Avoiding being banned on aff.

First of all, not everyone is perfect. Sure, we try to defend what we did, what we posted, what we spoke, or what we are about to do in our lives. But sometimes, it's better to avoid them instead. For example, some authors here on AFF still write stories that are most likely to get banned by the moderators. Often, it's for the purpose of getting more subscribers or just because they feel like writing them. On the other hand, other authors incorporate sensitive materials that fit in the story itself. 

I won't give any examples of 'sensitive materials' because either way, I find them unconvincing, especially those stories who have to put it in detail [, , etc.]. The bottomline of all this is: READ THE TOU. Several old-timers have blogged about this many times, and people just ignore them for the sake of writing what they want and getting banned sooner or later. 

A word of advice: write what you want, but make sure that you won't be reported in the future. It's quite simple, really.

If other authors can do it, why can't you?

The argument: "You don't like it, don't read it" isn't valid. Because no matter how many excuses you make, that doesn't exclude you from the consequences of violating AFF's Terms of Use.

For more information, read it.

Any complaints about this blog? Comment it below.

But I warn you, offensive behavior that could lead to cyber bullying isn't tolerated. 


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I was confused by the argument for rating things as M ("General rule is that if you would be uncomfortable reading the content with your parents, you should probably mark it as Rated."), and it springs from a story I am currently writing. There is violence and fighting in it, but I think the frequency of it is much less than Lord of the Rings, and the graphic nature ... ok, that might be about equal. The highest rating that got (at least in the UK) was a 12. Now, I could easily talk to my parents about one of the chapters I wanted to write in my story, especially my dad who loves LOTR and such films. I wouldn't find there to be any discomfort in that whatsoever. But I know that there will be some people who would read it that wouldn't like to see a young girl killed and ... shall we say "disposed of" in such a graphic nature that wouldn't be entirely out of place, I think, in a Roald Dahl novel (I'm thinking specifically of The BFG). I think, in the entire story I plan to have finished, there would be exactly three scenes that skirt that border, two of which would be quite violent, and I have found ways to avoid detailing those scenes but still come out with the desired outcome of said character being dead. If you can do that, then fantastic, but I was concerned that I would have to rate my entire story because of those three scenes, thus stopping everyone who has been reading my story so far from continuing to do so.

I think guidelines SHOULD be in place, but there needs to be better explanation on the writing page than AFF have given. Perhaps the hint should link to the Content Guidelines page, which does a better job of it.