missing korea

hello, it's tinyhearts. i'm here just to chitchat. 

two days ago i left korea, which i had visited for a month with my family. we are korean and our family of four lives in the us. which means my grandparents, cousins, aunts, and uncle live in korea.

last year around summer time we visited them, coming back was hard. i can recall staying up all week and crying at night because i missed them. but i got over it. 

this year when we came back i cried less, but the stress is more. i'm starting highschool this year, but i'm going to a private highschool while all my friends are going to a public one. i'm scared, to be honest.

i'm behind in math and i really want to do well this year and catch up. 

i miss my grandparents. i'm crying at random times because i suddenly remember leaving them, and all the great memories i made in korea this year. 

next year, we probably won't go to korea because my brother is entering college next year. 

i just miss everyone. its a little lonely coming home from korea. i don't feel like leaving the house sometimes.sigh

please wait for me to come back korea!! i miss you tons! <3 

with love 


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Hello, I stumbled on this and just wanted to say that even with you going through all of this, I don't want you to be sad... I know it may sound weird cause we don't even know each other, but if you need to vent you can PM me anytime, I'm willing to listen and perhaps help. Anyway, don't be so sad, everything is going to work out xoxo