Books or Novels I Prefer

Just a review or suggestion about some good books i've read. 


Percy Jackson (Lightning Thief, Sea Of Monsters, Titans Curse, The Battle Of The Labyrinth, and The Last Olympian) 

 I prefer this because if you're curious about what greek mythology is all about. This book can be a good start, although for some plots it may confuse you when you learn the actual Greek Mythology. Sometimes it irritates me when Annabeth is all Luke you know, it makes me wanna rip the book so please be warned (**SPOILER ALERT**) I ship Percy and Annabeth thats why haha

I'm also at the last book already which is The Last Olympian. But don't worry Rick Riordan made sequels? If you call it like that, since the new books are thicker than this five series of books. And luckily i'm just borrowing from my sister (Love you sis lol)

And of course there are so many twists and so on, or unexpected scenarios too. It's exciting actually and i'm looking foward to the other books. But then again, sometimes when my predictions are wrong it makes me wanna throw the book XD

Anyways, in conclusion ITS DUH BEST GREEK MYTHOLOGY BASED BOOK (I've read so far)


The Fault In Our Stars -John Green

I totally recommend this, even for those who likes romance. I've watched the movie of this, but the book is so much better. You can feel the feels much more in the book. (I actually cried while reading it *gets a tissue*). I was a bit disappointed about the movie cuz I was all like "The bro thats it? Wheres the feels? Why the heck didnt they include this scene in the movie?" 

So yeah, it's better to read the book. Because in the movie they missed some important parts(?)


Abundance Of Katherines -John Green 

Rated M(?) I guess since theres a little scene. I recommend this cuz the romance was great, too much feels bruh. Its like ants are going to eat me anytime while reading the book (kidding though). But please beware of the formulas and so on. (You've been warned)


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Despite the second installment of the Percy Jackson series (so named The Heroes of Olympus series) not centering around Percy Jackson, I prefer it more than the first because Percy and Annabeth are together. And they're older. ^^

Also, I have yet to try and read any of John Green's works. Many have suggested it because he's depicted the teenage feel so well. But I'm feeling very reluctant to try it out. Maybe after the hype's died out, I'll try it out. I'm weird like that ^^"