{ Just Typical Love Story } - Apply

--Your Info◊

 AFF username : --icecream--

 AFF profile link : http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/79224

 Name : Alice


--Character Info

 Character name : Lee Mi Hyun

 Nickname[s] : Mimi/Hyun

 Age/Birthday : 16 (International) / 20th April 1996

 Height and weight : 153cm & 43 kg

 Blood type : A

 Nationality : Korean

 Appearance : one| two| three| four| five| six| seven| eight| nine| ten

 Ulzzang Name : Jang Hae Byeol

 Style : one| two| three| four| five| six| seven| eight| nine

 Personality : Mi Hyun is a very hyper-active girl. I’m 100% serious here. She has so much energy that she can go around the school jumping like a bunny and not stop. She is also a brave girl. I mean, who can go around Seoul screaming ‘Merry Christmas!’ every minute to passers-by and not be bothered about it? Yes folks, she isn’t like most people who care about their image. She’s a very enthusiastic girl too, she doesn’t do things half-heartedly. She is always very excited to do things, especially outdoor activities. When she isn’t excited to do something, there is definitely something wrong with her. But you don’t have to worry about her a lot. After all, she has some major mood swings. She can be really nice and understanding one moment and change into a really fierce and irritated girl in a second! The bad point of her mood swings is that she gets angry very easily. The good point, however, is that she calms down pretty quickly.

Others might find her weird for this characteristic of hers and even bash her. Wierdly, she doesn’t mind getting ‘verbally abused’ this way. She doesn’t mind the opinions of others. This is also the reason why she just says the first thing that comes to mind. She is very confident of herself and in her actions. That’s because she thinks before acting, although she doesn’t do that when she speaks. She’s very wise to do so, even in studies, she is also very intelligent. One of her flaws which is commonly recognized by people is her carelessness. Carelessness not in work but in actions such as tripping and falling down easily. Due to this unusual ‘habit’ of hers to trip almost every ten minutes, you might think that she has a lot of scars or bruises. In actual fact, she has none. She may have fallen down but she, wierdly, won’t get injured, unlike normal people who at least get a bruise.    

 Hobbies :

1~ Strolling around parks/Running around

2~ Dancing

3~ Drawing/Doodling

4~ Playing (games/sports, just anything that is fun)

5~ Watching anime/reading manga or novels

6~ Being random

7~ Surfing the net/Updating her twitter, Facebook and me2day

 Habbits :

1~ Chewing gum

2~ Falling down

3~ Doing fun/random stuffs with her friends

4~ Flashing the ‘peace’ sign

5~ Commenting out loud when watching dramas

6~ Tossing around in bed for a good 20 minutes before sleeping

 Likes :

1~ Music (especially k-pop and j-pop)

2~ Animes/Manga/Novels

3~ Outdoor activites/games

4~ Being random

5~ Playing games (especially Final Fantasy)

6~ Food! (especially cheesecake, noodles and ice cream)

7~ Colours/Images

8~ Sleep

9~ Kittens and bunnies

 Dislikes :

1~ Mushy-ness

2~ Puppets/Clowns

3~ Geography and Biology (although she her grades in both subjects are As)

4~ Horror movies/shows/books

5~ Smoke and alchohol

6~ Two-faced/Vain people

7~ Liars/Betrayers

8~ People interrupting he

9~ Wasting food

 Trivia :

1~ She always ‘decorates’ her notes with doodles and different coloured highlighted words

2~ She can’t sleep well on hotel/motel beds

3~ She hugs her big panda doll and covers herself like a cacoon when she sleeps

4~ She rarely gets sick

5~ Every two days or so, she gets a headache (not because of whatever illness)

6~ As a genius, she is fluent in Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese, Italian and French

7~ She has a photogenic memory

8~ She gets a ‘F’ score in relationships because she is too naïve

9~ Her ex-boyfriend died in a car accident

 Family history and relationship :

Mi Hyun’s family has a ‘rich status’. And because of the huge amount of money they had, the children were free to do anything they wanted. Most would become spoilt brats. But noooo. Her parents wanted the siblings to experience outside life, not being rich and being independent. That was the reason why the couple sent their children to America. They were still kids, Mi Hyun being only 8, so they were under the supervision of their aunt. It was surprising how the Mi Hyun and her brother weren’t homesick though. After 4 years, her brother went back to Korea to study. Whereas Mi Hyun accompanied her aunt, travelling around the world. She has been to Singapore, Japan, Italy, France, England and of course, America. Throughout those years, she has made many international friends. With her family visiting her every now and then. It was in Singapore where she met her boyfriend. He was an american who was on an exchange programme. It was love at first sight for both of them. Both of them were a really sweet couple. Sadly, her boyfriend in America. He had returned to his home country and unfortunately, got into a fatal accident. The following weeks were torture for her family. Seeing their precious girl having swollen eyes, eye bags, messy hair, wrecked clothing and being so thin was what they saw everyday. This period was the time where her brother came in to help. Being for each other for 4 years in America, they had bonded closely such that they looked like a young couple. Finally, Mi Hyun resumed her now personality. Although she still gets really emotional and touchy about the subject of ‘boyfriends’. By the way, her boyfriend’s name is Daniel Matthew Taylor.


@ Lee Chang Hee < Father < 56 < CEO of a supplying--transporting company

+He is the usual, strict father. Mi Hyun got her mood swings from him, although his are not as major as Mi Hyun’s. Sometimes, he becomes a clown and does funny actions or movements that make his family literally laugh out loud. He is a nice man who knows how to be a leader. Still, his ‘super-worried moments’ do break the impression of a reserved person.’

@ Park Kyung Soon < Mother < 55 < Housewife

+She has double personalities. She can be a mature and intelligent lady and yet, be an overly-excited-about-actors-so-called-teenager. She is more of a friend to Mi Hyun, rather than a mother. She is the ‘advisor’ in the family because of all the wise advices she gives to anyone with problems. You can confide in her your darkest secret because one, she is trustworthy. Two, she doesn’t go back on her word or breaks her promises. And three, she is very intent on knowing more secrets.

@ Lee Byung Hyun < Brother < 19 < Student

            +Like all the other older brothers out there, he is super protective over his dear sister. SUPER protective, expecially after the death of Mi Hyun’s boyfriend. He is a skinship lover and always hugs or kisses on Mi Hyun’s cheeks throughout the day. Passers-by would have the impression of a young and sweet couple. Especially because he calls Mi Hyun ‘Baby Girl’ or ‘Baby’. The siblings are very close to each other. Although he does tease or pull pranks on others, he becomes really agitated when someon hurts his sister.


--School Info

 What is your grade ? 2nd

 Best Subject(s) : Art, Dance, Sports, English, Chinese, Music

 Worst Subject(s) : Biology, History

 Club : Dance, Photography, Art

 School Rank : The achiever (because of her excellent grades in almost everything)

 Persona : The Hyper Bunny

 Who is your seatmate ? Henry from Super Junior

 Friends : Amber (F(x), Kyuhyun (Super Junior), CAP (Teen Top), Jeongmin (Boyfriend), Minho (SHINee), Tiffany (SNSD), Jinyoung (B1A4), Hyunseung (BEAST)

 Bestfriends : Henry (Super Junior), Sunny (SNSD), Krystal (F(x)

 Rivals : None


--Personal Life

 Love interest : Junhyung from BEAST

 Personality : He’s the ‘bad boy kingka’ in school. He’s handsome, he’s flirty, he is an excellent fighter, he is popular. He flirts around with ladies, giving them winks and to-die-for smirks whenever girls pass he’s way. He might be annoying sometimes but all those hot-ness and his sweet tongue makes up for it. Still, Junhyung’s not all that bad. He does respect teachers and his hyungs. He doesn’t talk back to them. He’s a considerate and funny man whenever he is with hie friends. He doesn’t like being embarrassed and often teases others till they cry, usually when breaking up with his newly-found-but-to-be-broken-up-with-girlfriend(s). He isn’t rash and usually thinks before acting. One bad point about him is his obstinacy. He doesn’t change his mind easily and it’ll be a miracle if he even is almost on the edge of changing his mind.

 How you meet : It was the first day of school. BEAST, being kingkas, walked in and screams echoes through the corridor. As usual, he gave out flying kisses, winks and his ‘deadly’ smirk. All around him, girls were fainting. But not Mi Hyun. She just stood there and stared at each BEAST member till they passed. Being the flirt he is, Junhyun tried to flirt with the new girl, Mi Hyun. To his surprise, Mi Hyun didn’t even have the slightest reaction to the sweet words coming out of his mouth.

 Does he like you at first ? No he didn’t. He was interested in Mi Hyun at first because of her different respons to him and wanted to know her more.

 Does you like him at first ? Nope. She still loves her dead boyfriend and doesn’t want to start a new relationship with someone else. She became irritated at Junhyung whenever he teased or annoyed her and that was one of the reasons why she didn’t like him.

 Crush ? None.

 Who do you end up with ? Junhyung.


 --Anything Else ?

 Any request ? Nope.

 Comments/Suggestions/Criticisms: She doesn’t have a crush. I’m so sorry about that! I wanted to add the idea of a dead boyfriend here, so yeah.


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