I Want Amber's Hair So Bad

I want Amber's hair or Sunny's short hair so bad but black with very little highlights but no one approves or get it that length and just have my hair dresser pick the around the face part. They all say I can't pull it off or I'll look like a boy or I'll look Asian. I just want someone to say go for it if it makes you happy or someone to help me decide. 



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oh my gosh yes! i was in the exact same position as you at the end of last year! i was completely in love with sehun/luhan's short hair/layered bowl cut and i begged my parents for the type of long fringe and shorter around the ears and back. everyone said i wouldn't pull it off since i have hair reaching down half my back and i prided myself on my long, dyed hair. but i finally took the chop and it was a dream come true! short hair is really refreshing :-) i hope you end up cutting your hair, it'll be worth it!