All I Can Say is UghGhughGgh

Does anyone else not write in order? I write in spurts, as the inspiration comes. I have like, complete chapters for my interactive fic written that are way down the line - , confessions, little conflicts, etc.

Anyway, I'm feeling super uninspired lately. Writers' block. Yay.

It really because I intended on finishing in a couple months. HA.

I hit 10 subscribers, which I'm really happy about, and I haven't updated in like a week. I .

Okay, I'll stop whining.


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A close friend of mine does that. She writes scenes and then hopes eventually she'll find ways to continue them when the time comes.
As for me, I haven't been able to continue this one fic I have up... oh wait, make that 2, in a few months.
It really is saddening to see it stay there, not updated... inactive. I can't help myself... I have the motivation to write something else. If i force it out, it'll sound like crap and I wouldn't feel good knowing that i'm letting my readers read something I'm not satisfied with.

Now I'm whining to you... which I don't know why i'm doing so. Guess I just thought of sharing some stuff.
Shutting up now... hihi ^^"