Guess who got her net back :D


i got my net back *yipppppieeeeee*

I also got myself a job. I work ticket booth at Caribbean Cinemas in Guyana (so if i miraculously have some Guyanese readers please visit me heheheh)...though i doubt i have any because tbh i cud probably count on my hands the amt of kpop fans in Guyana >.<

Anyway...i'm really busy and today i almost cried cuz i sort of screwed up but first time for everything right?



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welcome back,sis..^^
kkaepsongyehet #2
*YIPPPPPIEEEEEE* Welcome back..well...welcome back...yeah..I guess I can say it like that..right? *hug*
I wish I could visit you>\\< *sad face*
why do I live so far away? *cries*
whaat? You screwed up? How? If I can ask..If that's not rude...