Top 10 K-Pop songs I'm obsessing over at the moment (August 22nd 2015)

I almost forgot about this list and that I post it on Saturdays, it also almost happened last week! Why am I so bad at this?

So here are my Top Ten songs for this week:

10. Don't be shy- Primary feat. Choa and Iron

I've said before that I like upbeat K-Pop songs to dance to, but I enjoy songs that are different from that every now and then. I like this song for that exact reason. When I first listened to this song I didn't like it, but I also didn't dislike it. Now I enjoy it, and it's really great for relaxing. The beat is quite different from every other song I have, which is why I like it. If you like song that isn't like mainstream K-Pop songs, I recommend this song. I think they sing very well in this song.

9. I'll show you- Ailee

Ailee, in my opinion, is really underappreciated and -rated. I mean, many people like her and she is well known, but not enough for her talent. Her voice is exeptionally strong, she sings so beautifully. This song is her most successful song, I think. This MV has a lot of views, actually. I love this song because she sings it so well, and the background music is great. I love that it starts of really emotionally, and you expect it to be a slow love song, but then the chorus comes around and there's suddenly so much power, I love it. Later it slows down again, which makes the song perfect. If you haven't you should definitely listen to it, I'm sure most people will enjoy it as much as I do. Support Ailee, she's awesome!

8. Neverland- U-Kiss

I'm a KissMe, by the way. What I love about groups that have existed for a long time is that you can go back to their really old songs and rewatch the Mvs (and cry about the members who left). The old U-Kiss is a band I kind of laugh about, I hope you understand what I mean, I love them, don't get me wrong. This song is great, I love the music. It's obvious that this song is older, but I still love it the same. How awesome would it be if there were bands who put out music like this these days? I'd love it. I like the chorus of this song the most, it's just so catchy and fun to sing along. U-Kiss are great and always have been, you should totally check them out. If I could change one thing about U-Kiss, I would bring back Dongho, he's awesome (but also keep Jun, I don't want the old U-Kiss, I love Jun so much). Let's move on, I'm just talking about nothing, am I?

7. Shadow- The Legend

Affybear suggested this song for me and I really love it. I hope you guys will send in some suggestions or personal favorite songs I should listen to, I'll check them out and I love it when you guys comment. (That reminds me: I should listen to Eat by Zion.T, since it was also suggested, but I never get around to it!! I always forget!!!!)I love the chorus of this song the most, but I really enjoy the verses aswell. This song makes me want to dance for some reason, maybe I'll get around to creating a choreography one day, I love doing that. Basically this song gives me a great feeling, I can't even describe it. Check it out, you won't regret it! Thank you so much for suggesting it!

6. We are a bit different- Evol

Evol are really talented, but sadly, they're under Stardom Entertainment. By that I mean that Stardom can't really handle their groups well, can they? I mean, Block B had the drama, and Topp Dogg and Evol are really underrated, because they're managed so badly! Back to the song: It's a great song to dance and to party to (if you're throwing a party with K-Pop music, play this song! Actually, I might make an extra blog post about Party songs). Okay, BACK TO THE SONG: I'm impressed that Say (I think it's her)sings the chorus so perfectly, not many people could pull that off. I love this song overall, and will get more into Evol, I think, even though they haven't released much.

5. 20- Seventeen

This song isn't by Seventeen entirely but by the vocal line only. I love that they have Units, that way they can show off everybody's talents! This song is also a song that's quite relaxing. I think it's perfect for listening to it in the car or on the bus/ train/ any method of transportation like a bike. It's songs like this one that make me want to be able to speak Korean, because I love singing this song, but I can't sing all of it, sadly. I'd say somethign about each member individually right now, but I'd never stop praising, then, so let's continue.

4. Some- Soyu x Junggigo

I know about this song because of Topp Dogg's A capella cover (listen to it! It's perfect!). I then got curious and listened to the original. Even though I prefer Topp Dogg's version, I love listening to the original aswell. The lyrics about not being sure what kind of relationship you are in with another person (Am I yours? Are you mine?), whcih isn't a subject I hear songs about to often, even though it's quite relatable and a good subject to sing about. The singing in this song is good, but I definitely prefer his voice over hers. It's also a quite relaxed song, I recommend listening to it, if you haven't yet. Please comment some other songs with singers of different genders, like duets, I want more of those!

3. My number- Cheetah

This song is awesome. I've never heard of Cheetah before I heard this song but she's a great rapper. I like the second verse way more than the first verse, it sounds cooler to me (they are quite similar, but still). The chorus isn't much talking or singing, just music. It's not a very exciting beat, it's quite simple, but it matches the song really well. If you like rap, I'd listen to this song, she's really good in my opinion. I also like that the song changes in feeling, the music gets more quiet at some points and then gets back to normal, it's awesome and fun.

2. Bang- After School

I discovered this song through the Seventeen Project. I then heard the original and actually liked that version way more than Seventeen's. I really like this song, even though the chorus isn't singing but talking/ shouting, which I don't always like. But it's perfect in this song. You should listen to this song, it has this special feel to it, but I just can't explain it, you should listen to it! The bridge part is also slower, like in many other songs, but this song is special, I actually prefer the fast and powerful parts over the slow one. It's a great power song, you should listen to it (it could be that you need to get used to it and won't like it at first, but if you listen to it a few times, you might)

1. Turn me back- 1Punch

This song caught my attention, because Samuel ('Punch') used to be in Seventeen but left. When I found out he was in 1punch, I was obviously interested. It was so weird to watch this video, because I know him as this little baby and now he's more of a... child.. Anyways: This song and MV have a very Old School feel to them. I love listening to the song, the beat is great and the singing and rapping matches it perfectly. It's a great song for basic B-Boy dancing, the usual Hip-Hop moves are perfect, especially for the part after the chorus. I definitely recommend the song, it's a great song to listen to and to dance to. I'd try to sum up this song, but I'm not able to do so, because it's so great. Listen to it!! I'm not joking!! Do it!!!


Thank you for reading my blog <3

I'm sorry for almost forgetting :( If you get the feeling that I might forget but you actually remember, then feel free to comment or something to inform me.

Oh my god I deleted this entire post just now but I luckily got it back, I was so scared

What I was saying is that I love it so much when you leave comments and I'd love it if you do that. Recommend some songs if you want to or if there are any other blog posts you'd like me to do, let me know! I'm currently working on the suggestion of 'K-Pop songs to sign to', but I'm still not sure how to manage the post for it to be easy to overlook and not confusing or anything.

Thank you again and I'll see you on this blog/ on my stories.



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Nice list. Neverland, We're a bit different and Bang are some of my fav songs,thank you for making this post.
Ooo, I really like Don't Be Shy by Primary! When I first watched the music video, I was scared at the start and everything seemed so. . .weird. But the beat and voice of Choa is nice to listen to! I like to listen to English songs because when I try to listen to KPOP, I don't understand anything T_T