The Dark Side of Street Racing Application

Application Form


AFF Name: Ciinsere

AFF Profile: Ciinsere

How often are you online? Everyday


Character Info:


Birth Name: Lee Sin Nah

Nicknames: Syn- cuz Sin in english is Sin but changed the I to a Y cuz she didn't wants to be a Sin. lol.  Nana- cuz of course the last part of her name is na

Birth date: (10/01/87)

Age: 25

Nationality: French/Korean

Birthplace: Japan

: female

ual Orientation: straight

Height: 173 cm

Weight: 55 kg

Personality: Sin Nah is very loyal to those who deserve it. She doesn't take any from anyone, no matter how old or who they are (mess with her and she will slap you back into place).  She looks very cool, clam, controlled and collected when you first meet her, but once she feels comfortable around you, you'll find out she's actually really funny, immature and very silly.  She's a very good friend and likes to help people.  Sin Nah can be very sarcastic and can be slightly mean.  If something is funny she will laugh no matter who its about, even if its about herself.  She may be able to laugh at herself and she can definitely take a joke but she hates to be mocked or made to feel stupid.  Sin Nah can be very flirty with guys but she knows when to say when.  She can be very aggressive and has a very bad temper with the skills to back it up.  She can be very honest and no matter what your talking about she can always be counted on to give her honest opinion of things (even if people don't always want to hear it).  In relationships she loves to be in control and is very skilled at making the other person feel like they are in control, so in short she is very skilled at rapping boys around her little finger and making them dance (bahahahaha). Even though she's tough and aggressive she is also very caring, kind and friendly. When she cares for someone she really cares for them (and is always looking out for them).  She will show them unconditional love and care, she is always there for them when they need it. She likes to play fight (especially with her best friend and the gang). Sin Nah is fluent in French, Spanish, Korean, Japanese and English. Sin Nah is skilled in hand to hand combat. When Sin Nah's mad, one of the only things that calm her down and fast, is Lee Hyukkie and his amazing smile and y voice. She is the only female member of the Sons of Chaos. Jay wouldn't let his "sister" join with anyone else because he wouldn't be able to watch over her.


- Dancing (she loves it so much).

- Food

- Cheese (it's it's own food group in her mind). 

- Playing Sports. 

- Movies (all movie regardless of what country though mostly american).

- Kpop music


- People who lack a real opinion. 

- Having headhones pulled out her ears (makes her angry & violent--depending on who you are). 

- People who lie to her(doesnt care if they lie just not to her). 

- People who fart and don't take the blame (lol, cuz she does say it was me). 

- People who can't take a joke.



- Dancing

- Volleyball

- softball

- Boarding (surfing, snowboarding)

- Listening to music for hours

- Practicing hand to hand combat (aggression calms her, it's like her own personal therapy)


- Biting her nails

- Dancing whenever music comes on (even if its just small slight movements)

- Saying "ha ha you got in trouble" when someone gets in trouble

- Slapping people who call her a

- Doing aegyo when she's upset. 




Ulzzang/Model Name: Park Hye Min

Pictures: Link1 , Link2 , Link3 , Link4

Back-Up Ulzzang/Model Name: Kim SEul Mi

Any Tattoos/Piercing?

Back of Her Neck:


  Her right wrist.


Her mothers and fathers birthdates around her left wrist like a bracelet  ex. 06.06.55~02.08.57~ all scripty and nice like


My Style:

(Please use links from Polyvore for your clothes styles)


Casual: Link1 , (except colorful jeans always like link 2), Link2 , Link3(cuz she cant wear heels all the time she's tall), Link4 , Link5

Formal: Link1 (except colorful heel always), Link2 (only the one on the left and one on the right not the two in the middle), Link3Link4

Night Out (Clubbing/Races): Link1 , Link2 , Link3 , Link4 (always a pop of color) , Link5 (cuz link3 won't work)

Always a pop of color in everything she wears: bright shoes(formal) or bright jeans(casual)

Home: Link1 (only 1 cuz other than the pic i have no idea how i want it to look from outside), Link2 (except the large sofa is magenta color), Link3 (except the black is green, checkt he floors,good for dancing lol), Link4


More About Me:


What Gang/Family are you in (please put an x in the box of the family you chose):

La Familia ((Male & Female Applicants)): {}

The Son’s of Chaos ((Male Only)): {XXXX}

The Untouchables ((Female Only)): {}

Your Car:

Astin Martin Vanquish


High Schooler/ College Student/ Graduate/ Drop Out/Working Man or Woman: College graduate and works as a Language teacher in Seoul.


- Is fluent in French, Spanish, Korean, Japanese and English

- Once got Jay so drunk that he let her dress him up as a girl and went out like that, he was even hit on by some guys. She has the pictures to prove it

- No one drives her car but her

- No one fixes her car but Jay, he's the only one she trusts

- Her & Jay once stole hotel employee uniforms so they could meet their favorite idol group.


Personal Background:


Family Members:

Elena Lee | 53 | deceased | Her mother is French and moved to Korea with Sin Nah's father when they fell in love. Her mother worked as a nurse in one of the most prestigious hospitals in Seoul until she died of a brain tumor when Sin Nah was 20. She was close to her mother (not as close as she is to Jay) and was devastated when she passed away.

Eun Won Lee | 55 | Alive | Her father has always been a military man. He fell madly in love with Elena when he went on assignment in France and asked her to marry him right then and there. She accepted and moved back to Korea with him.

Tell Me About Your Childhood:

Her father was always away on assignment for the military so he was rarely there. Her mother was a nurse so she was working frequently (Translation: they were rarely home). Although her parents were rarely home, Sin Nah knew that they loved her dearly. Her father taught her hand to hand combat and weapons because there was no way his baby girl was going to be hurt by anyone. Her father also taughter her different languages when he realized that she had an aptitude for them. Because her parents were always working, she was left in the care of their next door neighbor, Jay's Grandmother. Her and Jay became more like siblings than best friends because they spent so much time together. The two were constantly up to no good together. When Jay's grandmother died of cancer, she moved in with him to watch over him but then he had to watch over her when her mother died suddenly of a brain tumor. Their bond strengthened even further than it always was due to the fact that they went through such grief together. As her bond with Jay strengthened, her connection with her father lessened because he blamed himself for his wife's death. She rarely speaks with her father and when she does, it's usually so he can show her a new combat/martial arts move. They never speak about her mother. She originally wanted to join the Untouchables because they were some seriously bad chicks but Jay wouldn't have any of it. Even though his gang was an all male gang, Sin Nah had to join because she is his "sister" so he persuaded her to join the Sons of Chaos (it didn't take much since she considers him a brother and he told her she was the only girl cool enough to be in his gang---he's a sweet talker and she loves compliments) 

What’s life with your Gang/Family like?

One big party. She loves all the guys and is very protective of all of them. They're just as protective of her even though she can kick all their asses. Usually cooks the meals until she gets pissed because they're taking advantage of her. She's normally play fights with the members because they like to throw her around and she likes to be thrown around.

What’s your Role In The Family? Playful sister who kicks when necessary (and sometimes when it's not)


Love Life:



1. Eunhyuk

2. Donghae

You MUST choose from the idols already listed. If you choose an idol in a group we have not included we may ask you to change your application or ignore it completely. This also goes for those you choose as friends. Thank you.

Her/His Personality:

1. Hyukjae is better know as Eunhyuk and is the younger twin. They are referred to as the Terrible Two by everyone who meets them. Though they are the oldest of the gang they aren't leaders because that would require too much work and responsibility. The Terrible 2 they can be playful but serious when they need to be. They're pranksters but they're also the hyungs of this group so they look out for the members. Terrible flirts and crazy to boot. Most people are slightly on edge when dealing with the brothers as they tend to be very unpredictable, one minute they are laughing and the next they are out for blood. They are very protective of everyone in the gang and they only answer to Jay (he is the only one who can control them)

2. Donghae is the older twin. They are referred to as the Terrible Two by everyone who meets them. Though they are the oldest of the gang they aren't leaders because that would require too much work and responsibility. The Terrible 2 they can be playful but serious when they need to be. They're pranksters but they're also the hyungs of this group so they look out for the members. Terrible flirts and crazy to boot. Most people are slightly on edge when dealing with the brothers as they tend to be very unpredictable, one minute they are laughing and the next they are out for blood. They are very protective of everyone in the gang and they only answer to Jay (he is the only one who can control them).

How long have you been together? They haven't gotten together yet.

How did you meet? Feelings arise when they both go to beat up the same person, after they kick his , they end up fighting each other and she beats him, as usual. She's always had a crush on him but because he never showed interest, she never said anything althoug she always told him he was cute. He took it as in a brotherly fashion but it wasn't. They finally got together over their love of dance. He followed her one day when she wouldn't tell them where she was going and found her practicing at a dance studio. He told her she was an okay dancer and she replied with "can you do better?". He nodded and proceeded to dance better than her. The rest is history :-)


Social Life:


Best Friends:

1. Jay Park

2. Narsha 

3. GaIn

Their Personality:

1. Jay is rather immature and childish, people often mistake the second in command for the leader because of Jay's personality, its only when is going down that people truly understand why he is the leader, he is very cold and stand offish with outsiders. takes his role as leader very seriously and constantly has an eye on his group and there surroundings even if he looks like he isn't paying attention, he knows where every member of his group is at all times. Owns his own loft that all the members live in together. Is extremely protective of his best friend, thinks of her as a sister and he treats her like his real sister. Jay knows she can take care of her self but sometimes he just can't help but get all big brother on her , he hates to see her hurt and he detests seeing guys hitting on her (broke a guys nose once when he called her a , would of kept going too if his gang hadn't held him back).

2. Will kill you if you call her anything other than Narsha. Narsha is aggressive, feisty and passionate. She loves to flirt with guys and tease them. She is very confident and knows how to project that image to everyone, women (and even some men) find her very intimidating, she is all swag and appeal, what ever she wants she gets it no questions asked. Narsha is lovely, but cross the line and she will have no problem slapping you back down where you belong. She doesn't trust very easily so you really have to work for it but once you have it she will never turn her back on you. She is very loyal and protective of Her Girls (the family) and friends. Has a big heart, if you can get past her walls its well worth it.

3. She is very possessive of Jo Kwon and won't think twice before slapping any girl down that would think to flirt with him, gets jealous very fast (the couple often has very big public fights at the races then "make up" in each other's cars), very friendly when she wants to be, people sometimes think her selfish and conceited but she always has her family's back and has a very big heart can be nice when she wants to be.

How did you meet them? 

1. Met Narsha through GaIn at the races and the two hit it off. Narsha liked her blunt honestly, friendly personality and toughness.

2. She met GaIn cuz they went to school together.  They have always kept in touch but got really close after her mother died.  They bonded even further after they both realized their love of the races.


1. Kim Heechul (The Shadow Walkers)

2. Yoon Doojoon (The Mob)

3. Lee Jinki (La Familia)

Their Personality:

1. Heechul doesn't like to get his hands dirty. He talks a lot, all attitude, flirty (with males and females), smooth talking, very arrogant, confident and cold. He finds it very hard to trust and takes a very long time to warm up to people, he is also very stubborn and very scary and nasty when angry. But if you can get past his walls and snide comments he is very warm and loving, very very protective of his family and incredibly loyal. He has one weakness in this world and it goes by the name of Nicole Jung, he loves her so much (if she ever left him he wouldn't be able to function). From the first moment he saw her he knew he had to have her. She is the only girl he gives a damn about, you mess with her you die. He is very possessive of her and flips out if guys he doesn't know try to talk to her

2. Doojoon is a complete flirt (loves skinship) but don't be fooled by his flirty nature. He's got a really bad temper under that flirty exterior. He is very protective of s especially the Kim brothers because he considers them his real brothers and always knows the whereabouts of all of them at all times. Extremely organized, smart, doesn't take anyone talking back to him. He will hit you. Most people see him as unobservant because his only interest seems to be girls but he sees and hears everything. His primary job is to keep all the members in check and he rules with an iron fist. He is also funny and likes to joke around with the members except when it's time for business then he's all professional. Doesn't follow anyone's rules except the Boss'

3. Onew is quiet and looks rather serious but once you get to know him he is funny, very clumsy, loud and very out going and friendly. Onew is protective of those he cares about, especially his little brother Taemin :-) He's very intelligent, loves to sleep and can be a little bit of a mischief maker as of late because he's been spending a rather large amount of time with the Lee Twins (met the twins at the races and quickly became friends with them) much to Soo's dismay and Rain's annoyance

How did you meet them:

1. Met Heechul when she beat up some guy who he didn't like. She beat him up for scratching her car but Heechul still appreciated not having to get his hands dirty or one of s. He approached her and they talked. He liked her bluntness because he always said what was on his mind so the two became friends.

2. Met Doojoon when he tried to hit on her. She thought he was cute but he wasn't her type. He's too flirty and angry for her taste so she told him so. He thought she had balls for saying that to his face so they kept in touch as friends only.

3. Met Onew at the races when he was watching over Taemin. She saved Taemin from a group of crazy girls who thought he was adorable and Onew was really thankful then they started talking. Onew realized she was the girl that the twins talk about so they got closer.




Anything extra you want us to know about you or your character? not at the moment.

Any ideas for your role in the story? I just want to be able to kick some .

Would you like between you and your Partner? I'd like the sweet at first then gets a litl rough and exhibitiony--if you didn't get it, that's a big fat YES!!!

Password: Cookies

i'd prefer him blonde and shirtless but i couldn't find it but this one is oh so cute


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