Unpoplar Choice

As I girl I know I'm expected to like kids and everything but I don't. Honestly I can't stand to be around anyone under the age of 12 simply because my patience is a little as a thumbtack. I'm not a mean or bitter person, you can ask anyone I know, (except my one enemy) I am a really nice person but just the thought of being around kids makes me wanna cringe and annoys me.


Now as a  seventeen year old girl with 13 nieces and nephews and counting, unfortunately, (knowing my siblings) you would think I would be used to kids by now by nope...it's almost like I'm getting worse. Especally when the little ones keep getting pawned off on me without my permission and without getting paid.


I am a nice person but I don't like kids and I hate having to babysit. I love all of my nieces and nephews however I desire to be that aunt you see once a year lol...that is all. Just my useless ranting, btw is there anyone else who's not to fond of kids??


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Chirimasa #1
I cant stand them either. Maybe like 1 out of every 40 kids i will like haha. Im also awkward and dont know how to communicate w them
FullTimeExotic #2
I can't stand kids too...they are too loud, they can't even speak properly (my cousins are 11 and sometimes i'm like what are you saying?), they always get hurt and cry again and are dirty and not even cute (except a few babies who are cute but only when i don't have to be in the same room with them) ....i had to babysit my neighbours kids twice and they're in their 'i don't want to sleep yet' - phase and it was just pure horror to get them into bed
And in general kids also annoy me =.=" and in school 5th and 6th graders always run around in too pink clothing and urgggh

Especially my grandma is annoying over that topic...my parents are totally ok with my decision to never ever have kids (I'm 18) but my grandma always like "we will speak about that matter again when you sit in front of me with your kids" and that really drives me up the wall

So you're definitely not alone with your opinion (and even willingly going through 9 months of pain/strange happening ending with a painful birth...no thank you)