

☆ ahn chaE jin

kpop118 + lica + the triple Theat/ Leader



— CJ; Explanation
— jinny; Explanation
— Choco ; Explanation

BIRTHDAY ☆  re April 1st, 1992



— Korean ( FLUENT ) ; Was born, but not raised in korea, she was still taught.
— Chinese ( FLUENT ) ; Was raised in Beijing for a little period in her life.
— English ( SEMI-FLUENT ) ; Still learning

FACE-CLAIM Here Kim Shin Yeong
BACK UP Jung Hyun Joo

FASHION STYLE ☆ Her fashion is weird she a girly girl but she dosen


We are who We Are

And don't dare tell me otherwise


Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet. Carrot cake cookie topping. Sweet jelly lollipop cupcake cookie danish. Tart liquorice jelly beans caramels bear claw biscuit. Fruitcake cotton candy candy canes. Croissant topping applicake fruitcake donut gummies sugar plum brownie. Brownie apple pie fruitcake chupa chups. Lemon drops applicake icing marshmallow icing jelly beans caramels. Macaroon bonbon icing carrot cake tiramisu candy canes sweet roll sugar plum sesame snaps. Chupa chups pudding dessert cheesecake tart bear claw. Cake biscuit sweet cake gummies chupa chups chocolate bar muffin donut. Cupcake chocolate cheesecake tootsie roll lollipop. Sesame snaps danish powder lollipop donut cheesecake.


— write here
— write here
— write here


— write here
— write here
— write here


— write here
— write here
— write here


— write here
— write here
— write here


Those Things

That make you or break you


Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet. Carrot cake cookie topping. Sweet jelly lollipop cupcake cookie danish. Tart liquorice jelly beans caramels bear claw biscuit. Fruitcake cotton candy candy canes. Croissant topping applicake fruitcake donut gummies sugar plum brownie. Brownie apple pie fruitcake chupa chups. Lemon drops applicake icing marshmallow icing jelly beans caramels. Macaroon bonbon icing carrot cake tiramisu candy canes sweet roll sugar plum sesame snaps. Chupa chups pudding dessert cheesecake tart bear claw. Cake biscuit sweet cake gummies chupa chups chocolate bar muffin donut. Cupcake chocolate cheesecake tootsie roll lollipop. Sesame snaps danish powder lollipop donut cheesecake.


Relation, name age occupation personality relationship with your character
Relation, name age occupation personality relationship with your character
Relation, name age occupation personality relationship with your character


Relation, name age occupation personality how they met relationship with your character
Relation, name age occupation personality how they met relationship with your character
Relation, name age occupation personality how they met  relationship with your character


Relation, name age occupation personality how they met relationship with your character
Relation, name age occupation personality how they met relationship with your character
Relation, name age occupation personality how they met relationship with your character


Plotline name

a quote that represents your character


— Talking Twin:

— Laughing twin:

— Aegyo Twin:

— Singing twin:

— Dancing twin:

— Rapping twin (If you rap):


wHAT IS YOUR GREATEST SKILL THAT YOU'RE BRINGING TO THE GROUP? — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam porttitor dui nisi, id commodo massa imperdiet ac. Praesent velit dui, efficitur sit amet nisi id, suscipit congue orci. Nam et gravida mauris. Fusce vel tristique velit, in scelerisque lacus. Morbi sagittis, felis ac blandit egestas, libero neque aliquam turpis, at pellentesque urna enim eget justo. In porttitor purus non nunc posuere finibus. Morbi tincidunt blandit velit, vel semper risus rhoncus sed. Ut vulputate nisl vitae elit consequat, quis ultrices massa varius. 

wHAT DO YOU WANT TO DO BESIDES BECOME AN IDOL? — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam porttitor dui nisi, id commodo massa imperdiet ac. Praesent velit dui, efficitur sit amet nisi id, suscipit congue orci. Nam et gravida mauris. Fusce vel tristique velit, in scelerisque lacus. Morbi sagittis, felis ac blandit egestas, libero neque aliquam turpis, at pellentesque urna enim eget justo. In porttitor purus non nunc posuere finibus. Morbi tincidunt blandit velit, vel semper risus rhoncus sed. Ut vulputate nisl vitae elit consequat, quis ultrices massa varius. 

hOW DID YOU REACT WHEN YOU WERE TOLD YOU WERE CHOSEN TO DEBUT ? — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam porttitor dui nisi, id commodo massa imperdiet ac. Praesent velit dui, efficitur sit amet nisi id, suscipit congue orci. Nam et gravida mauris. Fusce vel tristique velit, in scelerisque lacus. Morbi sagittis, felis ac blandit egestas, libero neque aliquam turpis, at pellentesque urna enim eget justo. In porttitor purus non nunc posuere finibus. Morbi tincidunt blandit velit, vel semper risus rhoncus sed. Ut vulputate nisl vitae elit consequat, quis ultrices massa varius. 


 park jeongsoo(Leeteuk)

back up love interest + back up love interest


PERSONALITY ☆  Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet. Carrot cake cookie topping. Sweet jelly lollipop cupcake cookie danish. Tart liquorice jelly beans caramels bear claw biscuit. Fruitcake cotton candy candy canes. Croissant topping applicake fruitcake donut gummies sugar plum brownie. Brownie apple pie fruitcake chupa chups. Lemon drops applicake icing marshmallow icing jelly beans caramels. 

RELATIONSHIP ☆  Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet. Carrot cake cookie topping. Sweet jelly lollipop cupcake cookie danish. Tart liquorice jelly beans caramels bear claw biscuit. Fruitcake cotton candy candy canes. Croissant topping applicake fruitcake donut gummies sugar plum brownie. Brownie apple pie fruitcake chupa chups. Lemon drops applicake icing marshmallow icing jelly beans caramels. 

HISTORY ☆  Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet. Carrot cake cookie topping. Sweet jelly lollipop cupcake cookie danish. Tart liquorice jelly beans caramels bear claw biscuit. Fruitcake cotton candy candy canes. Croissant topping applicake fruitcake donut gummies sugar plum brownie. Brownie apple pie fruitcake chupa chups. Lemon drops applicake icing marshmallow icing jelly beans caramels. 

OTHER ☆  Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet. Carrot cake cookie topping. Sweet jelly lollipop cupcake cookie danish. Tart liquorice jelly beans caramels bear claw biscuit. Fruitcake cotton candy candy canes. Croissant topping applicake fruitcake donut gummies sugar plum brownie. Brownie apple pie fruitcake chupa chups. Lemon drops applicake icing marshmallow icing jelly beans caramels. 


last comment ☆  Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet. Carrot cake cookie topping. Sweet jelly lollipop cupcake cookie danish. 

scene requests ☆ Cake biscuit sweet cake gummies chupa chups chocolate bar muffin donut. Cupcake chocolate cheesecake tootsie roll lollipop. 


password  if any



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