class fiasco

So today during English lessons, my classmate Beautrice had jokingly told the teacher that we didn't discuss the question he asked because he didn't project his voice well. And then he asked "Would you like to demo how to project my voice?"

and then he went to the front of class and started scolding the class about how rude we were and how ungrateful we are towards him, and how if he asked us what he had taught us, none of us would even know what we did. 

Beautrive got angry because he was directing the scolding at her. She's got anger management problems, and I suspect she also has depression. And yeah so she just suddenly banged the table and screamed "You want me to demo how to project my voice? I'LL SHOW YOU HOW!!!!" And he ing yelled at her to get out of class. , you DONT DO THAT TO SOMEONE LIKE HER. 

and something we didn't expect: she took out her scissors and started waving it around screaming "YOU DONT EVEN CARE WHAT IM TRYING TO SAY. YOU DONT EVEN BOTHER!!!!" and then the teacher was just like "Your dear classmates, HELP her." 

Nobody did because she started to LITERALLY flip the table. But then she was about to cut herself in front of class and then the Act-cool gang suddenly restrained her and wow I've never seen anything escalate so fast. 

beautrice started kicking, screaming, "DONT TOUCH ME LET ME GO I DONT ING CARE ABOUT YOU ALL". And she tried to cut them with her scissors, but Yeejun, the most annoyingly act cute girl in the group, took it away and she said the stupidest thing ever. "You know we're doing this because we card for you". 

My class doesn't like her, and I'm sure everyone knows that, even her. When Yeejun said that, she was provoking her, making her angrier by feeding her lies that went against her beliefs. 

So yeah basically escalated so bad that when they brought her out of class, we got even more scared because what if she jumps off? 

Anyways so what happened after she left was that the rich girls in class started to on her, saying that she's so irrational, so stupid to not go for treatment. Like honestly, you don't know that she does go for counseling. And the rich girls also said that she deserved it, so I was like WTF???? 


I cried really badly because nobody understood her. They just accused her openly and began spreading the accusations to the school and... Really. I know it's possibly including depression. 

I also have times when I suddenly blow up and start cutting and screaming and try to hurt others, so I really understand what she's going through. But the rest don't, because their daddies are rich enough to protect then from all evil that will ruin their face and image. She's treated differently from me in class because she has her breakdowns openly while I have my breakdowns in my room, locked while my parents are out so that nobody knows. 

I really want to help Beautrice, I really do, but I can't do so because I'm not close to her, so helping her when I don't have that rapport with her will just lead to more trouble. 

I don't know what to do already. Even if I help her and build a rapport with her... There's no guarantee that I won't end up being her instead. 

I do want to help her though. 

But how?


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sonofabich #1
Karma needed