari was cheering Sooyoung on and Hyukshin was meeting his younger cousin in the school. They were both lost and needed help.
Interactions: They are like every other couple out there. Affectionate and caring, they occasionally have small fights every month. 
Relationship: Husband


Plotline/Position: The Underrated | Lead Rapper, Vocalist
Backup Plotline/Position: The Dancing Queen | Main rapper, Main dancer
Comments: So excited to read the story!
Scene Requests:  Ladies' Touch takes care of Bora at their dorm and pretend they are filming Hello Baby. Bora doesn't know what they are doing but loves the attention.
Password: Flairs | 


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