I'm alive

Hey everyone! Cheese here.

Uh. Well... it's been a while... I'm still alive in case anyone was wondering... I actually have a couple projects underway so be on the lookout for those~ Also, I may continue writing manual fics in my spare time so there might be more of those on the way as well. (I know I have several requests pending... very sorry about that.) 

Also! What would you guys think if I opened a request shop? I've been wanting to make one for a while but I wasn't sure if people would request stuff since there are so many of those going around now... I'll think about it 

As for my Vixx story, it's currently on hiatus but hopefully won't be forever... I may rewrite it as I don't like the direction it's currently heading in. Idk just yet.

So I think that's everything... I hope at least some of you still get on here ^^;


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Yay cheese! Nice to see you alive!