Pretty Little Liars: Big A Reveal [SPOILERS & RANT)

Contains spoilers. Read on at your own risk. 










Please tell me I'm not the only one who loved the new episode (or at least wasn't disappointed by it).

All I'm seeing is people hating on it and I really don't understand why (they're even going as far as saying they wasted 5 years of their life by watching the show). People are saying it's ridiculous that we're meant to feel sorry for A, but I think it makes complete sense and that the writers did an amazing job. It's just my opinion, but I think that a good writer should be able to turn someone we're not supposed to like into someone we can't help connecting with. Also, when people use the fact that Charlie stood back and did nothing while Ali was drowning in the bath as a baby, do they not realise that even an adult might struggle to act quickly in that situation, let alone a child? And when Ali was crying, where the heck was Mr D? 

As for everyone who's questioning why Cece did what she did to Alison and the other girls and yet still insist that she cares about them, I want to ask you this: if you were taken away from your family at the age of about 5/6 (no idea how old Charlie was at the time, but you get the idea), locked up in mental institution, and blamed by everyone for a crime you didn't even commit (trying to hurt/kill Ali as well as killing Mrs Cavanaugh) simply because your own dad couldn't accept the fact that you were a boy who liked wearing dresses/wanted to be a girl, wouldn't it mess you up a bit? Of course it would! Especially if you saw your own, presumably only, friend push someone off a roof and then they (and everyone else) blamed you for it.

Finally, to whomever said they wasted 5 years of their life by watching the show: that's not techincally true; if this was the only episode you didn't like, then you only wasted 45 minutes - 1 hour. You still played the game at your own will.

While I didn't find the Big A Reveal very surprising, since I figured out that Cece was A (CD = Charles Dilaurentis = Cece drake, though that wasn't the only clue) and that Sara was Red Coat (dat Miley Cryrus-ish haircut though!) just before the episode aired, but I still enjoyed the episode very much (and obviously I was happy to find out that I was right about who A & Red Coat were).

I'm very excited to find out what's going to happen after the break's over, and if the parents ever got out of the basement. There are still a lot of unanswered questions (people are complaining about that too) but remember, we've got another one and a half seasons to go. We'll get answers, and most likely quite a few more questions too.

If you've read Broken Veins, you'll known I love games and storylines that mess with your mind, which is pretty much why I love PLL so much - it forces you to think.

And now I'll leave you with this, a gif of my favourite scene:

*She looks nothing like Miley Cyrus. It was just the first thing that popped into my head the first time I saw her with short hair.


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luhanry #1
Wow nice to hear that 'A' of PLL is revealed. I've stopped watching it long time ago since the show was really reluctant to reveal who 'A' really was and I got tired of watching, though I used to like it. Now the network hasn't aired the season in India yet, i think.
Omg I still have to watch like those last four episodes that are saved on my Cable box's DVR and you have motivated me to quit procrastinating them and just watch them-- I've gotten so angry and confused at the show with the 300 unanswered questions and I have this love/hate thing with the characters and the "can you quit adding stuff and tell me who A is". I always got a real fishy vibe about Sara and now I see why. People getting punched in the face in these drama series are like some of my favorite things about these shows-

Very good review though, the series does have that little ohoho factor to it when things are revealed. I do miss how they'd read out texts and all end in "A."