20 subcribers in just 2 chapter.

Wow... It's kinda surprising me. I think rated is prefered here. ahaha.. I don't against it too, because me too.. It's not like that I love or something like that. It just because of sometimes the rated one story is more deepen and interesting than not rated. 


But I read un rated too if the description is too attract me, like the tittle or foreword. ^^ 


That's me I love to read. And I have a high standard on reading, I have much expectation too, it sometimes make me afraid that I would comment too harsh. So I tried to hold back by not commenting or telling a lie. 


A lie just make someone can't upgraded their skill, right. It just make her/him think they're good enough now so no need to more exploring. But it's too harsh to be said. 


What kind of reviewers me... I'm afraid that I took a review jobs I'll make a harsh comment one even it's true. 


But I'll love people who comment on my work honestly... I don't like them telling a lie, because it makes me can be a better one. 


By the way... thanks to all my subribers.. ^^ 

Love you all. ^^


I need to take a rest now before my ill become worst. aahahaha... 


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