☽ those magical nights ☾ Gabriella AeBi Davis, The Lily



Gabriella AeBi Davis
Lexxiluvkpop || lexi | ACTIVITY rat: 8

other names: AeBi Kim: her korean name given to her by her mother, as a way to remeber her family history. Her mother calls her AeBi, nore than her real name, so she responds to both.
— Gabby- her father calls her that. its the short form of her english name. only mentioned when in presence of father in letters and when he visist to watch a quidditch match .
Ella- her close english speaking friends call her this. It started off as cinderella, as a joke, but eventually it stuck but only as ella.

- Toki- her cousin Kai gave her this name as a resuklt of her folowing him around all the time when they were kids. he claims she would always be bouncing behind him trying to join in.

-DuBu- its korean for tofu, her korean speaking friends granted her this name. They claim that she is sometimes stong enough to resist melting in a soup, but soft enough to crumble in an unexpected situation.

birthday & age: July 3, 2000
birthplace & hometown: Born in Madrid, Spain.

Hometown in London, England.
height & weight: 165cm/ 57 kg
blood type: half-blood

— English: Fluent, its her fathers mother tounge. Learned it when moved to new home in London, perfected it while attending Hogwarts.
— Korean: Fluent, mothers mother tounge and father is semi-fluent in it. Since father wasnt home most of the time, mother would speak in korean to her. Would visit mothers family in korea often.
— Spanish: Conversational, spent the first six years of her life in Madrid. Exchanges a few letters with a family friend every so often.
faceclaim: SISTAR's Bora x x x x x
back-up face claim: SNSD's Seohyun x x x x x

personality traits: (+) Understanding, Optimistic, Hardworking, Creative, Wise, Idealistic

(=) Tolerant, Mischievous, Determined, Resourceful, Level-headed.

(-) Ambitous, Blunt, Snobbish, Self-conscious, Repressed Anger, Stubborn, Insecure

Gabby is a great friend and a formidable enemy. Being raised in a very cultured place like Madrid, she naturally embraced the beauty and elegance around her. This exposure led to her being very lady like and respectful towards her elders. Resulting in always working hard and not dissaponting those that trust her abilites. She is understanding and tolerant of others opinions and ideals. Yet she cant help but think about them in the back of her head. But if someone tries to push their beliefs on her, she will lightly smile and straight forwardly ask to leave her be. "I think I can make my own judgment and opinions, thank you."
     She chooses friends by how comfortable she feels when first meeting said person. She'll hold back on her true self, until she feels she can trust the new person. And when she does open up, they've earned a great friend. She's loyal to those she trust and wants to protect, she might not quickly defend them, but will help push them forward. 
    Being a daughter of an Auror and healer, she learned at an early age to keep her heart and mind in check. She's level-headed in unexpected situations, but self-conscious of her actions, not wanting to harm those she cares due to her carelessness. She's insecure of her abilites at times, but when she has to step up and fight, she will try her best. She is resourceful and just like any other Ravenclaw determined to get goods grades.
    Being the youngest of three she would learn from her sibilings mistakes. Though envious of them at times,she knows they are family and will be there when she needs them. her parents might have ot compared her to her older sibiling, but that didnt stop others around them from doing so. Gabby isn't as strong and frim as her brother or bubbly and open as her sister. These comments made by others, lead her to work diligently to meet others expectations. Aebi knew that the moment she set foot into the school the students might start comparing her to brother and sister. She is very self-conscious and had a habit of putting herself down. So she stepped in with a mind set and promise to be different and special in her own way.
     Thanks to her friends her mischievousness has risen and unfortunately it might sometimes go over board. She was always a happy kid, her dad and brother being silly to cheer her up and she returning the favor when they were down. Her sister would help take revenge on those who made fun of her changing eyes. She learned how to cause damage without being caught.She had forgotten these things, but with her friends encouragements and effots she has lightened up.

     Being lady-like is natural to her so many of her actions are elegant and precise, but everyone has a breaking point. If you threaten her or her friends be prepared to face her anger. She holds a lot of it in and if someone decides to push her buttons, she won't hold back. Of course she wont be as extrem as Bohye but will be sure to humiliate you unknowingly. Being knowledgeable sometimes leads to her coming off as a snob and a tad bit stubborn. Having to deal with both Bohye's and Kai's crap all the time, she of course learned from observation how to push their buttons safely. Sometimes ticking them off for not being able to manipulate her, which brings her great joy.
      If she doesn't like you she will answer with blunt statements and harsh sarcasm. Aebi practices this when Bohye or Kai drag her out clubbing. She enjoys the chance to dance and relax, but hates all the guys trying to sweet talk her. At school the only times she uses this is a quidditch match, a duel, when Bohye gets out of hand, and when dealing with Mina alone.
     To the professors and most of the student body, Miss Gabriella Davis is a model student who respects her elders. She gets her work done and ask questions. She volunteers to help clean up or set up and is always kind to those younger than her. The students admire her growth as one of the potential IT girls of Hogwarts. Girls envy how often she changes her hairstyles and how she can charm the guys with just a smile, but they still want to be her friend. Guys admire her simple beauty and down to earth she is, if her cousin wasn't so damn protective they'd love to call her their girl. Her friends on the other hand, know that lovely girl image is not her true self. Once she's with her close friends she's bossy, laid back, and silly. She tries to hide the fact that she does get hateful notes, name callings, and pranks. When left alone too long, she begins to ponder her weaknesses and how much she lacks in cetain areas. She doubts her abilities as a witch and her worth as a friend.


  • licorice wands, chocolate frogs, pumpkin patties
  • studying out in the courtyard/
  • teasing her friends/ dueling/
  • a good quidditch match/ the school meals/
  • Ravenclaw common room/ muggle music and art
  • / her owl/ letters from her parents/
  • reading by the lake
  • / Honeydukes
  • / Diagon Alley/
  • the school library/
  • Professor McGonagall/
  • roomof requirement/
  • magical creatures/
  • the use of modern technology /
  • her bed/ hugs
  • / forehead kisses
  • / defense against the dark arts
  • / charms/ potions/ transfiguration/ 


  • The moving stairs
  • / the talking portraits
  • / clowns/
  • hot weather
  • / Tardiness
  • / the whomping willow/
  • messes
  • / bright and revealing clothing
  • / liars
  • / narcissists
  • / ist/
  • divinity
  • / history /
  • mr. Filch and mrs. Norris 


  • playing piano,
  • strolling around school grounds,
  • flying on broomstick,
  • hanging out with friends,
  • reading


  • wrinkles nose when she doesn't like something,
  • eyes change color tone depending on mood,
  • on lips,
  • plays with fingers, 


  • Half-blood : father is pure blood and mother is half blood
  • Metamorphmagus: enjoys changing her hair and changing eye color.
  •  Suffers from emotion attacks: being a Metamorphmagus, her ability is synced to her emotions. If a sudden flurry of emotions, confusion, or head injury occurs headaches and disorientation may occur. In some cases, like in Gabby's case, an unwilling change keeps happening, like her eyes changing color uncontrollably leading to her eyes to sting.
  • Emotin attacks usually occur when she needs too much attention to others opinions and questions her ability.
  • She loves changing her hair however she pleases. From straight to curly, long to shoulder length, and its color from one solid color to gradation or two-tone.
  • Her eyes tend to change color by her emotions, they are her strength and weakness.
  • When she was in Spain she took piano and singing lessons that her mother singed her up for with other muggle children.
  • Her teachers suggested she train to become a professional pianist.
  • Her parents gave her a chance to attend Beauxbatons Academy, but she declined.
  • The Davis have a traditon of handing a family ring to their children on the day of their 11th birthday. The rings are connected to their fathers ring and lets them know when their father is thinkin of them. Taek, Min, Gabby.
  • Not wanting to feel left out their mother gifted them with charmed necklaces linked to hers. They would warm up at the instant their mother thought of them. Taek, Min, Gabby.
  • Both the ring and necklace work as protection charms.
  • The sorting hat debated on whether to place her in Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw. Opting for Ravenclaw for "You're smart and kind, but lack confidence to stand alone,"
  • first year for being prim and proper "Why if it isn't the little Lady?" "Make way for the princess walking by." "Look it's Cinderella with her pet mice."
  •  Deleted Bohye in a duel, and till this day is the only one who can.
  • Enjoys going out with Bohye, though she hates it when it's on a school day.
  • At quidditch  tryouts, she located and captured the snitch in less than three minutes after the captain saying "Go!"
  • The owlry is her hiding place.
  • The forest is her healing space.
  • Owns an owl she named Nabi
  • She owns a vintage Nimbus 2000, a gift from her father.
  • Interest in muggle technology and owns a mac book, an iPad mini, an iPod touch, and an iPhone 6.
  • She likes having her hair down and clipped to the side. 
  • Ties her hair in a ponytail for quidditch and potions class.
  • She grows her hair to her waist and the shortest is to her shoulders.
  • Her hair color changes are usually different shades of brown with colored tips 
  • Prefers little to no makeup, only wearing mascara and eyeliner at times
BACKGROUND: Born July 3, 1999 to an Auroro and a Healer in Madrid, Spain. Her father is an Auror, who at that time was working for the Ministry and was on assignment in Spain to discuss the traveling of rouge wizards and witches back and forth from Spain and England. Her mother is a healer, but not just any healer, a house call healer. She makes house calls to patience, from basic check ups to healing any minor injuries, if the injury is too great a task she will then hand it over to the hospital. The pair already had two children a boy and a girl. Both of which were also born when Daniel was on assignment. They boy in Busan, Korea and the girl in Boston, Massachusets, U.S. . Luckily for the family, they were not in England at the time of the Battle of Hogwarts, and we're only informed of the happenings thru the papers a letters from friends sent after the end of it all.
     AeBi or Gabby, depending on which parent was calling, lived the first six years of her life in Madrid where she attended daycare and elementary school with muggle children. Summers were spent evenly between Korea and America visiting family. A week after turning six, the family was finally relocated in London, England, where they still live today. Gabby had always been exposed to magic, especially with her being a Metamorphmagus along with her sibilings. It became important for her and her siblings to learn to control their ability, so by age six she had full mastery of her ability, the quickest out of the three according to her dad. Her mother was always around making healing potions for her patients, curious the young Aebi soon began reading and helping her mom create her medicinal concoctions. Jane was more than happy having her youngest display her yearning to learn. Not wanting her children to be bored, she signed them up for muggle classes in dancing, piano,and singing; something her children really appreciated and thank her for still.
     Soon her older brother got his acceptance letter and three years later her sister received hers as well. Taek being sorted to Gryffindor and becoming the star chaser and captain just like his father and Min going to Hufflepuff becoming the popular girl of not only her house year but her entire class year. Sadly, Aebi had to wait two more years to get her letter. And in that time spent at home, she spent it learning from her mother and father. From her mother potions and easy charms. From her father flying, Metamorphmagus tricks, and simple hexes. The family of three would often take trips to visit other family members and old friends.
     By the time her letter arrived, Gabby was more than ready to attend. She was sorted into her mothers house, Ravenclaw. You can bet Jane was more than ecstatic to hear the news. She quickly made friends with two fellow Ravenclaws and two other Hufflepuffs she met along the year. Her first year was uneventful, just getting to know the names of those in her year and recognizing their faces. Word went around of Aebi's family relations and was named, unbeknownst to her, as the hidden gem of Ravenclaw.
     Second year was a bit more exciting, being a Metamorphmagus of great practice, she recognized an animagus sneaking about the Ravenclaw common room and school. She promised to keep the students secret and became acquainted with said person. She never thught that agrement would lead to many changes in her. Third year came and now she was part of her house quidditch team, the hidden gem was slowly letting herself shine. She began wondering if the attention was worth it. Her friendship with one of Slytherin 's popular girls was exposed and her popularity rose. Furthure increasing her dislike on attention, but also encouraging her to show her true self more. By her fourth year, she was well known by all peers and gained a decent following of admirers. Who surprisingly were kept away by her protective playboy cousin, Kai,  and overprotective friend, Bohye. Still of course there are people who dislike her for being so likable. And these are the people who she hears at the back of her mind, making her self-conscious of her actions and question her abilites and talents. So who knows what is in store for this girl in her fifth year and years to come.

Father | Daniel Davis | 42 | Auror | Hardworking, Caring , Understanding, Attentive | When Aebi was growing up, Daniel wasn't really around to see her or her sibilings. Knowing this would be a problem, he made sure to write letters as often as he could. It's something he still does today and his children appreciate receiving them. By the time he was assigned back to London, he was now able to spend more time with the youngest of his children. They treat each other as friends and silly buddies. He is very understanding and cares for her a lot. He is very conscious of Gabby's emotions ,even in her letters, he wishes he could do more. A Metamorphmagus and quidditch aficionado, was  Gryffindor chaser and heartthrob at Hogwarts. Enjoys taking time off work to watch his children play a good quidditch match. As well as embarrasing them in public.

Mother | Jane Davis (JiWon Kim)| 40 | House call Healer | Optimistic, Determined, Loving, Strict | With the young Aebi, Jane has a special connection. It's not to say this was her favorite child, as she loves al her children equally. But she couldn't help but worry for her youngest, she resembled her prim and proper self a bit too much. She worries her strong willed yet softhearted girl will be hurt. They exchange letters frequently and Aebi likes confiding in her. Jane is always waiting for when her daughter will need her the most. Being a former Ravenclaw perfect, she understands the sort of pressure her daughter might have and is glad she found friends that have shown her ways to have fun and how to open up.
Brother |Taek Davis (Taekyeon Kim)  | 20 | Magical Creatures Healer | Hardworking, Silly, Stubborn, Tolerant | The oldest of the Davis sibilings, former Gryffindor Chaser, Quidditch team Captain, and heartthrob. This smiling giant is AeBi's teady bear and silly partner. He is a babo for both sisters and easily gives in to any of their request, with the help of aegyo of course. He enjoys his work which takes him around the country a lot, but that doesn't stop him from sending and receiving letters from his family. Aebi might not tell him about everything but knows who can make her feel better. He tolerates the teasing he receives from his sisters to some extent and is stubborn when he dislikes one of their ideas, which is mostly all of them. Hes glad to know how much his siter has grown, but worries he wont be there to scare of boys.    
Sister |Min Davis (Minyoung Kim) |17 |Hufflepuff Year 7 |Hardworking, Ambitious, Determined, Attentive | The second oldest of the Davis sibilings, the well rounded Hufflepuff and seventh year IT girl. She has an interest in Muggle music and dance and has decided to study and specialize in that branch of muggle studies. The two sisters are close and enjoy teasing their older brother and having him do what they ask. They might not talk too often in school, but they do exchange letters and silly notes. When they do talk, it's usually when one of them is upset. She knows of her sister crush and what other guys have interest in her. She also knows of Aebi's friendship with Bohye and does not like it. As her sister she, of course, has a right and duty to protect her sisters heart and well being.
Cousin | Kai Kim | Slytherin Year 6 | 16| Bossy, Egotistical, Blunt, Warm Hearted | The school playboy and god, to the school of course. In AeBi's or Toki's ,what he calls her, eyes he's a warm sensitive charming guy pretending to be someone he's not. He enjoys teasing her and getting her fired up, but knows when he's gone too far. He cares for his cousin despite being a bit cold towards her at times. He knows we're to find her when she's sad or confused,the owlry or forest. And is ready to have his shirt wet and hear her silent mumbling. He silently watches over her, firmly denying it whe she catches him. Toki dislikes the fact that at home he treats her good, but at school she gets the cold shoulder or he comes to ask her for favors. They bicker and laugh and when needed listen to each other's thoughts and worries. He encouraged her to join the quidditch team knowing it would open her up more. But now he regrets it a bit, she gained too many new admirers to push away from her and attention he knows shes not too comfortable with. 

Best Friend| Chloe Clearwater| 16| Ravenclaw, year 5 | Shy, Intelligent, Confident, Quirky| They met on their first train ride to Hogwarts. The two shy girls opened up to each other and found a great friendship. Chloe is still shy, but just with strangers and when she gets called up on. She is confident in her knowledge and her observations. Which is why she is sure and insist to Gabby that JB likes her. "The poor boy is basically shooting hearts from his eyes when he talks to you." She is a Ravenclaw and that's probably why she works hard to get Jackson to see her as more than a friend. The two friends are close and knowledgeable witches, willing to conserve their friendship. The only thing that causes arguments between the two is Gabby's friendship with Bohye. Chloe can't help but worry that Bohye i jut using he friend.

Best Friend| Mark Tuan |16| Ravenclaw, Captain, Chaser, Year 5 | Caring, Competitive, Cool, Repressed Anger| Mark was also in the same cabin as Gabby and Chloe. He silently observed how the two girls began talking. It wasn't until the snack trolley passed that they noticed him. They shared the treats and their friendship began. All three being sorted into Ravenclaw really helped strengthen their friendship. He is the brain and leader of their group of five. He and Gabby have  a chill friendship, were skinship is frequently used. Gabby is always ready to listen to his worries and help in assingments. He likes how she gets her head in the game during a quidditch match and completely forgets about the people watching her. He likes knowing he has a friend watching his back and he is always watching hers, knowing there is only so much she can take.
Close Friend | Jackson Wang | 16 | Hufflepuff, Chaser,  Year 5 | Fun Loving, Loud, Kind, Loyal | Loud, that best describes him. Annoying would be another good word but his annoyance is sometimes what causes the group to laugh. He's a friend of Marks who joined the group of three second year. He is loyal and works hard to bring a smile to your face. He might not be naturally talented, but he works hard to improve his magic. He knows DuBu is willing to help him if he promises to shut his mouth long enough for her to explain. They might not be as close but they enjoy teasing each other, that sometimes leads to him hurting her feelings unknowingly. He knows she sometimes gets picked on and named called by envious students and is quick to defend her.
​Close Friend |  Soyou Kang | 16 | Hufflepuff  Year 5 |  Blunt, Level-headed, Loving, Wise | Soyou had been an acquaintance of Gabby and Chloe, but it wasn't till second year that she joined the group, thus completing the group of  five. Her mother, a muggle born witch, is a famous head dresser and make up artist in the muggle world. Her father a worker for the Ministry in the muggle department . Being half blood, she would be kinda lost on the subjects, since she wasn't raised with magic around her, spending most of the time with her mom. Aebi  and Chloe were quick to help her when she was confused or worried. She is the mother of the group, due to her blunt and straight forward attitude. She adores AeBi's hair since it can change in length, texture, and color at will and always begs to work on her hair. She gives great advice and is always scolded by Aebi for her harsh attitude. Some students make fun of her mother for working with muggles she can handle them on her own, but she can't hold back when they talk bad of her friends.
Friend | Na  Bohye | 16 | Slytherin Year 5 |  Intellectual, Determined, Busy, Adorable |  This started as more of a contract friendship. Bohye was caught by Aebi sneaking in to the Racenclaw common room as a cat. She promised to not tell and help her in and out when she liked in exchange for protection against those that bullied her. She reluctantly agreed after a short duel, in which she surprisingly lost. Bohye was intrigued by this girl and kept her promise. She soon learned her secret of being a Metamorphmagus and how self-conscious the poor girl was. She taught her how to stand up for herself and exposed her to life outside of magic. She took her to the streets and clubs letting her experience a world she would have never ventured to. Aebi found in Bohye an escape from the stressful school and helped her build confidence and spunk. Bohye found a girl to raise and trust with her sensitive side, this sometimes back fires as Aebi knows her way around Bohye's threats and tantrums.. She knows of her crush on Sehun and found out thru Shia that Sehun crushes on her too. Bohye enjoys seeing the two struggle to confess, she can't wait till they are together, but worries if Aebi can handle more attention.
Acquaintance |  Shia Oh | Slytherin Year 5 |  Ambitous, Creative, Resourceful, Intimidating | She only knows that Bohye likes the girl and that  her brother. Sehun, has a big crush on her. She decided to actually befriend her thru Bohye after Bohye let slip,that Aebi likes her brother back. Shia wants to find out if she is good enough for her brother or if Bohye just made it up. So far, what she has seen she likes the girl. Despite Aebi being a bit awkward with Shia, the girl suddenly decided to talk to her, she can't help but find her nice. It might be because of her interactions with Bohye, but who is she to judge a book by its cover, right? They have friendly conversations and discuss the assigned homework.. They are getting to know each other and open up bit by bit. Shia can't help but notice how she gets pranked by jealous students but is surprised by her tolerance. She and Bohye ship her brother with her and will take matters into her own hands if the two don't confess soon. She now thinks if her brother is good enough for the sweet girl.
house + year: Ravenclaw  Year 5
wand: 11 2/3, Oak, Veela Hair, Unyielding.
11 2/3: Has a strong personality. Is not easily overshadowed and will not overshadow others beneath her.
Oak: a white  wood with a hazel glaze and finish. It represents wisdom, endurance, protection, and authority. Wands made of oak are very loyal towards their owner and hard to change alliances.
Veela hair: Eventhough Ollivander mentioned the stop of  use of Veela hair in his wands it didn't mean he didn't make any.  One of the few he did craft is in this young witch's hands. This core is known for being temperamental, which makes it and it's master slightly unpredictable, but very powerful. They appreciate beauty and elegance and will use their magic to bring that out of things or people.
Unyielding: The wand will be loyal to its master and to its master only. 

patronus: Wolf: it can be on its own, but is stronger when in a pack. Courageous, loyal, and friendly with those it trust. When encountering a stranger or obstacle it won't hesitate to protect itself, not because he is selfish, but because he knows he can aid his comrades longer.

boggart: Clowns: Terrified after watching a scary movie with her older brother, sister and cousin. They said it would be fun, but it was fun for them, not for her. She can't really stand the sight of a clown.

animagus: N/A

other: Metamorphmagus: hereditary, from fathers side of the family. Her older siblings also share this trait. Having her dad also be a Metamorphmagus , allowed for her to be able to control her a biliary at a young age. The only thing she still can't control though, is her eye color changes, worts case eyes shape, when her emotions get out of hand. Other than her family, only her friends know about it. 

schoolPOSITION: Ravenclaw seeker. The only people who knew of her quidditch ability were her family, that includes her cousin. It wasn't until the summer after her first year in Hogwarts, that her friends also find out. She can fly wonderfully and has a natural talent for seeking. After much persuasion by her friend Mark, the Racenclaw star chaser, he convinced her to try out third year, as the team was in need of a seeker. With encouragement from her other friends and family she gave it a shot. Mark, recently assinged captain, along with the rest of the team, and other house spectators where left baffled by the quickness of her locating and catching the snitch. She was quickly welcomed and congratulated into the team. Word quickly spread that the hidden gem of Ravenclaw was a also a hidden athlete.
love interest: Oh Sehun
    back-up love interest
birthday & age & year: Febuary 14, 1999/ 16/ year 5
house: Gryffindor
personality: Egotistical, fun loving, ambitous, shy, mischievous, sincere, manipulative, considerate. Being the twin of one of Slytherin's popular girls, has its benefits is what one would think. Sure he does share some of the same qualities his sister, but thats no reason to judge him as being just like his sister. It is upsetting, but at this point he doesn't give a crap what you think of him. what you should worry about is not to fall intto one of his pranks. he enjoys using his handsome face and popularity to convince others to do his biding. Anything from the smallest thing as giving him your quill to as big as luring you out after hours for a secret randevouz and beign hex to have warts and boils on your face. Well thats if your on his bad side or he just doesn't like you. But if he enjoys your company and are his close friend, he might dote on you a bit. if he sees you struggle or out of it, he'll try to help and distract you, in his way of course. And who knows you might be able to see just how shy he is, that is if he doesnt mess with your hair first.

how you meet/met:
"Good morning class."
"Good morning Professor Slughorn." The class of third years chorused.
"Well, liked I mentioned yesterday, today we shall put into practice the optioned we discussed. So now if you please, pair up and begin setting up your cauldrons. I'll pass out the ingredients shortly." Unfortunately for you, your friends had already paired up. It seems they had planned to leave me alone.
You turn around and notice a girl looking around as well, seems her friends left her out too.
You takes steps towards her and tap her shoulder, she turns around. Wow... she's kind of a pretty  Ravenclaw.
"D-Do you need a partner?" I can hear my friends snickering at my embarrassment.
She looks shocked, I begin to worry, but then she smiles and lightly nods her head.
"Sure, it beats being alone."
I can't help let my right end of my lip go up. We sit and prepare our things, the ingredients appear before us inside viles. Each a different vibrant color and unique smell.
"Ladies and gentlemen, please remember to mix them in in order and take notes of the differ stages. Each potion will come out different depending on who mixes what in. Good luck, you have all class period for this."
"You take notes and I'll mix these in." I announce to the girl, who's name I did not bother to ask, she just nodded her head and took out her parchment paper and quill ready to take notes.
This potion required seven ingredients and the order was important due to possibility of explosions. Everything was good until I was about to mix in ingredient number five, , was it purple or red next?
I began to reach for the red vile when I feel a warmth around my hand. A slightly smaller hand stopped me, it felt right for some reason.
"Wrong, Sehun-shi. You were right before, it's the red one then, purple, and yellow last." She let go and lightly giggled, a small smile remained on her face. I couldn't help but stare, her voice and laugh sounded lovely for some reason.
"You nearly made us explode, don't be shy to ask for help. I won't tell your friends that the Sehun asked a girl for help."
I felt my self blush, though no one will notice it, as I tried to get back and focus."U-umm...r-right. Thanks. Uh...red is next right?"  
She looked up from her notes, slightly surprised, "Y-yes, be careful the potion might splash."
"Okay." I smiled her way and she looked shocked.
Class ended without any mishaps, everyone began to pack up, but I needed to know my partners name before Slughorn excused us. She got up, ready to walk towards her frinds, and I reached for her hand, again the contact felt good.
"U-ummm, thanks for pairing up with me. I'm Se-"
"Sehun. I know, I'd be stupid not to know one of Gryffindor's IT boys." She smiled, "I'm Gabriella or Aebi, take your pick." She shook my hand, that had been holding her hand.
"Ummm...can I have my hand back?" I let go quickly, feeling sad at the loss of contact.
"Well, nice meeting you. I'll be seeing you around, don't be a stranger." She smiled and turned leaving with her friends.
"I won't. " I whispered and promised to myself.

Aebi rushed to the courtyard wanting to read the letter from her dad. She stopped when she crashed into something sorta hard, warm, and tall.
"Sorry, I wasn't l-looking." She stammered and slightly blushed as she came face to face to the handsome figure of Oh Sehun.
"How can a seeker, not know what's in front of her." He teased. Her blush disappeared and a slight disappointment took over.
"Right, I'll work on that." She gave a disheartened smile, "I'll see you later, Hun. Gotta read my letter before the sender gets impatient." You say as you try to go by.
He blocks your path matching her movement from side to side and laughs. Aebi pouts and furrow her eyebrows. He ruffles her hair, "Patience Aebi. Just wanted to mess with you. I just love your reactions."
"Babo." She says as she finally makes her way around him, with a fast beating heart and blush on her face.
Yeah, but a babo for you. Ever since that potions class, I can't help but feel attracted to you. Why can't I just ask you up front, Shia's right. I'm too much into you, I don't want to ruin what little we have.

relationship: friends, with a mutual attraction that are both surprisingly shy to confess.
love rival: JB Jaebum Im
    back-up love rival: Mark Tuan

birthday & age & year: January 6, 1999/ 16/ year 5
house: Gryffindor
personality: A chic, silly, responsible, confident, charming dork. He tends to be the leader in a group, especially in his group of friends. He's in the gryffindor quidditch team as a chaser and makes great effort to not let his team down. 
 He takes great takes great care of his friends and helps when and if he can. He seems to be able know when a broomstick flight is needed to clear worries  or when someone needs a listening ear or shoulder to lean on. Injustice and lies are what push his buttons, and when he is mad stay away from his deadly glare. He wont hurt the person, but will glare until they are out of sight. If there is something he is interested in he will not hesitate to dive in. If he has to fight for it he is willing to give it his all, even if it means losing. At least he tried, right?

how you meet/met:
"Ok, class. Pair up for this new charm excercise." said the Proffesor.
"Umm...proffesor? I don't have a partner."
"Your in luck, Mr. Im. Looks like Miss Davis, also has no partner. Am I correct Miss Davis?"
"Uh...yes Proffesor."
"Great, now quickly sit together. Remember class to enunciate."
The two two years silently sat together, "Umm...Hi, Im Gabriella, but you can call me Aebi."
"Yeah, your Korean right? So call me by my Korean name when alone and Gabby when the others are around. Call?"
"Call. Im J-"  
"JB, I know. Your a friend of Mark, he always mentions you."
"Oh. Umm...lets get this over with shall we, Aebi?" He gives a smile. She's kindda cute.
"I thought you'd never ask" she smiles back. This is going to be interesting.

"DuBu!" Sang JB as he made his way towards the girl sitting with her friend out in the courtyard.
"Hohho...lover boy is coming. I'll leave you two alone." Snickered Chloe.
"We're just friends, duffus. Go, or you won't see Jackson walking out." Chloe sticks her tongue out and walks away.
"Bye Chloe!" he shouts at the retreating girl. "Is she going to look at Jackson some more?" He ask as he sits.
"Yeah, how was practice?" Leaning her head on his shoulder.
"Good, the team looks good this year. The seeker needs a bit more practice with his broom, but it's good." I was lightly twisting her hair and tickled her face with it. She laughed, her nose sort of  scrunched up and a smile was left.
"You look tired. Everything okay?" And there goes the smile off her face, she sits straight and sighs.
"Is it Bohye?" She shakes her head with a pout, which might I say is adorable.
"Ahhh....did Jackson do something?"
"Nope, last try." She shook her head again.
My thoughts were interrupted by a group of Hufflepuffs gossiping very loudly. "Did you hear what happened to Mina of Slytherin?"
"Oh, you mean the spell that was put on her notebook?"
"Yeah, that two faced witch deserved it if you ask me." "Got that right. She found her self a worthy opponent."
"I heard she looked hilarious screaming and flailing her arms around." Suddenly I heard a little giggle from my right. Aebi was giggling to her self or more like to what she heard.
"So you, charmed the Slytherin wannabes notebook, is that why you looked down?" She looked at me and smiled, nodding her head, allowing me to see her crescent eyes.
"I was worried it didn't work, but it worked perfectly!" She suddenly froze, her ring glowed.
"You gotta letter from your dad, huh?"
She sighs, "No. More like he wants an answer. I guess we'll catch up later then." She gets up quickly and gives me a hug before leaving to the owlry.
How I wish she would hug me longer. Who knew I'd fall for the Ravenclaw seeker, my best friends best girl friend, my charms partner. The girl who is elegant, quiet, smart and in an instant can be unpredictable, ambitious, and mischievous.
When the time comes, I hope you can return my feelings.

relationship:close friends, in which one has feelings for the other. Eventhough he has a feeling the other will not return feelings.
rival: Lee Mina
     back-up rival: Choi Hana
birthday & age & year: April 1, 1999/ 16/ year 5
house: Slytherin
personality: Two-faced, cunning, and vengeful. She dislikes the idea of not getting what she wants. In front of tyhose shse wants attention from she appears innocent and sweet, but to those she sees as a threat or obstacle she treats as trash. Anything like casting a hex to the person chair to burn dowm, to the dinner plates to smash the food on your face. When confronted she uses her sweet smuiiel and cute voice to claim innocence. And ofcourse, it works every time. She goes from popular guy to guy, just wanting attention. Her current aim is to be the most popular girl at Hogwarts. She first has to join the group of Slytherin popular girls, which currently consist of two girls, and get the most popular guy as her guy.
how/why they became rivals:
"Hey! Aebi hold up!" calls Bohye. Aebi turns around and waits for Bohye outside the Transfiguration class with a light smile.
"Whats up?"
"Nothing, just wanted to walk with you." Bohye sticks her tounge out.
"You coming Shia?"
"Sure." Shia smiles and joins the other two girls in a conversation I cant listen to anymore.
      Gabriella DavisAebi Kim. Why? Why is a Ravenclaw like you with the popular girls. That should be me, not you. Mina thinks as she too walks out of Transfiguration. 
     Not only that, but you seem to be close to Kai for some reason. Plus you have th  attention if two other popular and dreamy boys, Sehun and JB. But WHY?
     What do you have that I don't?! I mean, your just a bookworm thats rather athletic. Well your not completly ugly, but your not stunning like me. 
    WHY are YOU getting ALL the attention, while I'M working my OFF to get a simple glance? WHY?!

It's lunch and Bohye asked, more like forced, to eat lunch with Aebi today. She doesn't really mind as the two girls are unexpectedly close, but Aebi still found it a bit awkward around Shia. The said girls sit and the cutlery and food appeared before them. Just as AeBi finished filling her plate, something strange happened.
"Did you really have to go out yesterday? Thanks to you I was almost late for breakfast."
"Please, Aebi.  You know I can't focus if I don't distress."
"Of cou-, what is this?" The food plate in front of her began to rise suddenly along with her goblet. They rose and began to float above her head.
"I got it." Shia waved her wand and the plates went back in place.
"Should I trace who did it?"
"No it's fine. I think I know who tried. I'll take care of it." Aebi, glances towards the other side of the hall, where Mina was standing.
After lunch,"Bohye, can you give this to Mina, she left it in potions class.I meant to give it to her after Transfiguration, but forgot."Handed her Mina's potions notebook.
"Will do, now about tonight. Ca-"
"It's not my turn to help you tonight. Figure out who can. Bye you two!"
"You raised a kitten into a fierce cat, you know."comments Shia. Bohye smirks as she and Shia head into their common room.
"Yah! Mina! My friend said to give this to you."
"A www, thank you so much. You're a dear."Mina uses her sweetest voice.
"Move out of my way. If you please." Bohye pushes past her followed by Shia.
Mina, frowned and puffed her cheeks. Sighing she opened her notebook and was surprised by the pages suddenly flying out of it. She began screaming in the middle of the Slytherin common room. Before they flew back into place a voice rang saying "Two can play in that game. Watch your back." Some Slyhterins were surprised while others, like Bohye and Shia, laughed at her.
Stupid Aebi making me look bad in my house. This won't end like this. I'll be sure of it!
comments/SUGGESTIONS?:Hello! Sorry this took so long, but this was ,y first time working on an app thru my iPad. It felt weird and  uncomfortable. But hey, I finished it. I'm not that great at this , and I wasn't too sure what to put her as. I think I might just let you decide. This is a great concept and I hope you read her with an open mind.
questions?:was this too much? Did you enjoy it? Are there things I should work on? Does she sound too wired or complicated? 
scene requests

— Helping Bohye in and out of school, 
—crying in Kai arms and being spotted by  his girlfriend, doesn't know they're cousins, and Bohye , who does know their relation.
— Shia challenging her to a duel, to prove what Bohye said is true

—A quidditch match were her father comes to watch
— Having an emotion attack

—running into Sehun at the owlry, he quietly stays back to watch her read a letter from her dad.
— Soyou and Gabby helping Chloe confess to Jackson

—a confrontation with Mina infront of the entire student body/ interaction with other characters.



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