I don't have the most readers but to the few I have, I want to express my deepest sincerest apologies. I don't know what I can't say that would not sound like an excuse but for the last few months, I really just cannot write. I can produce something if I force it out but no matter what I do, I just can't produce something that I am satisfied with. And if I myself am not satisfied about it, then how can I expect anybody else to, right? I just can't post something if I know that it's not good enoug... At least not anymore.

But lately, I'm feeling pretty good about my writing and I feel like I can write the way I used to before, including the mood, the style and the feels so I hope that is enough to entertain you again with my writing. From this point on, please be patient with me again and give me another chance.

Please and thank you <3


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That's the best attitude to have. If you're not happy with your writing and you force it out, people can tell and then you will lose readers. You can not, absolutely can not force it out of you. Write what you can, when you can. If you need to take a break half way through, do it. Recharge your batteries. Write the best stories you can, but don't push yourself too hard. Let it come naturally. Be happy with what you write and enjoy it, because if you don't then it really shows.
I also came to that point and I'm still looking for myself or rather the inspiration that I had back then. I 'm trying but I can't seem to regain the previous me TwT. Don't worry, I guess some people come to this point as well. We'll continue to support your work :)