SJ disappointment


Remember about my blog post about SuShow3? Yea. Unfortunately I wasn't able to come. And I was all excited about it too. sigh.

That day I was faced with 2 choices. One very selfish choice and another self-sacrificial.

Being the weak, very emotional freak I am...well yea, you guessed it. Had to give it up.

Well, none of us has forseen that something like that would happen. It disappointed me more than anyone would ever know and it hurts a lot because I was really looking forward to it because it's the day after my birthday. It saddens me.

I don't really know what to feel because my brain is working on a lot of things, some good, some fair and others much complicated.

I guess I don't have a reason to blame any person involved. I mean heck. Even I was elated when I found out I could watch without spending a cent, and in the upper box too! I was so very very happy. But all that became tears on my birthday, all the more on the next day, and also when I woke up today.

Yuck this is such a terrible blog post seriously. It's full of depression and tears and blah IDEK.

So yea whatever comes.


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