How To Link Back Graphic & Trailer Shops for Dummies


First of all, let me say this: you are no dummy. It took me a while to grasp the concept of how to work around AFF (for two months I was saving the banners of other shops instead of copying their links  - yep, not proud of that). 

First of all, find a picture (or a word) you want to hold your link. I'll be using two banners of my shops: Iris Flower GS (co-founded with Kpopismylyfe) & Shine Like A Star TS (for which I'm current hosting a giveaway for my 1 Year Anniversary)

See what I did there? ;)

Anyways, open your image(s):

Then click on them so they appear highlighted (mine are orange; yours might be blue, comment down below which one it is).

Next you will find this button  on the control panel. Click on it and it will ask you for the URL. Copy and paste the URL of the shop (or story) you want that picture to redirect others to and then you're done!


Same thing works for words, and that's about it! Thank you for stopping by and have a great day! 


updated: 07/18/15 by GoldenPeace

have fun! 



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amanda_m_mercado #1
thank you!!!!!!