♔ The Selection ✶ Jung Eunbi —Princess for a Monster




☆ jung eunbi

 Lexxiluvkpop + Lexi + princess for a monster

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Nicknames ☆ 

DuBu ; Dubu means tofu in korean and there are many types of it. The most common ones being soft tofu and hard tofu. Her family and freinds call her this. They say her mlky white skin resembles that of tofu. And like hard tofu, she is tolerant and determined. And like soft tofu she is empatheti and self-consious
NaBi; Her little sister gave her this nickname, though the little girl does not use it as much anymore. Eunbi loves butterflies. She loves seeing them fly from flower to flower and wishes  she could do the same. Like freely help and teach others no matter thier conditon or status . This is her pen  name when writing in her diary or her random notebook.

Birthday☆ February 20, 1994
CAstE Upon birth☆ 3rd Caste

JOB   Currently a student in Bangtan University studying  both Music theory  and Psychology



Korean ; She was born and raised in Bangtan. Her family and friends speak it, as well as everyone in the kingdom. 
English  ; Having the same passion for music as her mother, Eunbi studied  abroad in America for her middle school  years. She attended a performing arts school there., where she learned how to read, write and speak it to perfection. She only speaks to her mother and a few others who know the language. When wainting to keep things secret, she writes in english.

FACE-CLAIM ☆ A Pink Son Naeun  X X X X 


FASHION STYLE ☆  She calls it whatever she feels like wearing or whatever she found first. Outfits that she feels can be worn any time of the day, from mornig to night. The only thing she has to do is change shoes or her hair to keep the outfit complete. She prefers a more feminine style of clothing, like pastels, small flower patterns, rinestones or lace. Being from the third caste some very pretty clothes were available  for her. But that doesn't mean she splurged, she only bought what is needed or what she liked. Anything from dresses, skirts, shorts , or jeans she loves; just leggings aren't exactly her cup of tea. For ball gowns she would prefer someting fitted with a sweatheart or straight neckline,  maybe a mermaid shirt,an a-line, or even a full skirt if necessary. Does not mind bearing her back or an opened skirt for the sake of fashion, but will need some serious convincing for a mini dress. Boots and sneakers are her favorite go to shoes. While heels and sandals are her guilty pleasure. She's not too fond of flats, so she only wears them occasionally. When the rainy and chilly weather comes she loves wearing her coats or sweaters with scarves. She accesorizes with simple jewelry and sometimes wears headbands or clips. When it comes to events will surely pick something with more sparkle.

APPEARANCE ☆  Small, but noticeable curves, with a rather flat stomach and long pretty legs. Decently tall in height, enjoys the liberty of not having to wear heels at all times. A nice pale complextion and does not mind a slight tan on her skin. Enjoys having both her hair up or down. Be it up in a ponytail or bun and down straight or wavy. Prefers having her hair in layers and shoulder or mid-back in length. She likes dying her in lighter shades of brown every now and then. She uses as little make-up as necessary, usually only waring mascara, eyeliner, and lip balm or nothing at all. Wearing her prescription contacts when meeting the royal family or going to events and wearing her normal eye glasses when lazy and wanting to relax. Despite her refined appearance, this "Good Girl" boast two wrist tattos ( Rigth / Left ) and one in the back of her left ear. Others might say she's carzy to have gotten them, but she sees them as art and ways to express her self.




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Positive(+): Respectful, Straightfoward, Understanding, Tolerant, Loyal, Level headed, Confident, Resourceful,                               Kind, Elegant, Precise,  Knowledgeable,  
Neutral(=): Laid Back, Bossy, Silly, Sarcastic, , Naive, Mischievious, Determined,
Negative(-): Blunt, Repressed Anger, Snobbish, Stubborn, Self-concious, Insecure,

    Being raised in a cultured household, Eunbi naturally embraced the beauty and elegance of music and literature. This exposure led to her being very lady like and respectful towards her elders. Resulting in always working hard and not dissapointing those she cares for. She is understanding and tolerant of others opinios and ideals. Yet she can't help but think about them in the back of her head. But if someone tries to push their beliefs o her then she will lightly smile and straightfowardly ask to leave her be. She is loyal to those she trust and wants to protect, she might not quickly defend them, but will help push them foward.
     Being the daugther of a writer and pianist, she learned at an early age to express her self thru writing or music. She is levelheaded in unexpected situations, but self-contious of her actions, not wanting to harm those she cares about due to her carelessness. She is confident in what she knows and won't hesitate to try to explain her point.  She's insecure at times, but when she has to step her game up, she will try her best. But has a terrible habit of putting herself down. She is resourceful and determined to reach her goals. And when she stepped in to the castle she walked in with a mind set and promise to be different and special in her own way.
    Thanks to her friends her mischieviousness has risen and unfortunately might go over board at times. She enjoys smiling and laughing, but hates laughing continuously because she might end up snorting a bit. She was always a happy kid, her and her older brother always joking and teasing. And always ready to play with her sister or children at the orphanage she volunteers at. She volunteers to help clean up or set up and is always kind to those younger than her.  She dislikes the caste sysytem and always treats those of the lower caste with respect and kindness. Some of her own cast and those above really anger her  due to their rude and superior behavior.
     Being lady-like is natural to her so many of her actions are elegant and precise, but everyone has a breaking point. If any of her friends or family is threatend be prepared to face her anger. She holds alot in and if someone decides to push her buttons, she won't hold back. Of course she won't be extreme, but will humiliate you unknowingly, She learned to cause damage without being caugth, what are good friends for rigth? Being knowledgeable sometimes leads to her coming off as a snobb and a tad bit stubborn. If she doesn't lke you, she will answer with short blunt statements and harsh sarcasm. All this with a grim face or a sweet smile, depending on who is witnessing.
     Her friends on the other hand, know that the lovely girl image is not her true self. Once she's with those she trust and is comfortable with, she's laid back, bossy and silly.  She tries to hide the fact that she is bullied, but can't hide the hurt in her eyes. When left alone, she begins to ponder her weaknesses and how much she lacks in certain areas. She doubt her abilites as a sister, worth as a friend, and chances of falling in love again...



—  The Palace Garden
—  The Palace Library 
— Animals
— Children
— English Classic Literature 
— Strawberries, Sweet potatoes, French Fries, ice cream, hot chocolate
— Listening to music (Classical/ Kpop/ Pop/ ect.) 
— Rainy weather
— Fall and Winter


—  Arrogance 
—  Fur / Synthetic Fur
—  Bright Neon Colors
—  Animal Patterns (ex. zebra prinnt, leapord print)
—  Cucumber, Broccoli  , Coconut, jello, 

—  Cast System
—  Over spending or splurging

— Prejudice 


—  Reading in both korean or english 
—  Writing in her diary or notebook
—  Listening to music 
—  playing the piano 
— composing a new piano piece 
— Scrunches nose when focused on reading or writting
—  Pouts when upset 
—  her lips and taps her fingers when nervous 
—  When confused she blinks her eyes
— Blushes when embarrassed or teased


— trained to be a proffesional pianist
— has owned various diaries and continues to write one, all enteries written to "Unnie"
— has a note book were she doodles and writes ramdom thougths, poetry, or compositions.

— In both notebooks she signs in her pen name which is NaBi
— She owns a mac book, gift from brother, and a samsung s7, gift from dad. An ipod touch from her mom.
—Double majoring in Music theory and psychology

— Wishes to always see her sister smile 
— She won many piano competitions and was recognized as a promising pianist.
— Is more of a listener than a talker at first 
— Once she opens up she will give advice or a good scolding.
— Volunteers at an orphanage were she helps care for children and sometimes plays for them or teaches them piano
— Knows Prince Jimin already, since they both volunteer at the same orphange and often help each other with watching over them.

— Willing to give up her happiness for others, especially for her sister




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     Born February 20, 1994 in the Kingdom of Bangtan to a loved poet and recognized pianist. She was raised surrounded by love, art, literature, and music. Being protected by not only her parents and aids, but by an older brother happy to have a baby sister. She grew up knowing she was loved and supported in whatever she did. Eunbi discovered her love and talent in piano at the age of four. Her mother was more than ecstatic than any one to know her daughter was a good pianist. So she took it upon herself to teach Eunbi all she knew. She studied abroad for three years, attending an art middle school in the United States. While there she learned to speak, write and read english as well as compose little music pieces. As Eunbi grew older, her mother would allow her to open her concerts or guest as a duet partner.  Eunbi was making  a name for herself as a rising piano star and was expected to follow in her mothers footsteps. Eunbi was convinced of this as well, but sometimes plans change for the better.
     As Eubi grew older and learned to read and write, she began to follow her father into his home office. Of course she couldn't understand it when little, but somehow managed to figuer things out with help from her brother. She felt she spent more time with her mother than father. So she took it upon herself to sneak into his office and try to figure out what he wrote about. Her father saw this cute attemp and decide to allow her to read his works in progress. He was surpried to hear her daugther question his writing and cuiosity to understand what her dad was writting about. Soon she developed a hobby of reading books and poetry, secretly writting little ones on her own. They eventually made time for these little reading sessions and he named her his beta reader. He wouldn't publish anything without his daugthers approval. 
       When little, Eunbi depende on her brother to always make her happy or at times cry. She learned from him how to have fun. being four years older than her, he would obviously refuse to play tea party, but a good game of save the princess was always fun. Especially when the two convinced the aids to play as well. He also knew how to play piano, but prefered the guitar and plays it wonderfully. Eunbi encouraged her brother to take on acting or singing, she wanted to brag about her handsome brother being on tv. Unbeknowst to her, when she was studying abroad her brother was already auditioning for an agency. Upon her return from the states, she surprised by the tv playing a drama with her brother in it and he surprised her with his first album set to release in a week. Having a popular celebrity as a brother didnt come without consequences, especially at school.
      At the age of sixteen, the family was joined by a new member, the new baby of the family. Things were different with a new addition and Eunbi accepted and took special care of her baby sister. With her brother working in his career and some events her parents had to attend to, Eunbi would often spend time with her sister. So much so that the baby called her mom instead of her mother. As the baby grew and began to learn to speak, Eunbi's mother noticed the baby struggle with certain tasks. After a thurou check up, Haru was diagnosed with autism. Eunbi saw how her parents began to worry for their youngest. Eunbi saw noting wrong with her conditin and encouraged her parents to continue loving and caring for Haru as they always had. Eunbi would always help her siter and play with her at the youngers pace. Always ready to answer her questions and patient enough to teach her what she needs.
     At school she met many good friends. Those friends taught her to have fun and be confident in what she can do. Studying abroad for three years really helped Eunbi boost her confidence and be able to speak freely with those she might not be as close to. Her elementary school years weren't really special. She met her first best friend and an enemy. She missed her middle school years away from home. But she kept in contact with her friend. Returing to Bangtan for her high school years, things really didn't hange. Well, except for her sudden rise in popularity and new friends. Her popularity did not only rise for her brother being a celebrity, but because of her talent as a pianist being known school wide. Her elementary school enemy till despised her and now had a group of friends who would do the same as her. Once in the university, she experienced her first love and heartbreak. Her boyfriend was hugging and kissing another girl, but not just any girl, her enemy. After dating for about year and six months and thinking she was in love, she was crushed. Of course she had a couple boyfriends before this one, but she had not fallen this hard  for them. She felt like love did not exsist.
    As she grew older and learned to care for and understand her sisters special needs. Eunbi began to see the world she lived in. She realized her sister and many others like her will or are suffering for being born with their conditions. She decided to study both music theory and psychology. And decided to becme a psychologist specializing with children with special needs, instead of becoming a renowned pianist like her mom. Though distrought at the news, her parents were proud of her new career choice. Eunbi knew she could not do much for her sister and was thinking what she could do make things better for her and others just like her. Thats when news of the selction began to surface. Having a bitter heart and absoulutely no interest in love, she figured this was her chance. If she was selected to mary a prince, she might have a chance to make things better for her sister. Dispite the lack of support on her families part but silent encouragement from friends she applied.  




— Brother, Jung Yonghwa  25  Singer/ Actor  Passionate, Caring, Supportive, Childish, Stuborn  Always ready to make a smile or frown appear on your face. The typical older brother, who does not mind spoiling his sisters or being overprotective. Very much in love with his work and his girlfriend. Passionate about his song writing and singing, sometimes proffering it over acting. A child at heart, but knows when to take things seriously. Behind the playful teasing is a caring brother that supports his sister in what ever she decides to do. Even if its not something he whole heartedly approves. 
— Sister, Jung Haru  6  Student  Optimistic, Imaginative, Loving, Naive  The baby of the family. And as such, treated with great love and care. Being diagnosed with autism, Eunbi made sure that Haru was always treated normally. Always playing with her and helping when mom was not around. Haru loves her older sister and likes the idea of having two moms. Always imaginig and asking questions. No one is bored and sad with the energetic and happy baby around.
Father, Jung Suro  45  Writer  Dedicated, Caring, Silly,  ☆ An awarded poet and short story author. A man dedicated to his work and in love with his family. Working from home has allowed him to be around his growing children. Only leaving when promoting a new story or poetry collection. Wanting to spend time with her dad, Eunbi became his unofficial beta reader. Sure loves his children, but can't help but feel he does not know them completely, especially his two older ones. Eunbi loves her dad , but doesn't feel she can talk to him about everything. She just loves his company and the hugs and laughs he gives. He wishes nothing but happiness for Eunbi, but worries she will get hurt with her crazy idea of joining the selection.
— Mother, Jung Haneul  43   Pianist/ Piano Teacher  Loving, Passionate, Kind,   A recognized pianist and sought after piano teacher. A loving and caring mother of three and wife of a silly author. More than happy when she discovered Eunbi's talent and love for piano. The two really bonded over this. Even playing duets together during Haneul's performances. She is gratefult to Eunbi for the care and attention she gives to Haru when she cant. She worries that Eunbi worries more for Haru's well being over her own. She knows of the heartbreak she recently experienced. And does not like her sudden decision to join the selection. Eunbi loves her mom and wanted more than anything to be like her. Her mom is someone she cant really open herself to and ask for advice. 
— Brother's Fiance, Seo Joohyun  24   Proffesional Pianist  Calm, Caring, Sweet, Empathetic    Jonghwa's fiancée and a rising piano star. She is a student of Eunbi's mom and the two were often taugth together. Hyun, how she is often called, is the older sister Eunbi always wanted. Joohyun practicly taugth her everything about makeup and fashion. They share similar preferences and personalities. Eunbi was estatic at the news of her brothers engagement to Joohyun. Joohyun knows of Eunbi's true intentions in joining the selections. She hopes to be there when she needs someone to talk to and that she doesnt end up disheartened at the possibility of not achiving her purpose.



Best Friend #1 / The Guardian, Jung Eunji  22  Student studying Music Theory Optimistic, Caring,    Attended the same elementary school and Eunji was a student of Eunbi's mom.  The two complement each other. One having determination, free expression, and a powerful presence. While the other is a bit more reserved, observant, and a gentle presence. Eunji is the one who brought out he courage and silliness of the once quite Eunbi. And Eunbi helped Eunji be more calm and observant. Eunji always knows what to say to make Eunbi laugh, happy, or encouraged. She is like another mom to Eunbi, who sometimes calls her that to . They  care for each other very much and know almost everything about each other. Eunji knows how hurt Eunbi was due to her break up and also knows her true intetion in joining the selection. She encouraged her to do so actualy, she sees it as a way for Eunbi to grow into a much more stronger and confident person.  Eunbi is thankful for such an encouraging friend and knows who to go to for a good scolding and laugh. 
— Friend #1 Boyfriend / The Diva  Kim Kibum  23  Student studying Fashion Design  Stubborn, Confident, Blunt, Considerate   Has been dating Eunji for about a year and ten months. He introduce himself when he asked for help in trying to figure out Eunji's class schedule.  They get along fine actually, as long as he approves of what she is wearing that day of course. They do bicker about who gets to spend time with Eunji that day. He tends to be a bit too blunt, but Eunbi can handle it well now. Eunbi knows that behind his diva attitude there is an oppa taking care of her. In his own way of course. Key feels slightly at fault for her  change, having pushed her to date his friend. As well as for her sudden desicion to join the selection, since he joked about her not making it past the first round.He worrie she will get hurt again.
— Best Friend #2 / The Listener, Oh Hayoung  21  Student studying Fashion Design  Kind, Active, Shy, Honest  Attended the same high school and met as seat mates on the first day.  An observant an talented fashion student. Hayoung and Eunbi just clicked. Having similar personalities and mindset the two got along quickly. You could say the two can read each other better than any other person. Though Hayoung is a bit more shy, she is not afraid to voice her opinions in a matter. Which is probably why Key picked her as this seasons fashion project partner. Eunbi can trust Hayoung with anything, knowing very well she won't say a peep and will help her in what she can.
— Best Friend #3 / The Bee, Kim Namjoo ☆ 22  Student studying Modern Dance  Brigth, Active, Outgoing, Honest, Intimidating  Namjoo moved in next door when they when in seventh grade. Showed her around thte neighbohood and school.  A very passionate and inspiring dancer. Very confident in her self  the energy pill of her group of girl friends. Namjoo is a much more energetic version of Eunji. So when both have had a great night of sleep, poor Hayoung and Eunbi have a hard time keeping up with their unexpected plans. Surprisingly this girl can give great advice, having a literature student as her boyfriend probably helps, right. Namjoo has great insight and despite Eunbi's calm and confident appearance,  she knows how scared and hurt the poor girl is in right now. She only hopes her friend can handle what she got herself into. 
Friend #2 Boyfriend / The Jokester , Yook Sungjae  21   Student studying Music Theory  Composed, Passionate, Dorky, Liely, Positive   Attended the same high school as Eunbi and her friends. Were seat mates for Biology first year.   They were only friendly seat mates during high school and would often get paired up for projects. Sungjae is a vocalist and would sometimes ask Eunbi to accompany him for a perormance and vice versa. They really didn't het close until Eunbi noticed the long stares he would give Hayoung freshman year in college. So she decided to help the poor guy with help from the others as well. Sunjae admires Eunbi's loyalty to those she cares for. And is more than happy for calling her his friend and helping him get the girl he has been crushing on. Eunbi knows Sunjae can get a bit out of hand and seems to complement Hayoung perfectly. He is someone that can always make her laugh and forget her worries for a while. 
 Friend #3 Boyfriend / The Observer, Jung Ilhoon  22  Student studying Literature Easy-going, Dedicated, Silly, Ceative, Unexpected, Observant  He introduced himself to the group when he was searching for Namjoo, he had her notes for a class they shared. He eventually joined the group when Sunjae did as well, being close friends helped him get near Namjoo.   Though raher quiet and observant, being a literature major makes him a bit wiser than the rest of the group. Eunbi is amazed how the calm and level headed Ilhoon can calm down an energetic Namjoo. From his observations, Ilhon sees that Eunbi has some worries the others don't know much about. The two often talk about her fathers works and get into some "geeky" and silly conversations. But just like Sungjae, Ilhoon can get pretty silly when he is in the rigth mood. Bringiing good laughs and weird adventures to all.



— Ex-Boyfriend, Lee Taemin  22   Singer  Naive, Caring, Dorky, Obediant   His agency thought it good for him to learn piano. Taught by Eunbi's mother and would have Eunbi demostrate for him.  They did not see each other again until Key presented him as his friend to the girls. They eventually grew fond of each other and naturally began to date. His agency allowed it, but eventually asked both of them to end it. Eunbi had declined and was hopeful of Teamin doing the same. He slowly grew distant and cold toward her and the rest of her friends, she just brushed it of as stress. She was left broken and discouraged at the sigth of him with another girl his agency apperantly did approve of. Eunbi does not know what exactly to feel towards him, anger for doing that to her or pity for not being able to fight for what he wants. Teamin on the other hand  did not want to lose the position he had or the girl he loves. And he regretably chose to lose his love and keep his career. Though in front of the camera and fans he is happy and having fun, behind the scenes he is full of regret and powerless. If he could he would run back to Eunbi and beg for her to take him back, but he knows she wont do it. But theres nothing wrong with trying is there?
— Rival  ,Park  Junghwa  23  Model  Manipulative, Concietded, Stubborn, Short Tempered,  Live in the same neighborhood and attended schools together.  Born with natural beauty and into the second caste, it isnt much exaggeration when its said she had everything. What she couldn't have was love, both her parents were never really home. Her dad being a politician and mother a model were both rather busy. So she hated seeing Eunbi happily with her family. And when they began school, she envied the fact that everyone admired Eunbi's piano playing. This was the same every year and Junghwa couldn't help but hate Eunbi. So Junghwa made it her purpose to ruin any possible happiness for Eunbi. Be it in something small, like grades, or big like love. She also joined the selection because of her father's orders. But upon learnig that Eunbi would join too, she would make sure she would marry no prince. Eunbi has a mutual hate for Junghwa. She has no idea why the girl always picks on her, and ruins anything she has. She wishes Junghwa would just disspear or get a serious beating of sense into her rain.
— Rival's Best Friend, Ahn Hyojin  23   Singer  Observant, Quiet, Arrogant,  Proud  Friends with Junghwa since middle school. Worked with eunbi for a history assingment.  Hyojin really has no ill feelings towards Eubi, but just follows along with Junhwa's silly plans. She knows Junghwa is just lonely and sticks around her to make sure she does not hurt herself or others. She secretly takes care of Eunbi and miss informs Junghwa on things she overhears. She also joined the selection, but not becasue she wanted to. Her agency,  the same as Teamin's, thought it the best way for her to increase her popularity. Eunbi feels sorry for Hyojin having to deal with Junhwa, which should not be an easy task. Hyojin might have her flaws, but Eunbi knows shes just confused and forced to be some one she really isnt by her company.


☆ PRincess for a monster

  "Do not shrink. Do not hide. Be the thing you were meant to be."

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Reason for joining the selection ☆   
Dear Unnie,

   The time has come for The Selection. And like I've written to you before, I feel like I should really apply, and guess what? I did! 
   I sent in my application to possibly become the bride of one of the seven princes of Bangtan! 
   You're probably thinking I'm crazy to do so, I know my family and friends do. But I'm not doing it for fame or for heartbreak like they think. I'm doing it for Haru. My little sister must not suffer for her condition. It is not her fault she was born with some disability and must be ranked in her life. Yong oppa says that it won't matter as long as mom and dad are alive they can take care of her. But what happens to her if something happens to our parents? She'll be put in the 8th caste and forced to fend for her self. I can't let that happen!
   Unnie, the only way is to change things from the inside and if I can possibly marry a prince then maybe...maybe I can influence him in some way. And if I can't, then I can ask him to allow Haru to stay with us, I'm sure I can take good care of her. And I'm sure the prince who chooses me will like her too...is that too much wishful thinking?^_^
   I'm scared, Unnie... 
   Not just because it's a competition of sorts, but because of my feelings.
   Eunji says it's a good chance to forget what happened with Taemin, but it's not easy. He was someone who showed me how to love, but also showed me how much someone you care for can hurt you. Sure, I don't have the same feelings for him, but he left me hurt and scared to believe in love.
   I'm...I'm scared and worried of falling one sidedly in love again and them not returning the same feelings. Teamin let me know that love might not exist and I'm willing to give up on love if it means making things better for my little sister and other children like her.
   Oh! But don't worry, i made sure, for safety reasons, in my application I put as my reason for joining was for curiosity and hope to enhance the music culture in the kingdom. But you know my true intentions. And I know you can keep a secret, right Unnie? :) Don't worry, I'll make sure to take you with me if I'm accepted, I promise! I'll write to you soon! :)
                                                                                                                                       - NaBi

life as a selection candidate   ☆  
Dear Unnie,

   It's been a while since I've written to you hasn't it?
   I'm really sorry! It's just that this whole Selection thing is really hard to take in. @_@
   I'm still trying to understand certain things. I mean, sure. I've walked by the palace often, so I knew the garden was spectacular. And thus is one of my favorite places. But the inside, oh my...@~@
    I hadn't set foot inside since my father was awarded a recognition for his poetry and short stories. And I think I was 8 at that time. Anyways, I was mesmerized by its greatness and charmed by its decor. I know I wasn't the only one with her eyes wide, but I tried my best to keep my composure. Which I probably failed at.XP
   Did I mention the palace is huge! I mean really big, like lots of doors and hallways that take you to different places. It's been about three weeks and I still get slightly confused on which way to go. I should get the hang of it in about two more weeks. I repeat should, you know I struggle with directions. ^-^
   Thankfully the staff are very kind and patient with me and help me out when I ask. I mean as long as I can find my room, the kitchen, the dining room, the parlor, the library, and the garden I think I'll be fine.
   The only issue is the other candidates. Agh! Where do I start, Unnie?!
   First off, the gap between the higher cast and lower cast could not be more evident. The candidates of the 2nd and 3rd caste are a bit snobbish and keep to themselves. While those of the lower caste easily mingle among each other. I'm not saying all of the high cast are snobs, but only a few, including me, openly interact with the others. Like with Mari, she's a quiet girl from the 8th cast. She's really pretty and an amazing piano player. I can't help but feel familiar with her. She reminds me of one of my moms old students. We used to play duets together, it was fun. The other day I played with Mari and I couldn't be happier. You think they could be the same person, Unnie?
    What irritates me even more is having to see Junwha all the time. Yes, Unnie, the leech is here! She obviously hangs out with the girls from the second and third cast, like exclusively. The faces and insults they say of the others is very uncomfortable and ugly to see. And she just can't seem to let me be. I mean, after what happened with Taemin and her being here is confusing and frustrating, Unnie. I still can't stand her and she knows it. Ugh...it's like she lives to irritate me! I hate how she easily pushes my buttons. Ugh! I need to keep my head straight, or.who knows what I'll do!! Ugh!:( hopefully Hyojin can keep her in place. And yes Unnie, Hyojin is here too, surprisingly. But I'm greatful for that, the lion has its tamer, I'll be safe with Hyojin around :)
    I feel bad for the staff that has to deal with all us girls. Some of us try to lessen their load by helping take care of our things and picking up after ourselves. Some of us even take turns helping to cook or wash dishes. The staff try to stop us, but what else can we do to distract ourselves. Besides its kinda weird having them do everything, not even at home did mom allow our aids do everything for us.
    Oh! I just remembered Unnie.
   We had the chance to meet the royal family the other day. A special dinner was organized on the candidates behalf were they welcomed us. But thru out the week, groups of four were called out for lunch with the royals. Unnie, it was very awkward at first. But the queen made it really enjoyable. Being an avid reader of fathers work and a regular at moms performances, she really engaged conversation with me. She was very lovely and kind. I haven't met the king yet, but I found card from him on my desk. He thanked me for keeping the queen entertained and apologized for not attending. I wrote a note back and handed it to his personal butler to deliver it. And it just so happens I received another card yesterday. It's kinda weird exchanging notes with the king, I wonder if I'm the only one. Should I stop the notes?
    Wow, I've written you a lot. Sorry Unnie, but I'm still not finished. I still have to tell you about the seven princes. And yes, they are very, VERY handsome! Looks like Hayoung's and Namjoo's fangirling over them was not exaggerated. 
   Seokjin and  Yoongi are the oldest, and I've chatted with both. I find Yoongi more interesting, he's really easy to talk to and great company when you want quiet. He' random but mature like Eunji, which is probably why I found him interesting, though he does love to lazy around. Jin, on the other hand, is too feminine for my liking, he reminds me of Key. Which means there are times we can talk and times we argue, but just like with Key, Jin wins. And unlike Key, Jin listens to my side to understand. Now Hoseok is like Yong oppa, he knows how to make me laugh. Anything he does just seems so funny to me and just talking to him makes me smile and happy. It helps, especially when I really miss my oppa.  
     Jimin is a flirt, like he lives and breaths to flirt,but he has a heart. He likes hugs as much as I do, so he tends to cling on to me a bit. I think he does it to make the other candidates jealous, and it really works. I mean its kinda hard not to feel the glares. Like I was saying, he has a heart, we both volunteer at the same orphanage, so we know each other already. He's a goofball with an amazing ability to dance. The kids love him and I can't help but have a soft spot for him. Especially since he's the only person who I'm really like really comfortable with at this point.
    Taehyun has his own world and I see Haru when I talk,with him. He speaks like her, like when shes playing and imagining, and I think I'm one of the few who understands him and doesn't treat him like a crazy person. But I'd understand why they call him weird, and why he is the most handsome like namjoo says. Joonkook, hmmm....he's....well...perfect? I don't know. He already has his eyes set on Mari, quite obviously might I tell you. He's adorable and I'm always amazed at how well I can hold a conversation with him despite his young age. Now I know why Hayoung admires him.
   That should be al-...oh no! I think I'm missing one Unnie...ah! Namjoon!
  Namjoon...Namjoon is king material alright. I'm amazed at how he changes from a serious leader, to a sweet guy. I really enjoy his company and the small talk we share. I don't really see him often as he is busy as the crown Prince. I think I get along with him the best. He's really silly, but knowledgable. It's a nice contrast. He has a really sweet smile and I sometimes see him at the library. Or walking in and out of the palace library, since I like reading or writting there. And that's where I'm at right now actually. ^-^ I can't help but stare at him, Unnie. Out of all of the princes, Namjoon...he...I...I can't help but be attracted to him. He's very dreamy...sigh...oh, but it's different from Taemin, trust me. I really wish to get to know him more and hope Junwha does not find out. She'll mess up what little I have with him.
    Unnie. I know I said I wouldn't fall in love but I think I've developed a huge crush, like huge! Should I be scared? Should I let my self fall in love again? What if he doesn't like me back at least? Can i make it to the final seven? Ugh..I promise to write more now that my head is straight. I haven't forgotten about you, Unnie.
                                                                                                                                                                                             - NaBi

life as part of the final seven ☆  
Dear Unnie,

    OMG! Unnie...I made it...I MADE IT! I'm in the final seven!
    When I was given the news, I was speechless. I'm still trying to let everything settle in my mind. I really, like really can't believe I made it this far. I mean me, ME!
     I have gotten a chance to possibly become a princess. I wonder if one of the princes actually picked me or if the King and Queen had some influence in any way. What? It's possible Unnie! Maybe I will have achance to make things better for my sister and others like her. That would be wonderful, don't you think Unnie?
    Its been two days since the announcement of the final seven. And you can trust me when I say that the people that had ignored me before suddenly sent e-mail's and texts. How horrible, right Unnie?
    The girls immediately bombarded our group chat with congradulations. The stupid thing did stop buzzing until I answered all their curiousities. I even texted their boyfriends to take their phones away, so I could take a break. ^_^ 
     My family, well...they were more than happpy. My parents were more relieved than anything. They were glad my wild action actually worked. Yong oppa would not stop teasing me, until Seohyun unnie stopped him. They were both glad I was selected. Now Haru, hehe, Haru's reaction was funny. She believed I already was a princess, since I lived in the palace and not at home anymore. Isnt it cute, Unnie?
    Want to know the best part from the announcement of the final seven? Jungwha's face when she relized she was not called. OMO! It was priceless, I'll be sure to look for a picture of it online. Someone must have taken a picture of it.
   Fortunately the other selected girls are girls Im comfortable with. So there should be less tension and arguments at the palace now. Fianlly! Some peace and quite. Mind you I said comfortable, not friendly with.
    The instant the Final Seven names were revealed the internet was filled with articles of each girl. The next day special programs, magazines articles, and news paper articles were dedicated to some of the Seven. I happened to read some today and WOW Unnie. They found out almost everything about me. It's actually kinda creepy if you think about it.
    Anyways....I couldn't help but take a quick glance at the comments and links to polls and forums about us. From the looks of it, the Kingdom was glad that I was one of the selected. In polls I was in the top half and in forums I'm very well liked. There doesn't seem to be any negativity in regards to me from the Kingdom. And I'm both glad and worried. Why you might ask...well. I'm worried that I might let those who believe in me down. What if the prince chooses not to propose? What if I'm not good enough to be a princess? What if I mess up? What will happen Unnie?
      Your probably wondering which prince picked me rigth? Well in all honesty...I'm not too sure myself. ^_^ I ust know I was chosen, but the prince who picked me is a mystery to me. To all of us actually. I just hope it's the prince who captured my heart. Yes, Unnie. I finally wholeheartedly admit it. Im in love and I don't regret it happening. Let's just hope and pray that Namjoon feels the same way. You'll pray for it rigth Unnie? I'll write to you some more later.                                                                                                                                                  - NaBi


☆  KIm Namjoon

BACK Up #1: park jimin + BACK UP #2: min yoongi

tumblr_inline_nrljyfXIEC1tqnbgm_500.gif  giphy.gif

      Prince Namjoon is the crown prince of the Bangtan Kingdom, but that does not mean he follows all the rules. Despite his young age, he has proven himself worthy of being the kingdoms future king. He is level headed and mature for his age. Namjoon is articulate and manipulative to get the information he needs or wants. He is observant of his surroundings and quite open minded to others perspectives and ideas. Emphatetic and committed to better his kingdom. He has his beliefs and ideas, but is reserved and tactful on who he reveals them to. He knows there are many things the people are discontent about and the situation with the rebels must be handeled efficiently. He really dislikes the caste sysytem, but really cant voice against it since his father and others in higher positions would probably deem him unfit to take the throne. And if he wants to bring his ideas to reality he has to sit at the throne.
        As crown prince he is very knowledgeable. Its kinda intimidating and scary how Namjoon knows what is going on in and outside of both the kingdom and palace.  He claims to feel secure knowing this information, and uses the palace and government employees to find out what is really going on. With the selection coming, he slowly began looking into the applicants, wanting to find out their real purpose to join. He needs to know if the other princes will be interacting with the rigth girls for them. 
          Namjoon is not only knowledgable in politics, but also in the arts, in particular poetry. Beig goood with words and not being able to express them out loud, led him to write it down in paper. Which is probably why he was facinated by rap and the old english language, from where it originated. When he feels like letting things out he escapes with prince Yoongi to the underground hip hop scene. Thats where his true self, Rap Monster  is able to be shown.
       Namjoon just exsudes confidence and a unique charisma that just calls for others attention. He might not be as good looking as the other princes, but he has a heart and mind of gold. He cares for the others as his brothers and is awfuly tolerant of their doings. Being a dork himself, its quite a sigth to see him be relaxed and wild with the others. Of course, one can only see this side of him if he allows it. The clumsy and adorable Namjoon is reserved for special people only. The rest get to see the mature and committed Prince Namjoon.

Dear Unnie,

     Hmm...ahh...how do I say this? @_@
    Things are different. And I'm not sure if it's a good or bad different. Ever since I was picked as the final seven, things with Namjoon are different. Goodness, I'm not making any sense! Well let me try again.
     Ever since the announcement, I've noticed him around the palace more often. And he seeks me out first instead of our usual considental meetings or run ins. Usually it was me asking questions and him answering. But now it seems he wants to know me more. Not just like my likes and dislikes, but my thoughts and dreams. In other words hes getting more personal? Is that rigth? I'm not saying I dislike it. I'm glad he wants to get to know me, but I still have me guard up Unnie. 
     I know I said I'm in love with him, but I don't want to repeat what happened with Teamin. And yes, he knows about him. I told him quite a while back actually. He kept persisting today and i finally gave in and told him my true imtetions in coming to the selection. i finished and thought he would be upset. But instead he cleared the tears i unknowingly shed and hugged me. A very warm and comforting hug. He kissed the top of my head and said that he would try to help my dream come true. And is happy to have met such a pure hearted girl. 
     I was blushing like crazy when he let go and he...he kissed me. It wasn't a kiss on the lips but a kiss on my forehead. Unnie you know how much I love those! I was practicly a tomato when I walked out his personal library. I think he really likes me back, Unnie. And I'm super happy he didn't repremand me for my reason in joining the selection. I'm really really glad he makes time to meet me and that shares his poetry with me. Though i do miss our unknown meetings and note exchanges. But spending time with him is great and something I look foward too. What do you think Unnie, will I be able to marry prince Namjoon?                                             -NaBi

 what was their first meeting like? ----   Eunbi loves spending her time in the library or garden. She feels those are the only places she can have some peace. One day while in the library, she happened to stumble upon prince Namjoon. Having only briefly talked with him when prince jimin was around it was kinda awkward.  She helped him find the book he was looking for and carried a very light and comfortable conversation. He quickly left to a meeting and left Eunbi alone in the library. There she found a note book on a table with poetry written by someone with the initials RM.  She read a couple of pages and tore out a page from her note book to write some feed back. After leaving it were she found it. Unbeknownst to her, RM or prince Namjoon had returned seeking his notebook and instead of approaching  Eunbi, he watched as she read. Later picking up his notebook he quickly read her notes and was surprised by her honest and encouraging feed back. This just ignited his curiosity to know the girl more. 

-how did they act around each other? ---  The two are a bit shy at first, but because of their frequent "unsuspecting" encounters, that's what Namjoon calls them. They have gotten really comfortable with each other. Sometimes sharing some friendly shoves and smiles. Their conversations vary, but the mostly talk about music, poetry, and literature. But that doesn't mean they don't joke around, they usually tease one or all the princes. If they meet at the garden, a sudden hold of hands is common. And if they are alone, Namjoon likes playing with her hands as they speak and moving her hair it of her face. And when they say goodbye a hug is a must, and if Namjoon or Eunbi feel gutsy enough a kiss on the cheek could happen. They don't really notice others around them, until Namjoon is called in for a meeting or trip he has to go to. Eunbi quickly searches around with her eyes when the princes come around to visit hoping to spot Namjoon. She smiles to herself when she catches a glimpse of him, be it in the palace or the garden. They exchange notes thru his notebook, which she still doesn't know "RM" is him and she as NaBi. They also exchange notes as Namjoon and Eunbi, but their really more like letters.He dislikes the comfort between her and jimin, but cleared it up with the other prince that they are just very close friends. But he still can't help but glare at jimin for the skinship with Eunbi.

how did her prince treat her, how is it any different from the other candidates vying for your princess heart? ----   What Eunbi doesn't know is that Namjooon is always watching her. He ask the palace servants about her whereabouts and doings. He sometimes sneaks into the library or sits in the garden hiding near her, always admiring her from afar. He found out how talented Eunbi is at playing the piano, he happened to stumble upon her playing one time. He was marveled by her passionate playing of the piece that he could not stop staring. He knows what he does could be considered creepy, and the other princes about it. But he can't help but admire and gaze at the cute and adorable faces Eunbi makes when shes reading, writing or talking to others.
   Namjoon makes sure to make time for the other candidates ,but he really hates it. He has a sense and can distinguish who is being fake and who is genuine. He uses this sense to determine whether to ignore the girl who approaches or letting her to speak. Of course he's not bluntly rude to those candidates he dislikes, but makes sure to call on another prince for help or use a meeting as an excuse to leave.  
   Now EunBi...Namjoon finds Eunbi to be interesting and genuine. He's not sure if he really likes her, but he knows he does care for her. He likes giving her simple gifts like stationary, pens, books, or a single flower. Just so he can see her smile and eyes sparkle. Maybe that's why on the day Eunbi was reading in the garden and a sudden rain shower began he pulled her into his personal library. He enjoyed seeing her face light up at his collection of English classics and other books. Surprisingly, he didn't mind reveling his hiding space to her. He even handed her a key to it in the form of a pendant so she could come to it when ever she liked. He called it a secret between them. A place where they could talk without worrying about others listening.

their ending ☆  
will the prince propose to her?-----    Yes, but not immediately of course. Being the crown prince, Namjoon must get aproval,from his mother and father, the Queen and King. The king and queen will determine when Eunbi is worthy enough to take the title of crown princess. For being granted the title of crown princess gives her the title of future queen of Bangtan. Knowing this, Namjoon encourages Eunbi to try her best to learn everything in her lessons. He's always ready to help her in things she gets lost in, so she gets done faster. She already has the favor of the royal family and the majority of the kingdom, but she still has to prove herself worthy to be called crown princess. If it were up to Namjoon though, he would have proposed that rainy day  in their library where they both confessed and confirmed their feelings for each other. But he couldn't, at least not yet, all Namjoon can do is wait.

how will he propose to her?-----  After finally receiving the green light from his parents, Namjon tried to quickly prepare. After about a week of thinking, he finally planned it out and had the ring ready. All he had to do was wait for some rain. Rain was the most important thing. It was Eunbi's favorite kind of weather and after much remembering, most of their important and special moments occurred during a rainy day. One day when Eunbi was reading at the garden, Namjoon suddenly joined her. While chatting and enjoying each others company it suddenly began to rain. Holding hands, they quickly dashed into their library. Giggling and out of breath, they sat down. Eunbi began to ruffle her hair in attempts to remove some water. Namjoon took the chance to take out a ring box from the desk drawer. And he carefully kneeled with the box in his hands before Eunbi. Eunbi noticed him and was left wide eyed and speechless. Namjoon sweetly proposed and promised to love and care for the queen in his heart. Eunbi could not control her watery eyes at his words and simply answered with a nod. He placed the ring in her finger with a smile. They stood up and hugged. They kissed lovingly and giggled with sparkling eyes. Despite the rain, holding hands they quickly ran towards the main palace. They wanted to confirm their relationship to the kingdom as soon as possible.

how will their married life be like? -----   Busy, but continuously understanding and loving. The two are doing their best in leading the kingdom well. They held off having children for about two years, and then had their first baby boy. And three years later twins, one boy and one girl, and three years after them another girl. Once Namjoon took the crown as king, and Eunbi as queen, he began taking action to slowly change the caste system. Getting rid of it immediately could create an uproar, so he opted for a slower prosses. Namjoon also decided to hold frequent meetings with the rebels to settle some agreements and prevent a war. Eunbi focused in the arts of the kingdom, disscussing with arts acadamies and other schools in making things available to children and teens of all cast. With much effort she also works in establishing special learnig centers for children with dissabilities, be it physical or psycoloical. Though rather busy with their seperate projects and duties, they always make time for themselves and their children. They still continue with their gifting and letter or note exchanges. And when it rains, they make sure to make time for each other at THEIR library.


last comment ☆  any questions?  - - - -no, but if you have any for me please feel free to comment below;) No wait...i take that back. I do have a question. Do you recomend this book series? Im not really familiar with it and I'm wondering if i should read it. I just have a little understanding from my cousins  reading.
comments? - - - - yes. I really worked hard on this for some time, but then got busy on some family matters. So , some of the app is really well though out. While some of it is kinda rushed. So if something makes no sense or you want me to change somethings fell free to do so. also i apologize for the long app and unique format. I tend to try new things with every new app a try. Give your thoughts on it, please.

scene requests ☆ any SUGGESTIONS? - - - - Eunbi is shy, but confident girl. maybe have her have a deep disscussionn with Namjoon infront of other Namjoon pursuers // maybe have a piano duet with Mari with jungkook around// Eunbi could get sick from something// being pushed around by Junhwa but being rescused by another prince 
any requests?  - - - - - a kiss under the rain or at the library// namjoon getting jealous of jimis skinship with eunbi// eunbi introducing her family and friends to namjoon// eunbi sees and meets teamin again for a concert held by the royal family. she has to play the piano for him by the queens request//namjoon and teamin meet and have a stare down or talk about eunbi until Eunbi and jimin take Namjoon away.


password  Kiera cass 



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