Had a bad day + random poem


So yesterday I had a bad day.

It was one of those bad days that felt so ordinary it was bad.

I could easily rant about it here but I doubt it will help much.

Instead, I translated some of these emotions into a poem which I am gonna show you.

But before that, if you read it and think that this would make a good fanfic plot, just comment. Probably can make a three-shot.

Oh and I apologise if you had been waiting for my updates. It's just that I got into a rather prestigious school and there is a need for me to be working hard now. (Especially when I'm falling behind)

Okay then. Here's the poem.




Sometimes I want to cry

And let the tears flow down my eyes

And down my face till I'm tired and drained

Then maybe they will see me.


Sometimes I want to scream

Loud and continuous, close to a shriek

Till my face turns red and my breath heavy

Then maybe they will hear me.


Sometimes I want to be in pain

Have jagged lines that bleed and run

Across my arms and down my hands

Then maybe they will worry for me.


Sometimes... I want to die

Hanging for a ceiling, towards the sky

With a necklace of rope around my neck

Then maybe, for once, they will care.


For a girl so transparent, they didn't bother to see

They didn't bother to hear, they didn't bother to care

And when the girl finally slips away silently

Then they will cry and regret.


But what can you do? Time has past

You can't shove it in you pocket, and expect to be able

To forget, that the girl who died that day

Was alone, in the quiet, and out of sight.


All you can do was to remember her.




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