LDWS: Last Drabble Writer Standing

LDWS: Last Drabble Writer Standing. It's a drabble-based writing competition for writers to challenge themselves to write a drabble that is restricted to a certain word count yet makes the reader feel strong emotions - whether positive or negative - in those few words. This contest is a weekly competition, with the week's theme released at the beginning of the week, giving the participants the rest of the week to complete their drabble. The main point, however, aside from challenging yourself to write, is that each week, a certain number of participants will be eliminated by vote. Do you think you can be the Last Drabble Writer Standing?


You can find more about LDWS here. If you have any questions, just ask! I'm also currently looking for sponsors to see if I can possibly provide a prize for the first place winner, so if you can do that or have any recommendations, please tell me~


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