School This Week

So first of all I want to say thank you to all of the people who wished me good luck for my first day, week, and year of school. Reading those comments made me happy. I made a lot of friends already. The reason I say already is because I’m really shy and it’s difficult for me to talk to people, but the friend I made on the first day helped me. Surprisingly I’ve been doing well in Spanish class so far. It was weird at first, because he was speaking Spanish the whole class, but I’m used to it now. My friend and I were talking to a sophomore in the class and she told us the time to join clubs is next Friday, and I was thinking about joining photography. I also saw the girl with the J-Hope sweater again, and I was going to try to talk to her, but she walked into her class. I was like “Dang it! I was so close.” Lol, but anyways I decided to do this again, because I find it fun, but this week of school went better than expected.


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