More Attention Towards L.A. County Sheriff’s Office Needed

The L.A. County Sheriff’s Office was ordered to take care of the jails in Los Angeles centuries ago. During the first few centuries, the sheriffs were doing fine. There were no issues, their reports went in on time, and they weren’t being ignored. Nowadays however, not even a memorable sheriff retiring matters anymore.

            About two decades ago, one sheriff, Sheriff Bobb, reported about an issue in other jails and departments regularly. His reports, however, were ignored, due to ‘other important emergencies and concerns’. They took little to no action towards his reports no matter how severe they were. Because of these continuous reports, Bobb’s office was eventually abolished just last year.

            After some time, jail abuse situations because very bad. Disciplinary deputies started using their rights wrongly. Their abuse towards the prisoners became much more harsh, and though they’ve been reported several times, the matter was being ignored. Using this ignorance to their advantage, the police and sheriff continue to abuse the criminals for no absolute reason. The prisoners are only supposed to be physically punished if they’ve done something severe, but lately, without even doing anything against the law, the police mistreat them. This is a serious issue that has to be looked at. If this continues, not only does it harm the prisoners, but it also makes them all the more vicious, and also makes them a scapegoat.

            There is an inspector general, and he’s supposedly supposed to lead the new oversight commission’s staff and report to both the board and the commissions. However, because there is no term of years and no guarantee against removal without cause, there is no independence. That makes it almost impossible to make the thorough reports that are needed. For an amount of time now these issues haven’t been fixed, and it should be considered an urgent issue that should be resolved any time now.

            It is not only the jail police that need to be looked over. The regular street police also need to know what it means to be fair and equal and what it means to live in a free country. There have been a lot of racist officers lately, that accuse more African America people than white people for mostly things that they haven’t done. If there is a black woman crossing the street when the white crossing sign turns on, it is likely that a racist L.A. police will pull over and get out of his car, and give a pedestrian ticket to the lady. There are so much more issues with the officers, whether the police is playing the victim or the victor, that need to be looked over.


So... my first editorial in my life... for my journalism class. This is the first revision, I just wanted to know if it's worth it to keep editing and revising this article. (wrote this whole thing myself, no plagiarism done at all) is it?



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Wow...I thought this was a preview to a story or something.
But your article is real good. I say keep editing it and perfect it and kick some with it later.