Red Umbrella Coauthor Tryout

(below is basically the same thing I wrote in my Author's Note chapter in "Red Umbrella")

hey guys

i kind of lost inspiration for my story, "Red Umbrella"

and because of that, i've decided to stop writing it


however, i will begin to accept submissions for those who may want to continue this story!

if you'd like to continue this story, i'll add you as a coauthor (btw ive never done this before, but coauthors can actually edit/add to the story right?)

but one thing i'd like for those who'd like to continue writing this story is for you to fill out the form below

i want those readers that have actually enjoyed this story to continuing enjoying this story under the new author's writing!


here's how you should try out:

1. comment that you'd like to try out 

2. prepare pieces of sample writing (so i can get a feel for what you're like as an author, and the writing will be submitted in the form below)

3. fill out this form:


that's it! feel free to ask me if anything!

i'd love to answer your questions!


once again, im sorry for not being able to continue this story

and best of luck to those who would like to try out!


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